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what is the craziest thing you've witnessed?


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I was with my family at a local park a few summers ago celebrating my great grandmas birthday.

There was another party going on straight across from all of us on the other side of the park, huge mexican family, bunch of em singing and dancing. you know how it is

We hear a bunch of fireworks going off in the distance but kinda blow it off

Then we hear this lady screaming from the mexican party

It cut through the air n left everyone silent

Her 10 year old son got shot in the back of the head. It was a ricochet bullet from some drive by down the street. Which was weird cuz that kinda stuff never happened around there.

Parents were grabbing up their kids all across the park

All i could see at the mexican family was the mother holding her son and crying uncontrollably while people were holding bloody towels around the boys head.

Crazy thing was in the newspaper the next day the mother said just before the shots were heard her son had asked her to switch seats with him.

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i was stuck in traffic when i see some guy on a crotch rocket speeding down the side of the road when this car pulls out and crotch rocket dude goes flying headfirst into a fire hydrant. dudes brains were all over the sidewalk.


reminds me.


we were chillin outside the tattoo shop and this motorcycle FLY'S by.

a few seconds later quite a few squad cars follow.


he made it up the the next light when a truck pulled out.

he laid the bike down, slid with it into the curb and hit tires first-ish.

which made the bike immediately fling him into the pole on the corner of the street, removing his arm.

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Nothing overly crazy but..

I've seen a guy dying on the floor, his face was grey and swollen, convulsions and all.. There were a few people around him screaming for ambulances so 3 rocked up and 1 cop car.



That reminds me, in Cuba last year about 2 minutes after my girlfriend received that very drink the waiter who gave it to her began to walk back to the kitchen or bar area, and he had some kind of seizure and fell face first onto the big open BBQ grill. The Chef cooking it had his back to the whole thing and didn't realise until people started screaming.


The dude had was having convulsion on the grill and burning the fuck out of his face and hands. They ain't got no amberlamps in Cuba so they had to pick him up and run him to the clinic.


Less than 2 minutes later they cleaned the grill and kept serving food.


I didn't eat.

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seen two dudes street racing doing like 80 90 in a 35 and this old lady steps out of her car and just gets launched she did like three flips in the air and her leg came off at the hip.


I once found a sweatshirt on the tracks completely soaked with blood. it was still like dripping when we poked it with a stick. inside the front pocket was something's organs. that shit scared the fuck out of me.

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^ thats brutal.


I didn't witness this but still didn't like hearing it.

i was at a train station by my self and as you do, you eves drop on someone else's conversation. anyway I heard this girl sort of distressed but not crying just confused talking to some freak metalolcalispse redneck about how her dad has been sleeping with her sister and she didn't know what to do? the metal dude just said ''don't worrie about it as long as he don't do it to you then nothings wrong''...then they changed subject and i couldn't go up to them and be like ''did you just say "x" cuz if so you should do this'' i wanted to beat up the jerk and take the girl to a cop station but why would she trust me.


i really found the situation fucked up, i didn't know what to do... so i said nothing, then started over thinking about it... still kinda messes me up knowing that there's some fritzel freak down the road from my friends place and i can't do nothing about it





isn't it great being able to get these things off your chest to people you'll probably never met

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this ones pretty fucking funny. i once sat next to a deaf interracial couple fighting on the train. they were making all kinds of ridiculous hand motions and talking like their underwater. the girl starts crying and really flipping the fuck out. that shit had me rollin


fuck the deaf

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i found my uncle dead in his house when i was 12.. had to crawl in through the kitchen table cuz he wasnt opening the door....he was halfway slumped off the couch face-down in the cushion.. ("Ohh thats why") beer on the table.. body all swollen n veins popping out... SMHSMHSMHSMH


needless to say.. one of the most scarring images ive EVER and probably hope to ever see.. :(

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I worked as an EMT in Cleveland before my son was born and a few years after . Suicides , Motor Vehicle Accidents , Burns , Decapitations , Gunshot Wounds , Motorcycle Fatalities , Drug Overdoses , Spousal & Child Abuse...the list goes on . It's been a few years now and the shit still haunts me every now & then .


I've also seen the gnarliest shit being a skater for over the past 20 years . Bum fights with " Nigger Knifes " a.k.a. broken bottles , Transvestites punching the shit out of each other and throwing shoes in the middle of traffic , junkies against a building out cold with a syringe in their arms and no one giving them a second look . I remember seeing stolen cars torched right after they were stripped of all the good shit in them , and some of them exploding after the fire found it's way to the fuel line & gas tank . A guy getting hit by an Amtrak Train that was going about 60-70mph at night...we saw 3 fingers , a piece of his torso and the hat he was wearing , he fucking exploded . A girl taking an Easton aluminum bat to her boyfriend's face , and knocking out all or most of his teeth and his nose was pancaked . A kid catching himself on fire at Skatopia , that he had to knock down to roll him out to stop burning..he had some pretty gnarly 2nd Degree Burns for sure . A hillbilly driving around on his Quad , just outside of Skatopia property , selling blocks of plastic explosives for $100 a piece .

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was at a party in my own town, confrontation among gang fellas happened. A few dudes got kicked out for being loud and actin crazy, or maybe their was gang beef, I dont know.. but anyway, as they were leaving, they popped off like 3 shots through the chain link, randomly into the crowd of the party..


anyway, a kinda overweight mexican chick got shot in the throat, but luckily my homie's brother (who a lot of people thought was like a nazi, he has a shaved head) was in town and at that party, and happened to be a marine, and knew what to do.. He ended up using his belt and a t shirt i think too counter the blood flow until the ambulance got there, and she lived..


CRAZY shit though, hearing 3 shots with a moment of time in between each shot, and then a girl maybe 8 feet from you ends up getting shot in the throat O_O



<-- lucky he didn't get shot

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IUP homecoming 1998.. dude at the party under us gets thrown out the window.. 1/2 an hour later their door gets kicked in and everyone got fucked up. when the commotions over, we're looking in the door and some kid's in the big screen. shit was hilarious

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Saw a head on collision this afternoon on the way to a funeral. I stopped and the passengers ok just banged up, no major bleeding or neck/back injuries. Their cars however were fucking toast. One of them was checking her gps and drifted across lanes going about 35. They were only twenty feet ahead of me when the collided, that could have been much worse

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saw a kid riding a train jump off the trestle into the river. he got mad pussy for doing that, even though it was high tide and the gap from the train to the water was only like 15 feet.


saw some drunk fall off the front of a boat when hitting the waves, it looked like he got swept under the boat but i dont think he got hit by the props.


saw a guy try to gaff a bigass fucking fish, something went wrong and he ended up over board with whatever it was he had just impaled with a fucking harpoon. we flipped the cb to the emergency frequency but didnt hear anything other then the mandatory man overboard alert so i guess hes okay.

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Go next weekend . It's still crazy , but I doubt no more people shooting 30rd. magazines in full-auto outside your tent . Still you might get the random 100 shot Saturn Missile or a roman candle lit & thrown into your tent . I was one of few people that had small luggage locks on the zippers inside of my tent .



Science Fair skating naked is ridiculous , especially when he skates Dennis Busenitz speed and does Chris Miller high airs .



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^ thats brutal.


I didn't witness this but still didn't like hearing it.

i was at a train station by my self and as you do, you eves drop on someone else's conversation. anyway I heard this girl sort of distressed but not crying just confused talking to some freak metalolcalispse redneck about how her dad has been sleeping with her sister and she didn't know what to do? the metal dude just said ''don't worrie about it as long as he don't do it to you then nothings wrong''...then they changed subject and i couldn't go up to them and be like ''did you just say "x" cuz if so you should do this'' i wanted to beat up the jerk and take the girl to a cop station but why would she trust me.


i really found the situation fucked up, i didn't know what to do... so i said nothing, then started over thinking about it... still kinda messes me up knowing that there's some fritzel freak down the road from my friends place and i can't do nothing about it





isn't it great being able to get these things off your chest to people you'll probably never met


follow that chick home next time and post his address all over the internet

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was at a party in my own town, confrontation among gang fellas happened. A few dudes got kicked out for being loud and actin crazy, or maybe their was gang beef, I dont know.. but anyway, as they were leaving, they popped off like 3 shots through the chain link, randomly into the crowd of the party..


anyway, a kinda overweight mexican chick got shot in the throat, but luckily my homie's brother (who a lot of people thought was like a nazi, he has a shaved head) was in town and at that party, and happened to be a marine, and knew what to do.. He ended up using his belt and a t shirt i think too counter the blood flow until the ambulance got there, and she lived..


CRAZY shit though, hearing 3 shots with a moment of time in between each shot, and then a girl maybe 8 feet from you ends up getting shot in the throat O_O



<-- lucky he didn't get shot





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Now I don't know if it was because I had pulled a 12 hour night shift from 7-7 yesterday, but a friend and I were working on my car all day in the summer heat. Thankfully in the shade of a tree, except we were doing a little more involved work than your average 'shade tree mechanic', being that I used to be an auto tech (how I met my boy) and he still is, and can weld and all that good fabrication type shit. So anyway, we get the job done and I head home and had been up about 24 hours at this point. Drove just fine but whilst driving through a main road that connects his city to my town I look over into a yard on the right side and there is blue mid 90's Ford Mustang, driver door open. Standing at the door was an attractive tall middle aged white woman full on making out with an attractive, tall younger black woman. Both of them wearing what looked like really nice or semi formal dresses. The white one was all out groping the black one's ass and going tongue down the throat on her while I drove by and caught a glimpse at 35 mph. Just thought Id share.

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