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Just how illegal is this?


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okay so a nonprofit a friend of mine runs is trying to win a contest.

the prize is 23 grand, you win by getting votes on this site.


he contacted me because he knew im semi decent when it comes to computers and asked me if there was anything i could do.


i said yea, i told him i could make fake emails on yopmail.com and vote with fake accounts.


he said if i got the vote count to 500 before the contest ends (it ends in 5 days) i get a laptop (they are upgrading all the computers)


right now theres 2 nonprofits ahead of him, at 309 and 297 votes each. his is at 167 votes. it went from 23 to 167 in a day.


the website is so loose in security that i slap the keyboard for the username, put in something like "1@yopmail.com" put in "@yopmail.com" for the password (i paste it in) and vote and repeat and it doesnt even catch it.



now, since im basically stealing 23000 for them and they are paying me to do it i was wondering just how much trouble i could get in for doing it. i didnt do any voting on my personal computer, i used a computer at their office so i think for the most part im safe.

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nah its good, ive got this under control.


but if they win this (which they will) they get nominated for another contest and depending how many votes and how long.... i might recruit some help (with rewards of ofcourse)

but no, im not going to get fooled into posting incriminating details that easily.

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My first thought is whats my cut not to tip off the contest of your illegal activities... you shouldn't have posted stuff that people can take screenshots of.. and any contest to non profits giving away $23,000 that involves the web can be fairly easy to track down...

So the question is what is my cut?

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damn yall think im fucking retarded?????!?!!?!


the website is the shadiest website ive seen in a LONG time. there isnt even a rules page. its a tinyass scale, theres probly only a thousand people in the world who know about this site. i did some sluething to see who runs the site and its some ex peacecorps member who i guess got a grant and wanted to do something with his life so he started this contest. i wouldnt have done this if there was any risk of me getting in trouble...


i love how you guys automatically assume im mentally retarded the second i ask a question regarding something semi-illegal.

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you aint gettin shit.


how would you even link me to anything at all???


im not the only person who knows of yopmail... and thats the only detail i put in the entire thing...


and i know that for a fact because i lied about every detail, the only facts in there are its a contest, its for non profits and that im helping one win.


the chances of gettin no money is 0, contract bruh

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