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What about it? All you're doing is explainging why you would snitch. Do you think that makes it better?


"I'mma snitch on you BECAUSE you're in the wrong, and I'm not taking the fall"


It still makes you a snitch you dumb muthafucka

This is my last post on this topic because you are obviously too fucking stupid to comprehend what I'm saying.


I'm not a criminal anymore, I don't commit crimes I have nothing to hide. If you do and you're hanging with me and do some stupid shit and you get caught red handed....Your ass is going down for YOUR shit. I've already said this a few times in this thread. So stop thinking up scenarios in your mind to justify your snitch calling.


I'm 32 years old, I enjoy my freedom I enjoy spending time with my wife and my family....I've done enough stupid shit in my lifetime that I will not risk my freedom or my time with them for you or anyone else... If you don't have enough respect for me as a person to own up to your own shit then you weren't much of a friend in the 1st place and you can go fuck yourself or get fucked in prison which ever comes first.

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You're right about what faggot? You said you would snitch on your boy, plain and simple. Everyone on here who's not a piece of shit rat now knows you are.


Don't really know what you're point is besides that


Dude chill ur getting mad over the Internet ....

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anyone who has ever really done dirt or been under a serious investigation knows first thing they do is try and play the "your boy is already talking and he says you blah blah blah"


under the snitch theory these fools are talking about, that is when you snitch..aka get played by the cops like a bitch and front on your friend...


i got the illest jew lawyer, alan lagod.....my man makes felonies turn into misdemeanors just remember what alan says "always always always keep your mouth shut" ..."I know this is going to happen again ralphy....just remember, even if they have you on video, keep your mouth shut don't say a damn thing"

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Its funny how people always go to the rapist/child molestor situation because it's the only one they know SOME people can identify with


Guess what? Even if I did agree with telling the cops in those situations (which I don't. I would let the affected parties know/deal with it myself if I was affected) it still doesn't justify being a snitch in general

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And to all you people quick to call someone a snitch...I seriously doubt any one of you would do a 5 year bid for some dope that wasn't yours or a 25 to life stint for a murder you didn't commit.



If you say you would out of honor for your boy or the no snitch code then you're a fucking moron plain and simple.

See I gave other examples and never brought up rape or child molestation.


You can sit there and play the role of some street loyal down for my boys dude on the internet but...I'm pretty sure if you were put in either one of these situations and you didn't have shit to do with the charges and just happened to be there when the cops rolled up, you'd throw the snitch code out the window and save yourself.

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I hope someone rapes your mother, and after you snitch to the cops instead of handling it like a man he beats the charges




its funny how your getting mad over the internet leave the dude alone let him do him and you do you.

you look silly most of the post are from you




"arguing over pointless things on the internet is like wining the special Olympics in the end your still retarded."

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Wow. Some of you people have been raised wrong. Especially considering you go on a graffiti forum so you must have been involved in pety crime at some point of your life and must know how it all works. It's a pretty simple philosophy. Snitches NEVER win out. You'd lose all your friends and any people that have heard of you are going to come after you for being a snitch. On the other hand if you don't snitch you come out of it looking like a man. If a friend is going to cop charges over some shit you did and he had nothing to do with if you don't face up to the music I consider that borderline being a snitch in itself but thats a whole other story.


Oh yeah and props to dowmagic and peter for being seedbags with the ladies haha.

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This is my last post on this topic because you are obviously too fucking stupid to comprehend what I'm saying.


I'm not a criminal anymore, I don't commit crimes I have nothing to hide. If you do and you're hanging with me and do some stupid shit and you get caught red handed....Your ass is going down for YOUR shit. I've already said this a few times in this thread. So stop thinking up scenarios in your mind to justify your snitch calling.


I'm 32 years old, I enjoy my freedom I enjoy spending time with my wife and my family....I've done enough stupid shit in my lifetime that I will not risk my freedom or my time with them for you or anyone else... If you don't have enough respect for me as a person to own up to your own shit then you weren't much of a friend in the 1st place and you can go fuck yourself or get fucked in prison which ever comes first.


You are a snitch. End of fucking story.


If you're 32, with a family and all- and you're still putting yourself in 'those' types of situations then you fucking earned it.


You don't have enough respect for your own damn-self or your family. Stop hanging out with people who do that type of shit. If I kick it with my boys, they know fucking well that I'm gonna catch tags. They knew that before they even called and made plans. We pull up to a gas pump to refuel and I catch a scribe on the meter... you knew right fucking well that I was gonna get it so shut the fuck up about it. It's pretty fucking simple. You're putting yourself in a precarious situation and that's not my fault. Get it?


Dumbass, not that it matters but you got neg'd.

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that dude is not a snitch, he has morals! rapists and kiddy fiddlers are the lowest of the low, i'd "snitch" on everyone of them, if it ment that they were brought to justice. the fat fuck is gonna get raped in prison. which is what he deserves! the english woman, should not have to fear or suffer the acts of a polish man, she didn't deserve anything. he should die.

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You are a snitch. End of fucking story.


If you're 32, with a family and all- and you're still putting yourself in 'those' types of situations then you fucking earned it.


You don't have enough respect for your own damn-self or your family. Stop hanging out with people who do that type of shit. If I kick it with my boys, they know fucking well that I'm gonna catch tags. They knew that before they even called and made plans. We pull up to a gas pump to refuel and I catch a scribe on the meter... you knew right fucking well that I was gonna get it so shut the fuck up about it. It's pretty fucking simple. You're putting yourself in a precarious situation and that's not my fault. Get it?


Dumbass, not that it matters but you got neg'd.

You're calling me a dumbass and you didn't see the part of my post that said I'm not a criminal and don't commit crimes anymore? :lol: That should have been enough for you to realize that I don't do graffiti anymore either. I've actually received more positive props than I have negative ones for my post in this thread. As of right now the score is 7 posi and 3 nega. Get some reading comprehension in your life and step off your high horse already, retard.
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