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Undercover Cops

you snooze you looze

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while waiting for the streetcar at a busy intersection this summer, an old & balding fat dude with a baby-blue polo shirt was giving my friend & i a hard stare /nh i thought, "nah, cant be", but after about 2 seconds of observation, we saw his walkie talkie wire all coiled up, like his tail


he was all laaiid back & failing at being casual before his walkie went off, making a retardedly obvious sound in front of everyone waiting for the streetcar

a bunch of people including us started laughing & his face went red as raw pork before he fell back, probably squealing "abort mission! abort mission!" all serious-like


i guess his game was slippin after all these years


tonights the night i get in some shit

deep cover on the incognito tip

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I know a kid that works for teh county as an IT tech. He fixes computers all

over the county complex.

So basically the way he put it to me is after working there for several years

he still doesnt kno who is undercover. He sees random dirtbags kicking around

that he suspects to be undercover but really has no clue. They do their best

to fly under the radar and remain annonymous. I suppose this makes enough


If you sit in courtrooms it stands to reason you would be able to learn who

is who. They show up at court cases as witness for the prosecution

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Without going over the thread again I am having a hard time seeing why anyone is taking issue with Drue on the distinction. Even Wikipedia knows this shit.


Plainclothes law enforcement


Undercover agents should not be confused with law enforcement agents who wear plainclothes. This method is used by police and intelligence agencies. To wear plainclothes is to wear "ordinary clothes", instead of wearing a uniform typically associated with the occupation, in order to avoid detection or identification as a member of law enforcement. Plainclothes police officers typically carry normal police equipment and identification. Police detectives are often assigned to wear plainclothes instead of the uniform typically worn by their peers. The principal difference is that undercover agents will often work under an assumed identity whereas plainclothes police will normally use their own identity.



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"Plain clothes" cops are dressed in plain clothes because they're trying to be undercover.

Just because they're not wearing a wire and chillin with drug dealers trying to build a case, doesn't mean that they're not "under cover" trying to catch whoever they can slippin.

Otherwise they'd be wearing their fucking uniforms and driving around in squad cars.


The dudes you're talking about just happen to be better at being "under cover" than the dudes you see walking around in sports jerseys and mullets.



No you are wrong, he is right with what he is saying. An "undercover" does different things to a plain clothes police officer.

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Without going over the thread again I am having a hard time seeing why anyone is taking issue with Drue on the distinction.




Because the whole point of wearing "plain clothes" is to be under cover.

It's supposed to be a disguise. To trick you into thinking that they're not cops, so that you'll act like you normally do around them and they can catch you slipping.

Hense why everybody who isn't a fucking retard calls them "undercovers". :dunce:

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No you are wrong, he is right with what he is saying. An "undercover" does different things to a plain clothes police officer.


yeah different things like not wearing a uniform and not driving a squad car.. but everything else is pretty much the same. they will arrest you the same way, take you to jail the same way, and piss on your rights the same way.

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Actually the UC cops don't arrest you 90% of the time. They build a case against you until one day, dozens of warrants are served and everybody is fucked.

They are also very careful about your rights, one false move and they can blow two years worth of investigating.

The UC officer him/herself may also be "arrested" to protect their identity too.


DAO, I am not going to argue with your ignorance - I don't have the time or patience. (& you are just doing it for shits n giggles, any toddler with a PHD knows this)

I have three generations of police officers/police legal advisors/lawyers/judges/Feds/politicians in my family tree. :five-o:

I know what I am talking about, you don't.

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