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Anyone want to fake fight?

earl broclo ESQ

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i was friends with theese two phillipino brothers and thier dad would get all crazy when they did some stupid shit. and this one time thier dad came home and i wasnt supposed to be in thier house. and he got hella mad. and found the younger of the two brothers, that fool hella punched my hommie in his nads. then me and my other friend just got out of there real quick. cuz we didnt wanna get punched in the sac

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Does this bring back memories for anyone?




Paper wasps nests? For some reason, my backyard would always have at least one of these pop up each summer. Once one of us saw one, it was like a fucking phone chain instantly. "Round everyone up, I found a nest!" We'd all meet up, collect rocks, and then roll up on this thing. We'd just sit there throwing rocks and running like little bitches. I distinctly remember times when we'd hit it hard, a chunk would drop out, and it was mayhem. Serious fucking mayhem. I never ran as fast as I did in those situations.


Now like I said, I have an older brother. He's six years older than me, so when I was 15, he was a 21 year old metalhead landscraper (landscaper). He was also a fucking nut job, and all my friends were scared of him because he was crazy. So one day we're all out back throwing rocks at this nest, and my brother comes home from work. He goes in the house, grabs a bear, and comes out back to see what's going on. "We're trying to kill this nest" we say. He responds with "You guys are fucking pussies." He then picks up a brick, walks across the backyard, stands 6 feet away from the nest and just demolishes it with one throw. Now of course we see him doing this and all let out a nervous "Oh shit" and take distance away from the nest. My brother walks away like nothing happened drinking his beer. He then looks at us laughing and yells "PUSSIES!!!"


I thought my brother was like Kilgore from Apocolypse Now.



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im glad i grew up in the time i did though, i think i was in the last generation of kids who could go out and have fun without electronic stimulation.

i mean we had nintendos and shit but only played them when it was time to go in or a friend was gone.


once again earl, thanks for this thread.

it made me realize how awesome my childhood was.

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i feel old when you guys talk about pokemon and power rangers :huh:



Co-signed. BIG TIME!!


That stuff to me doesn't even sound fun. Where's the imagination in that? When I was 6, I used to sit on my neighbor's fence post and pretend I was riding a horse (Cowboys & Indians). I'd be out there by myself doing that shit. My mother even has a photo of it because she saw me doing it, and thought "what the hell is he doing?"

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i wish for at least one day we could go back to that time and relive all that crazy shit again.


it would be fun to re-enact those games now, expect for now were all adults, were about twenty times stronger and the fights would be more brutal.



12oz recess meetup 2010 anyone???


actually we did some shit like that with hide and seek a few months back only this time with ski masks in the dark and ketamine, we were like 8 year olds the whole night.

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im glad i grew up in the time i did though, i think i was in the last generation of kids who could go out and have fun without electronic stimulation.

i mean we had nintendos and shit but only played them when it was time to go in or a friend was gone.


once again earl, thanks for this thread.

it made me realize how awesome my childhood was.



word co-signing this thanks earl


and the only electronic i had was a ghetto swap meat gameboy


and one game

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I thought my brother was like Kilgore from Apocolypse Now.




also bumping crazy older siblings.


my friends older brother was like that.

total crazy red neck drunk/stoner.

he would always tell us about fucking chicks and crazy shit.

one time he showed us the bloodstain on his mattress from breaking a girl in.

later on he ended up murdering his girlfriend and trying to burn the body.

caught 22 years.

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im glad i grew up in the time i did though, i think i was in the last generation of kids who could go out and have fun without electronic stimulation.


I consider myself lucky as well. I was born in 1975, you do the math. If I wasn't armed with the insane imagination I had as a child I was doomed.


Little kids now? I think they're all going to grow up to be sensitive little pussies. I'm generalizing of course, but it's true. If I ever spawn a kid, and his friends' parents won't allow him to play guns? I'm calling up my crew, and we'll play with him.



I'm dead serious. All you people on here that I know in real life, expect a phone call from me saying "Hey, Earl Jr.'s friends are little twats, let's get drunk and play manhunt with the little shit."



My kid is definitely going to be fucked up.

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also bumping crazy older siblings.


my friends older brother was like that.

total crazy red neck drunk/stoner.

he would always tell us about fucking chicks and crazy shit.

one time he showed us the bloodstain on his mattress from breaking a girl in.

later on he ended up murdering his girlfriend and trying to burn the body.

caught 22 years.


you should visit him in jail and ask him for bbq recipies.

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I never got into video games when i was a kid...i guess thats why i don't play video games now. I was always doing other stuff when i was younger and by the time i got home i was too tired to do anything but flop my filthy ass into bed and sleep.

This thread is sparking nostalgia galore.


Yeah, my brother got an Atari when I was 7. My mother would only allow us to play for an allowed time, before she'd kick our asses out of the house. Even when I was in 5th grade, and got the Nintendo, and later on the Sega Genesis, it was always used on rainy days and at night. I was so into skateboarding back then, that's all I did.

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I consider myself lucky as well. I was born in 1975, you do the math. If I was armed with the insane imagination I had as a child I was doomed.


Little kids now? I think they're all going to grow up to be sensitive little pussies. I'm generalizing of course, but it's true. If I ever spawn a kid, and his friends' parents won't allow him to play guns? I'm calling up my crew, and we'll play with him.



I'm dead serious. All you people on here that I know in real life, expect a phone call from me saying "Hey, Earl Jr.'s friends are little twats, let's get drunk and play manhunt with the little shit."



My kid is definitely going to be fucked up.


oh please believe that i plan on raising my kids to this standard as well.

i refuse to let them be pussies or game nerds.

if they want fun ill give em some fireworks and a six pack of soda to jolt their imaginations.


you should visit him in jail and ask him for bbq recipies.


i havent seen him since then but ive seen pics of him.

he is FUCKING huge, like fucking brock lesnar huge.

but yeah ill bet dude can make foie gras under his bunk.

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i used to playt fight with some kids in the same builidn as me.we would fight with sticks and rocks and shit becuase we were to poor for like supersoakers or whatever.so we just hit eachother with sticks and wrestled in this feild behind the apartment buildings..unfortunately it got to dangerous to play out there because of gangs and shit so we stopped and then i moved away and have since stopped partaking in such shinanigans.those were good days tho.i had alot of fun with those guys.dondi andre and that one chick i forgot what her name was...

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Me and a good friend always built tracks for our bikes through the forests with dirt and log platforms and jumps over the creek that winds back and forth through his property as many times as possible. We also used to play "Struggler Kids" which was some bullshit made up name for being the good guy and shooting guns at the people that weren't there, climbing trees to ambush the people who weren't there, and then saving the girls and them being all "my hero". it was good times.



Also I don't know if anyone this did this, but when we'd be at a swing set, we'd all try and fling our shoes, and the farthest shoe was the winner. That was probably the most fun I'd have a kid. Also ball hockey in the streets.

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Also I don't know if anyone this did this, but when we'd be at a swing set, we'd all try and fling our shoes, and the farthest shoe was the winner. That was probably the most fun I'd have a kid. Also ball hockey in the streets.


we were much less creative when it came to swings.

basically we'd just twist up the swing up till it would be about 5' high and then let it go and watch whoever was in the seat hold on for dear life.


we also would see who could launch the farthest.

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When I was 11 I was dead set on getting a dirt bike so I got a paper route and worked my ass off everyday for a year. And then a little after my 12th birthday (with some help from my mom ...I paid for the majority of it) I got it. We used to beat the shit out of that thing. Hitting jumps all over the place, sand dunes, riding through the woods. And then it got stolen the summer after my 13th birthday when I was on vacation. I was fucking pissed. But we had a lot of fun with motorized vehicles. A couple of weeks ago I went over my friends little cousins house with him and they had this tiny 4 wheeler and it brought back some awesome memories of old times.

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