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So I had three guns pulled on me last night.


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Fuck a union.


And I've posted a photo I took of a fastfood chain, that was starting out at $14 an hour. If yall like I can dig it up again.


Even if there really is a fast food chain in some other country that pays 14 of their dollars an hour, the fuck does that have to do with 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

% of everywhere else?

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Even if there really is a fast food chain in some other country that pays 14 of their dollars an hour, the fuck does that have to do with 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

% of everywhere else?


It doesn't but you've been arguing with metronome about this. I just posted a picture from where he from. So yes he couldve been making that at mcdonalds.

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Iloceboxcars is a apartment handyman :lol:





Even if there really is a fast food chain in some other country that pays 14 of their dollars an hour, the fuck does that have to do with 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

% of everywhere else?

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It doesn't but you've been arguing with metronome about this. I just posted a picture from where he from. So yes he couldve been making that at mcdonalds.


1.) He's the one fronting on niggas like $14.00 an hour is some minimum wage shit.

2.) He comes off as some trustfund kid who never worked a day in his life, and is frontin on the internet like he's ballin.

3.) He's a fucking faggot.

4.) I seriously doubt that McDonalds pays $14.00 an hour to anybody anywhere in any part of the world.

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Nigga lives in Canada.


And it's fucking McDonalds we're talking about.

Just because they're ripping niggas off for Big Macs in Switzerland, doesn't mean that they're starting their employees out at anything more than whatever the Swiss minimum wage is.


And regardless, that shit has nothing to do with Metrofag from Canuckida knocking on niggas in the US making $14.00 an hour.

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5/HR IS below federal and state minimum

But I will get tips

however, tips vary greatly day by day, and the percentage of house tip take I get is decided by the servers, not by the managers, not by law.

meaning some days I will actually earn 10/hr, some days only 6 or 7.




If you are a business there are ways to get around minimum wage.

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$14/hour is damn good.


I was making $12/hr this summer and I felt like the fucking man when I got my paycheck. Then again I don't spend a lot either... I worked 56-60 hours/week this summer (2 jobs, the other at minumum wage.. I think MD's is 7.50 or 8). It really sucked though... I was pretty miserable.


At that rate I probably could have pulled myself out of substantial debt and bought a car (lookin back I should have).


Honestly whoever said that blue-collar jobs with skills (trades) will do well is on point. The US is a giant service economy, and office jobs can only go so far. Business schools were teaching kids to aim for "green" jobs; that is, jobs consulting on how to reduce carbon footprints and all that Al Gore bullshit. After the economy melted those jobs evaporated and all of a sudden... whoops. fucked.


Blue collar jobs are the most stable jobs you can have.



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My dad has been a union boiler maker for the past 35 years at the same shop. I remember some pretty not so stable times for him in the eighties.


I had what I thought was a super stable job until I lost it and could not find work in my profession at all.

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the mcdonalds near my old house hired starting at $11/hr



i just remember it from going to the drive thru high all the time at 2 am. fast food sounds good right about now


You're so full of shit.


Only someone with a masters degree and 39 years on the job makes more than $11 an hour.



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the mcdonalds near my old house hired starting at $11/hr



i just remember it from going to the drive thru high all the time at 2 am. fast food sounds good right about now




For management, or for flipping burgers?


You were probably so high that you thought the bitch handing you your Big Mac meal was making that shit.

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