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Allergies are strange

Guest 50million

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Guest 50million

So when I was younger I had asthma, but it went away before I turned 16. Grass always made me a little itchy...but other than that, nothing seemed to be wrong.


Within the last 6 months or so I've been breaking out in hives and had weird skin problems. So I decided to get an allergy test.


I have no stomach problems, so my doctor was like...yeah you're fine. Well I got the test. They stuck a buncha needles in my back and my back got puffy and felt like it was on fire.


Turns out I'm allergic to (in order of sensitivity)

--all grasses

-cat hair and dander

-pine nuts


-soy and soy beans








-brazil nuts




I'm getting tested two more times for other things like wheat, gluten, oysters, other fish and legumes.


Pretty upset. I have to totally change my diet...Anyone ever get RANDOM allergies in your adult life? Anything you're extremely allergic to? Discuss.

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get a second opinion before following this shit.


a friend of mine was told she was allergic to gluten, she changed her diet accordingly (you know, eating the few things that are actually gluten free) and a year later she went in for another exam and they said they fucked up apparently because she isnt allergic.

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So when I was younger I had asthma, but it went away before I turned 16. Grass always made me a little itchy...but other than that, nothing seemed to be wrong.


Within the last 6 months or so I've been breaking out in hives and had weird skin problems. So I decided to get an allergy test.


I have no stomach problems, so my doctor was like...yeah you're fine. Well I got the test. They stuck a buncha needles in my back and my back got puffy and felt like it was on fire.


Turns out I'm allergic to (in order of sensitivity)

--all grasses

-cat hair and dander

-pine nuts


-soy and soy beans








-brazil nuts




I'm getting tested two more times for other things like wheat, gluten, oysters, other fish and legumes.


Pretty upset. I have to totally change my diet...Anyone ever get RANDOM allergies in your adult life? Anything you're extremely allergic to? Discuss.


even foie ?

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Guest 50million

ILB - sometimes you have sensitives only for a short time. Maybe she was for a little bit?




I can still eat duck liver, thanks.

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Guest 50million

how was that?


my boyfie and i are "foodies" and we enjoy eating out from time to time (obviously). But now I'm going to have to be careful - soy and soy oil is in everything

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actually i beat you to it. but alas.


i had the allergy test before.

was allergic to a few types of grasses and a couple trees.


i did allergy injections for a few years and it helped. i still get hayfever symptoms every now and then but not as often nor as severe.


you start off once a week and you gradually increase the spacing to once every 2 weeks and so on. not sure how that would work with food allergies though.

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Mysteriously, my back swells up and hurts when people jam foreign substances on the tips of needles into it all over but I take this as a sign of a healthy immune system and that I should start punching people with lots of needles in the face before they get my shirt off.

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yeah its strange. i have to get re-tested in 5 years for all of this shit.


i wonder if im allergic to weed......


I'm allergic to weed, if i touch my eyes or nose after breaking it up i sneez like a mother fucker and my eyes get swollen/red...but i got no prob smoking it....go figure!

I got allergic to apples around the age of 15 and i just recently tried one while apple picking with my kids and i was good... Always been allergic to cats though!

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Allergic to soup.




I am allergic to April, May, the beginning of June, sometimes September when the brush fires are bad, dirty pets, mold, and walnuts.


50 has seen me in full on allergy attack mode a couple of times. It's a bad scene...my face swells up, the waterworks turn on full blast, I sneeze at least four or five times a minute and my normal sunny disposition goes right out the window.


Claritin usually helps for a month or so until I build up a tolerance to it. Then I just have to ride it out.

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Only thing I'm allergic to is Penecillin.


My son had dairy and egg allergy when he was born but grew out of those by the age of 2.


If you wanna get rid of some allergies try getting pregnant lol, My wife used to have serious hayfever and cat allergies but since she had my son she doesn't have anywhere near a strong reaction to cats or hayfever, she still slightly has them but they have dramatically reduce. Obviously there is no guarantee and it is a serious commitment to getting rid of an allergy!!

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my boyfie and i are "foodies"


Oh jesus :lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyways, I burst out in a horrible case of hives over the summer which I thought was poison ivy and since my lips were swelling I was convinced I was gunna have my airway close up and die. I went to the hospital and got an $1,100 shot which made me feel better, but never figured out what caused it

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Emergency rooms when you don't have insurance are absolutely insane


In RI you can't be sued for medical bills though, so they can fuck off and ruin my credit for all I care


Edit: I do have a form around here somewhere I still need to fill out which could get the bill taken care of, but I'm lazy haha

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damn that is crazy, obviously I know you guys pay for your treatment, I didn't know you pay through the nose for it!!


I worked at a private health insurance company here and there are proper medical procedures that cost less than that!! How much does insurance cost you guys?

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