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getting maced


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I would bet you and I were quite possibly maced by the same people, right? Haha


Well, really it was HATER. who got maced but I caught alot of it since I was right next to him. He then proceeded to crack the kids skull open, even blinded...it was awesome


I was screaming like a bitch for awhile after, that shit fuckin burned haha

same posse but not one you guys delt with, either way bitch, it was a two on one and they still were not having it. haha


and yea that gel shit i mentioned earlier is the truth... fuck some sticky ass orange die that burns you and chokes you out...

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Guest 50million
my boys girl took some random bitches jacket, just some asian bitch, and she had mace, a knife and a pack of reds. Hardcore asian bitch. We still have the mace, saving it for some good use.


and an interesting trick i have found out by mistake




Ever been to a party that just sucks ass and is full of faggotry? Planning on leaving said party but feel like a retard for showing up anyway? Here is your way to get revenge. YOu need to rely on the owner of watever house you are in to have some Jalepenos, if they dont they you should have brought some ahead of time.


Pop the jalepenos in the microwave and set that shit for like 10 minutes. Then leave. That whole fuckin building will be cleared out within an hour. This shit fucks you up. In my boys 3 floor house, the microwave was on the bottom floor and you couldnt stand ANYWHERE on any floor without crying and choking like a mother fuck on this burning gas. My boy threw up twice because he couldnt get out fast enough, trying to get his dog out. We let the whole crib air out for like 2 hours before we could go back inside without getting extreme burning in your eyes throat and nose. This shit fucks you up.


So if you are at a whack party, Throw some jalepenos in the microwave on them and dip. I think after 4 minutes it should start getting really bad, we put it for 8 and it was a fucking mission to go inside and turn the fucker off.




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Seems like writers have a reputation for carrying around shit like mace, tazers, flare guns, box cutters etc..I guess its better than guns.


One time I was looking at my friend's sketchbook at Hubba Hideout, and he neglected to tell me/forgot that he had a pepper spray canister go off in his bag with the book. About ten minutes later I'm laying on the ground screaming that my face is about to fall off so all the messengers there gave me their water bottles to wash my face....someone actually had some alcohol and green soap pads so I was able to get it off fairly quickly. My friend thought it was funny, I did not.


But yeah, that shit immobilized me for a good fifteen minutes and it wasn't even a direct shot.


One dude I know used to walk around with one of these...




Laugh all you want but I guarantee you do NOT want to be on the business end of that thing.

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Sue they ass. Only a weak ass pussy would mace someone. Fight it out and if you cant, then blast them if you have the heat. Only then you have to make it look like self defense.


dark maced me and my homies at scribble last year but it didn't hurt just pissed me of

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That's like saying throat-punching someone is a bitch move.

Or smacking niggas with a brick.

Real life fights don't usually go down by the Queens rules.


I guess macing someone on a one to one, then running from the fight would be a bitch move though.


Doin the same thing a bitch would do is a bitch move

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So it was a bitch move when I smacked a dude twice my size in the forehead with a brick?

how else am I supposed to make up for the size difference between me and a 275 lb black drunk guy?

I always thought it was pretty hardcore, but I guess I went out like a bitch on that one

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Haha yeah...I used to be all about super fair, one on one, absolutely no weapon type fights


Then I realized I'd rather win than be the dude with my head split open on the ground


Don't get me wrong, I still love a nice fair fist fight and actually figuring out who the bigger man is (no homo), but most people don't feel that way

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who fights with mace over graffiti? dude with the bear mace pulled a bitch move hell never live down


that pic of the pig getting a faceful of mace - right click, save



I should've been paying more attention to this thread.

It was a bitch move, but it only added to his rep of being a "crazy" dick head. Dude is huge and if my homie wasn't so nice with his fists he could've pulverized him. I definitly wouldn't box with him, but for some reason being 2X as big isn't good enough. Dudes done a fair amount of time, and is know for pulling semi-automatics out of the trunk. He's a fuckin asshole. Some of his own crew caught over spray, not to mention random by standers. shit went down at a crowded party.

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