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growing up on 12oz

Guest Ginger Bread Man

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

this is not another bi-monthly "12oz isn't what it used to be thread" but i'm going to take it back.



i was reading the Krie thread and started thinking how there are a few people on the site i can think of who grew up on 12oz.


i can add suds, nuke, tease to this list however there are some of us which will reach our bedside and still navigate the oontz.


its a wild sensation to have; e friends around the world although some we will never meet.


i remember back in the pre DAO, COS and about 99% of the current active users, shit was different. 12oz wasn't about shameless self promo, e beef, kanye west tpwf style users. it was really a new way to network, to build and share tecniques as well as terminology from around the globe. these were awesome times.


i wonder how many of the older users <circa 1999> will have an RIP thread? this is to say how many of them will the 12oz know have passed?


many were active writers but perhaps life has taken them in a different direction and are no long in the active oontz list, others simply got fed up with the countless ridiculous unthread worthy news which has been recycled via my yahoo mailbox, cnn, fox news and every other TPWF news source.


im not really sure what this thread is about. <end rant>

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I can relate to what you are trying to say Gingerbread Man, but I think alot of what 12oz has become lately is just another Chan really (but a much cooler one at that). I think that with alot of members on here being no facebook and Myspace and things like that, I am sure that if someone died that it would reach back to this board, as I am sure that people who live close to people on their lists on there would make it apparent that someone died.


And as for terminology, I think that it is still happening alot on here. I think I now know the meaning of "wit wiz" and "jawn" and "TPWF" which I would not have known if it wasn't for CH 0. One thing however is that I dont think that some of the kids on here these days really show other members on here a personality that isn't cut straight from the stereotypical 'internet troll dickhead' persona (ala COS). The other things that unite people are still in some parts of the forum, like the Drawball thing and the JTV threads but they are not as prolific as say the everyday crazy news storys that come up.

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But how many of the older cats on here just automatically shit on new jacks, just because they're new?


At least for me only being on here since 2006, I've got quite a bit out of the site so it's all gravy for me.. I can see how this board would've been super dope back then, but it was also smaller and more manageable as well. Seems like a lot of people don't even try to make anything good happen.. So it goes..


What up GBM..


IRC was good for a minute..

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Morton hit it on the head.


It's not us old guys that do it.


The mid-range on here have developed the hazing ritual on here.


Have I joined in before? ...maybe.


But look at those who made it through.


T4M for example.



If you need me, I'll be resting my old bones in my extreme hammock over there.

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I will say that sometimes the ounce can be pretty fucking cool. I made a thread about some serious shit regarding my custody trial and I got offers of free legal support from three different members and gestures of emotional support from others that in a odd way were really helpful.


The jumping in with a funny picture or a so wrong it is funny remark is what kills it sometimes but I think that has to do with the nature of the interwebs as it is right now. Perhaps there will be some evolution as time goes by.

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But how many of the older cats on here just automatically shit on new jacks, just because they're new?


At least for me only being on here since 2006, I've got quite a bit out of the site so it's all gravy for me.. I can see how this board would've been super dope back then, but it was also smaller and more manageable as well. Seems like a lot of people don't even try to make anything good happen.. So it goes..


What up GBM..


IRC was good for a minute..

This is the truth though. I guess having been on here a similar amount of time as IOU I have only the more recent history to go off of, whereas you (GBM) have been on here over a decade and are making this observation, and were there to see tease sudz etc grow up and whatnot.


In regards to the 'newbie hazing' that goes on, it happens a fair bit, but then you see members who break the mould and post funny shit right off the bat and sometimes they stay and sometimes they don't.

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But how many of the older cats on here just automatically shit on new jacks, just because they're new?


At least for me only being on here since 2006, I've got quite a bit out of the site so it's all gravy for me.. I can see how this board would've been super dope back then, but it was also smaller and more manageable as well. Seems like a lot of people don't even try to make anything good happen.. So it goes..


What up GBM..


IRC was good for a minute..




I missed out on the early years, but Channel Zero was slow and boring as fuck when I first started fucking with 12oz back in 03.

I'll never understand how people actually miss the "good ole days" of Channel Zero.

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joined about 2004-05


on my fourth or fifth scrname


i remember when i was suavefella


i would type in capslock, thinkin i was unique and would get shit for it.


if it wasnt for teh oontz


i wouldnt know about the following


- 'teh', 'wonk saggin', 'meh', 'pwned', /yesornoanything; /nh and many other things.


this site has brought people into my life that may be a half an hr away


or across the pond. but the point is like gbm said,


we have connections that circumnavigate the globe


and if it wasnt from this site, it would be from another.


but we chose this site to connect with those people.


this site has changed alot, not just in format


but now we have cats like dao, cos, boohead, spitfire


whose single goal imo is to disrupt the flow of things


but we stil embrace them(nh) like


that one cousin we see at holiday functions


you know the one whos slighty has teh downs


and shits himself when xmas presents are being opened

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im gonna have to go back and read yalls other long posts but im pretty high right now hah.


i started posting on here in 2001, when i was 15.

i was still in high school when i first chilled with Tease haha

12oz is a strange place for me, i dont post as much as i did a few months ago and before that i was on a pretty long hiatus.

something alwaaaaaaaays brings me back, Alot of the people on here are genuinely good people and i like that

maybe im naive but i feel like Ginger Bread man, this isnt all homo hold hands e friend support group but collectively this is the coolest forums ive hopped on thats why ive stayed.

niggas be in here tryna keep this shit up like theyre documenting history.


im a grown man now hahaha its fuckin weird to go back and read posts... some of that shits embarrassing haha not like impregnating a chick in her mouth embarrassing but you know.

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I was around 29 when I started posting. I used to be a lot more open about what was going on in my day to day on 12 oz but I don't feel comfortable doing that anymore...it's kind of like moving from a small town to a city and having to get used to locking your doors because you don't "know" everyone. I'm grateful for the good times I've had on here and the friends I've made, though.


As far as growing up, I've chilled out considerably but I don't know how much 12 oz had to do with that. One thing I've noticed is that I tend to ignore people at the drop of a hat now whereas I used to argue a lot....life's too short to get wound up, and I should just be honest about who I am and keep it moving.

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