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Anyone want to fake fight?

earl broclo ESQ

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I used to do this all the time. I grew up in Massachusetts, and as little kid I used to see a ton of these:





We used to see tons of garter snakes as well. Maybe I'm just not a kid anymore and not looking enough, but I NEVER see those things anymore. A friend of mine brought this up to me, and his theory is a decline in population.


I do remember my neighbor, as a child, had about 8 cats. They were all outdoor cats, and constantly bringing things home to play with. One day my friends and I are in the yard playing, and we see one of the cats come prancing through the back yard with a black racer swamp snake in it's mouth. It was carrying it by the neck, and just dropped it in it's owner's driveway. All the other cats came running up, and it was like a gang initiation. The owner came out and scared the snake away but man, as a kid that shit was excitement. The was easily 2 1/2 or 3 feet long.

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Whoa, I hit a button and it posted that prematurely.


This thread is about the dumb shit you did as an active child. Not the TV shows you watched, video games you played, or cards you traded.


Did you like to climb trees and hang from the limbs for as long as you could before dropping and doing all over?


I did.


It's the things you did when your mother said "Get your ass outside now!"



I'm sure everyone played with their GI.Joe's outside. I wish I had photos of the backdrops I made. I used to dig holes, build piles, make buildings out of empty kleenex boxes. I was always fucking myself up as a kid, so I always had tons of scabs. Scab picking was a hobby, but making myself bleed so I could put the blood on my GI.Joe guys was the shit. I'd have swift kick fighting roadblock, he'd get his ass kicked, I'd pick a scap, dip his face in the blood, INSTANT GORE!



So yeah, FUCK POGS.


This thread should be about the creative shit you entertained yourself with.

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Reading through this thread provides me with further evidence proving my claim, Parents nowadays are raising a fairies.



Playing in other people's yards is a no go for my younger brother.


He plays "500" in the street as much as he can until some asshole teenager races down the street or some crotchety old man honks at him. But luckily there is an excess amount of buckshot gravel in the gutters. I didn't even have to tell him to throw it, what a good kid.



This reminds me, Any of you always have that one set of friends you could always rely on to play catch? The kind of dudes that whenever you got home from school were down?


Me and six or seven friends played catch and 500 up almost everday for an entire year during recess. we'd go down the hill to the field at our school when it's be 100% slush in the spring and get detentions because it'd be closed so we weren't all soaked for class. Our principle was a bitch.

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I used to do this all the time. I grew up in Massachusetts, and as little kid I used to see a ton of these:





We used to see tons of garter snakes as well. Maybe I'm just not a kid anymore and not looking enough, but I NEVER see those things anymore. A friend of mine brought this up to me, and his theory is a decline in population.


I do remember my neighbor, as a child, had about 8 cats. They were all outdoor cats, and constantly bringing things home to play with. One day my friends and I are in the yard playing, and we see one of the cats come prancing through the back yard with a black racer swamp snake in it's mouth. It was carrying it by the neck, and just dropped it in it's owner's driveway. All the other cats came running up, and it was like a gang initiation. The owner came out and scared the snake away but man, as a kid that shit was excitement. The was easily 2 1/2 or 3 feet long.


A friend of mine had this his huge property with a Hole the size of a duct tape roll at the very back of it, and it always had snakes in it. Are snake pits a real thing? if so it was a snake pit for sure. We'd jump and stomp on the ground around the hole and 10-15 snakes would come flying out and scatter and we'd chase them around and try to hold as many as we could in one hand, inevitably resulting in us getting bit and having snakes latched onto our hands while we ran away.

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I don't know if it's the same 500 that someone else said, but one person would hit a ball up in the air and yell a number, and then the crowd of kids far away would try and catch the ball, while pushing tripping and shoving eachother to catch it. and whenever somebody accumulated 500 points they were up and bat.


ie "60" *HIT BALL* 10 kids create a mini mosh pit and get bruised and cut, one would catch. repeat until one of us had 500

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I remember finding an old wooden "sawed off shotgun" type looking cap gun in our basement, I still have it too. We used to play Cops and Robbers, Kind of like capture the flag, but we would just do circles around the house. No matter how many times we shot each other we never seemed to die, we would just pull off a dramatic death, then stand back up and start running and fire back haha


Good times!




Picture of said capgun




Shit looked real so my mom didn't let me leave our property with it :lol:


Nice, me and my neighbor and his little brother used to play with the exact same looking gun. They also had a wooden rifle, and two dual hammer pistols. We would fight over who got the rifle, then who got the sawed off shotgun. I always ended up getting the two dual hammer pistols and thought it was weak until I found out you could hold the right hammer down, pull the trigger and release the hammers one at a time. This resulted in everyone wanting the pistols to shoot off 4 rounds like a bad ass without tearing and reloading another sheet of cap gun paper.



Also used to bust out the old super soakers every summer, every year they were more sunfaded and bore more marks of wear and tear but still worked as long as the main tank wasn't cracked, or the pump handle wasn't snapped off. I remember if we had a lot of kids we would either play a game type like a prison escape(kind of like reverse man hunt), where a few main people had super soakers and had to tag the escapees out with water, before they could make their way from my friends house all the way to our local park. Or if it was just me and my neighbors in his backyard we would do the classic, fully pumped everyone shoot straight up in different random directions, then run around like asses trying to dodge the water, or see who could find a spot to stand where they barely got hit by water. Those were some good times combined with the fact that his parents would get pissed off when we hit the house windows and sliding glass door, screaming at us to cut that shit out. Then we would stop and continue about a min later. I remember the days when we were young we could have fun with damn near any toy or natural item outside, and we didn't care what the weather was like we were still active, now myself and most kids just say screw playing outside, using the weather as an excuse.



Props to Lonnie Johnson for inventing the supersoaker


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when i was a kid we used to break off branches and huge limbs off trees and pile them up in the road,, so at the last second the driver either stopped and get out and moved it screaming and yelling, or the person didnt see iit at all, drove over them, and it all got stuck under there car fucking their shit up. after driving 10 yards then finally stpped getting out yelling to no one saying they'll get who did this and so on.we would just sit in the bushes laughing. car drives off, we run out get the the tree limbs.. repeat.


i use to play guns, i had this star wars gun taht made laser noises that i always used. after awhile there was this fat kid greg that always cried becuase his parents didnt let him havea gun, so he always wanted mine. i said no. he cried.

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i grew up in 2 pretty different neighborhoods simultaneously. parents never married. so one was sorta hood, not east new york but low income. the other a nice green working class burb.


in the "hood" we had a game called "billy belt". sorta like hide and seek. everyone (8-12 kids) chill around the corner while another dude hides a belt in the school yard (in a tree, bury it in the dirt,). its sort of a "when you see it youll shit brix" type of game. literally.

the kid who hides the belt goes back to "goo" and tells everyone else to go find the belt. whom ever finds the belt gets to wack anyone below the neck as much as he wants until everyone gets back to the goo or safe zone (dont know what yall called it).


that shit tuffened us up man. sometimes youde be so scared to get wacked with the belt you end up running and falling and the fall enflicted more damage then the belt would.

i nailed this kid in the face once, by accident. the belt made welts on his cheeks and you could see the holes for the buckle clear as day. then he wanted to fight me. i almost broke his nose in the fight after. we were 9-10.

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when i was a kid we used to break off branches and huge limbs off trees and pile them up in the road,, so at the last second the driver either stopped and get out and moved it screaming and yelling, or the person didnt see iit at all, drove over them, and it all got stuck under there car fucking their shit up. after driving 10 yards then finally stpped getting out yelling to no one saying they'll get who did this and so on.we would just sit in the bushes laughing. car drives off, we run out get the the tree limbs.. repeat.


we definetly did this, but in the winter we'd use snow boulders, and create a wall like three feet wide by four feet high, and the cars would either be like fuck it and blow through it, sometimes getting a few tires off the ground, or get out and try and demolish it with their sneakers and jeans or whatever and get pissed that they're cold and drive a different way home.

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Snow Bouldering Ass Niggas!


We used to make snowforts with boulders of snow, and we always filled water bottles and brought them out and put them on our fort thinking "Oh hell yeah, this shit's gonna turn to ice and be indestructable!" but the older kids always came and broke them when we'd leave.


Those were the days

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for like a whole year in middle school we were broken into groups in my english class. whenever the teacher would leave the room all the seperated friends would stand and have all out war across the room with these joints.







You know what else was awesome to fire at people/teachers from the back of the class




Tell me some of you guys used to use these too.


All day.

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In class we would use mechanical pencils to shoot staples at each other. Later we thought it was funny to dip the end of the staple in a glue stick, and shoot all the staples at one person's back so the entire day they would walk around with a load of purple staples sticking on their back and in their hair.




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