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everyday life tips and tricks


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Guest 50million
- there ain't no such thing as a free breakfast.

- can't soar with eagles when you're chillin with turkeys.

- spend money to make money.


ive had a free breakfast at dennys for some promotion.

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- there ain't no such thing as a free breakfast.

I walked into the buffet at my nearest hotel the other morning and ate till I couldn't breathe, completely unchallenged. Hotels have a lot of opportunities for the opportunist blagger. Free swimming is also usually pretty straight forward. Confidence is the key, that and being dressed like you didn't just walk in off the street, oh, and be carrying something in your hand, like a newspaper or something. Gives you the look of someone who is sauntering down for breakfast from their hotel room which they paid for in full.

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If you are one of the unfortunate few that turns red as a tomato when you drink, eat some TUMS prior to binge drinking.


No one will know you are wasted, until you make a complete ass out of yourself.


no fucking way! vodka always makes my face red as shit and looking like a complete douchebag. thanks

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-excersize. lift weights/run etc. key to great health and adding a bounce to your step.


-Get a fog free shaving mirror for your shower (you can brush your teeth in the shower while your at it.


-eat healthy dont worry about the cost because you'll only end up spending more on the medical bills when your older


-If your losing your hair, rogaine will only slow down the process, but act quick because it wont really regrow it (re-growth will be minimal)


-dont procrastinate your applications by giving people stupid life lessons.

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i found this PDF full of tricks: http://www.freeinfosociety.com/media/pdf/2513.pdf



some good ones from this:


FLAT TIRE: You've got a flat tire on your mountain bike, and you don't have a spare inner tube.


THE QUICK FIX: Create a makeshift inner tube out of leaves and grass. "It sounds absurd, but it really works," says Scott Kaier, a mechanic at Onion River Sports in Montpelier, Vt. "Leave one side of the tire bead hooked on the rim, and cram the opening with as much soft stuff as you can find. Install the other bead, and away you go." At least it will get you home.



A TWO-WEEKEND PAINT JOB: You want to put away your paint-laden rollers and brusheswithout cleaning them.


THE QUICK FIX: Wrap the painting utensils tightly in a plastic bag and stick them in the freezer. Once thawed, they'll be ready to use.

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I head these "Rights cards" were actually useful in police situation such as Being pulled over, Stopped in the streets without saying nothing you can give them the card..You can write it on a paper and cut it out to fit your wallet..


"Officer, if I am under arrest or being detained, please tell me so.


If I am free to go, please tell me so. If I am not free to go, please tell me why.


I wish to exercise all my legal rights including my right to silence and my right to speak to a lawyer before I say anything to you.


I do not consent to be searched. I wish to be released without delay.


Please do not ask me questions, because I will not willingly talk to you until I speak to a lawyer.


Thank you for respecting my rights."

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and if your trying to keep a new broad you just met, don't fuck on the first chance rather wait it lets them know you could of and didn't thus assuring your next visit a success. she couldn't doubt any of your intentions if your not obviously using her physically


Worst advise ever.

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I head these "Rights cards" were actually useful in police situation such as Being pulled over, Stopped in the streets without saying nothing you can give them the card..You can write it on a paper and cut it out to fit your wallet..


"Officer, if I am under arrest or being detained, please tell me so.


If I am free to go, please tell me so. If I am not free to go, please tell me why.


I wish to exercise all my legal rights including my right to silence and my right to speak to a lawyer before I say anything to you.


I do not consent to be searched. I wish to be released without delay.


Please do not ask me questions, because I will not willingly talk to you until I speak to a lawyer.


Thank you for respecting my rights."




try saying that with a straight face,

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