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what is the craziest thing you've witnessed?


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Oh yeah working at an airport there are 3 things that will always be stuck with me .


9/11..probably the most chaotic day in my life . We were screaming , crying , we felt lost . I've never seen so much fear & panic at one given time . A lot of CLE employees saw Flight 93 do it's huge gradual u-turn in the sky above Cleveland , as it was the only plane in the sky at the time . We also heard but could not see the sound of a military jet , most likely an F-15 , that was seen in a neighborhood about 7 miles away by a co-worker with the day off . I never want to go through a day like that as long as I live .


An EMB-170 ( Embraer ) Shuttle America flying for Delta that landed on the short runway ( 28L ) in the middle of a fucking blizzard . It went off the runway , through the grass , and through a fence that thankfully stopped before it hit a main road by a mere 20 ft. No one was hurt that badly . Me and another guy had to dump our large hangar , as they dug the aircraft out of the snow and had it transported to our main hangar for the NTSB & FAA to investigate...what a long ass 18 hour day that turned-out to be for me .







They ended up replacing 45% of the plane Tail # 862RW inside our hangar and it's back in service . I remember I had to fuel it for it's first test flight , and was nervous as hell hoping it wouldn't crash..lol .


And I was working 2nd Shift OT when an America West A-319 took off from CLE to PHX and lost the #1 engine on takeoff , a 30ft. flame shot out the back of it . I know it was built to do a takeoff with one engine but the fucker barely got off the ground and circled low over a few neighborhoods and circled Lake Erie to burn some fuel . That A-319 does not have the ability to jettison fuel in case of an emergency . Those passengers must've been shitting their pants for sure . It finally landed about 45mins to an hour later with everyone safe . I wasn't allowed to take pictures of it , but the #1 engine was missing some fan blades and was completely scorched black .

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The year after I graduated highschool. Lots of partying and at the end of the week came home only to drive by the scene of my friende sence 7th grade being shoot in the back by APD's finest idiot. Later she said he had gottin her parteners gun and was just trying to save him when in fact D had no wepon at all. He was mexican and was only 5' 6" and wayed 135lb.

In short saw my friende face down in a puddle of his blood. RIP Lil Rocha

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Good story/pics CELT, I've always wanted to work at an airport for several reasons.


1. IMO the airport is the best place to pick up chicks.


2. You never know what you will see. The airport is bananas 24hrs a day.


3. Fly for free.

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Reading a few pages back reminded me.


The very first time I ever spent the night at my ex girlfriends house I walked out the next day to see some pretty gnarly shit. She lived on the 25th floor of a high rise in our downtown area. When i woke up the next day I walked downstairs hit the corner and not 10 feet away from me was a dead body with pink brains splattered all over the street. Apparently not 60 seconds before I hit the corner to head to my car dude had jumped off the 16th floor and committed suicide. Pretty nasty shit.

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I found out recently that my grade school teacher (k-6, I went to a private school :P) who was also my pastor for over ten years was smoking crystal the entire time. He had a pentecostal approach to his sermons, and I always figured he was filled with the holy ghost! lol, But I guess it turns out he was a tweaker..


that shi rocked my world initially, but now I find it comical.


also i aint a theist anymore, don't worry

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I was in a taxi with my ex at about 2am heading home and all of a sudden theres a massive thud and this man 'ragdolls' a doube side flip about 20 foot into the air and his crowd of friends start screaming, my girl comes off the sit and hits the deck (big open london cab) and didnt see shit, anyway this dude just gets up running round like a headless chicken shocked and i got out to see if he was ok when his mates just start going mad and smashing up the taxi, the taxi just pulled off and i managed to jump into the sliding door and he was shaking and shit and took us home and i gave him my number incase he needed a witness as the guy had stumbld into the road.


Never heard from him but i can still picture the guy star shaped about 15 foot up in the night sky and the way his body hit the floor like a sack of shit.


Pretty nuts that he was seemingly ok but i dunno what happend after.

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oh yea..9/11 forgot abt that...first few days of freshman year in a highschool a few blocks away from the towers...lights flickerd and the building shook as it happend...kids were crying scared shitless..,.we were toldto head in the opposite direction towards uptown....with no general idea of wtf to do.subways closed..no way to get home,.massive exodus....saw a huge cloud of smoke consume lower manhattan...our school shut down for a few months for decontamination...and i think theres a report on some longterm lung bullshit that might affect us...loooked too surreal for me to grasp teh situaton..

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one time, my boy froze a cockroach an brought him back to life!

the only thing he said about it was that the roach was never dead......




my friend an i heard a racoon and his cat fighting outside one night..

we walked out and after some searching, found his cats bloody body mess..

about five feet away was it's head.. was a pretty gnarly sight for being like 7....

prob not the illest shit i've seen, but was the first thing that came to mind...

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Damn that's fucked up. I remember seeing the news footage live before leaving for 1st grade. Also, I saw live footage of the Columbia shuttle breaking up. My teacher's niece was one of the astronauts on board.


i coulda swore i was in elementary school when that happened.. wait, that was the challenger

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Yeah...I was in 4th Grade and watched the Challenger blow-up live on takeoff...and I was at the bar a few years ago when the Columbia broke-up live over Texas on re-entry . Pretty weird to think about it .

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young cats.. this is crazy, some of you are closer to my sons age than mine. the first time i'm unfortunate enough to catch him beating it, i'ma be cool enough to log him on here (maybe). i wonder if there's any other father/son teams in here? thats still a few years from now though anyway, he's a 5th grader

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