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R.I.P. Saber's L.A. river piece..


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So what Los Angeles is saying to it's youth, is that a slab of concrete that the average citizen doesn't even pay attention to is more important than getting a good education or even having a safe place to go to eight hours a day...

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"People that live around and work in that community are proud to be there,"


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


man, that's the most laughable part of it all right there. if you've ever been to the area in and around the LA river--especially around the saber/mta pieces--you'd realize how much of a shit hole that area is. unbelievably filthy. and that's just walking around the nearby area. seeing the saber piece and to an extent the massivness of the mta joint was a diamond in the rough for that area. friends of mine who know extremely little about graff and could really care less had there jaw drops when i showed it to them. and what's funnier is that you really have to go out of your way to see it or be very observative when driving over the bridge. you can't see it from anywhere else in the nearby "community." damn shame. but like everyone else said, i guess 12 years is a long time for anything to run in reality. i wonder how hot the la river will be over the next year.

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Seeing those buffing pictures made me realise how much I'd over exaggerated that pieces size in my head as a 16 year old haha


No dude, they really are that fucking big.

Especially the MTA.

I frist saw the Saber a few weeks ago, then continued up stream to see the MTA.

It took about thirty seconds to pass while i was in a car. (notdrivingslowoner)

But anyway i can't believe they are going to buff all the work on the river.

What a waste of money, but cats in LA do it big so the slate won't be clean for that long..

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You're not clever at all


Do I hear the sound of a nobody hating on a legend? I sure do!!!

No, I'm hating on legal art fags.


Awwwww...someone's sad because they live in Indiana.


I've noticed people from Indiana tend to get tight in the anus area when LA crews get shine...why is that?

You dont know anyone from Indiana.

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No, everyone who loves saber is guy. Like all you internet fags with like 6 trillion posts who just jump on the MSK bandwagon because every hipster and art school friend you have thinks hes sooooooo cool. Fuck saber. Fuck MSK. Fuck his river peice. And Especially fuck all you tough acting- internet hipsters who dont know shit about graff and friends consist of DAO, Glik and Caliwhatever the fuck that guys name is.

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