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Obama to address children?


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Just curious what everyone's thoughts are on the issue of Obama addressing schools on Sept. 8th.


In the Email sent to the schools, it explains that the President will speak to children about Goals, personal responsibilty, etc.


This is the first time in history that the President will be speaking directly to school children.


It will be done live from the White House and be streaming on the website. There is no advance transcript of it at this time.

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When's he gonna get cracking on the economy?


He is workin on it. The failed cash for clunkers program which is now bankrupting some dealerships is one great example. There was a gentleman on the radio today saying that now that the govn wont drop the checks they will not release the title for his car, therefore not able to license his vehicle and drive it legally, and still has to pay for it. I will have to agree that it seems they are intentionally sabotaging the economy rather then fixing it.


Instead of working on all these other programs and stuff, maybe we should focus on what we do have that is already broken.. i.e. social security, medicare, the post office, all of which are going bankrupt.


I would rather see the existing problems fixed or at least an attempt to get them under control before we keep spending money we dont have to add more programs that are doomed to follow the same path that our existing government failures have.

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I think it all depends on the subject matter. As long as he's not trying to brainwash the little bastards, its good PR... and like dude above said, he loves photo-ops. Plus, Obama is so fuckin cool... (like in a clinton, i'm down with the youth kinda way)... so this is a chance for him to plant his seed in the youngn's. so to speak.

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That's what I'm talking about. I've never seen a president do so many photo ops. He's like the opposite of Bush. Smart, suave, smashing debonair. Ok we get it, so how is he dealing with our crippling problems. That's one thing I noticed, during the New Deal, they created jobs instantly and put america to work. This stimulus package is like a slow release medication. He put so much money into education and new technologies, these are long term fixes and do nothing for our immediate situation. Which is why we are still in the worst recession since the depression (if they don't call this a depression what will they call one?) and teetering on the brink of total global economic collapse. Makes me wonder if they are trying to collapse the economy. Might even be a good thing, for the environment at least, and since I put environment first I don't really care if there is an economic collapse. It would be chaos for society as we know it though.


You are wrong on so many points here. This is not the worst recession since the depression and we are nowhere near a depression the world is not teetering on the brink of collapse it is actually improving (major economies are registering growth again, industrial production is moving back up and jobs are reappearing all over the world again). And if you think that economic collapse would be good for the environment I would question whether you even know anything of which you discuss at all!!

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While we may be in a slow and nascent recovery the signs are so tenuous against a backdrop of the financial meltdown that I would hesitate to even call it a "recovery".

Unemployment Rate:

9.4% in Jul 2009

That's from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There was a time before Bush came in office that this "recession" that has been in the making for many years, before it was actually even declared a "recession", when an unemployment rate of 9.4% was comparable to that of a third world country. And they say it hasn't budged. And it's only likely to get worse as more companies outsource their work for lower prices. The goal of capitalists is to maximize profits often times regardless of the social costs. Social costs such as the exploitation of foreign workers abroad and the denial of jobs to a countries own indigenous population.


The reason I say that economic collapse would be good for the environment is that perhaps you don't realize that global warming is increasing at an exponential rate. The less light that is reflected by the polar ice caps the more sunlight that is absorbed in the oceans and the more methane deposits in siberia leak into the atmosphere. Every day the system continues the closer we come to an earth covered in water. And that's if we continue in our ways, who knows how long and bad the damage will continue to be even if we stop polluting 100% right now! It may already be too late! A chain reaction is in effect. Its called the Quickening.


Outsourcing (that may result in unemployment) is not, as you yourself have said a result of a recessionary economic climate. It's simple economic rationality to find the cheapest cost for maximum profit. I agree that the GLOBAL signs of recovery are still small but they are widely indicated and improving at a rate that is surprising most people.


Do you think that global warming is the only important issue of the environment and do you think that would be the only aspect of enviro-degradation to be affected if there was an econ-melt down? Surely you can use your initiative to think past that one issue!!



Anyway, this is Chappaquiddick's thread about Obama talking with kids, on which I don't have an opinion. So we should stop derailing it. In a month or two I'm going to address the global economy in a new thread to refute all the cries of doom and depression that were made and illustrate how they were all wrong. LEt's save that discussion for then instead.

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My point is that it's nice that he's talking to kids and all but what the hell is he doing to correct any of the problems the neocons created? His whole platform was based on "change" and "unity" but he's not addressing the important issues.

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My point is that it's nice that he's talking to kids and all but what the hell is he doing to correct any of the problems the neocons created? His whole platform was based on "change" and "unity" but he's not addressing the important issues.


Not enough in my opinion, 100% of his attention should be directed towards the problems we face now. People not being able to work, not able to pay their house payments, etc. I will agree with anker that as long as the message he delivers to the children is not injected with anything political then I personnaly dont have a problem with it. It just bothers me all the different places that our attention and resources are being directed towards when we have some important problems that are facing americans, and destroying lives.

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Not enough in my opinion, 100% of his attention should be directed towards the problems we face now. People not being able to work, not able to pay their house payments, etc. I will agree with anker that as long as the message he delivers to the children is not injected with anything political then I personnaly dont have a problem with it. It just bothers me all the different places that our attention and resources are being directed towards when we have some important problems that are facing americans, and destroying lives.


I smell the sickly sweet stench of media advisors and image consultants here.


If I had my way I'd line all of them up against the fucking wall.


I hate that salesman shit!

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I do, but I also get pissed off when I start thinking about what's NOT being done. Obama addressing kids is sort of like Nero fiddling while Rome burnt to the ground. Where was GWB on 9/11? Reading to kids.


Where this country- and, by extension of that, the rest of the world- is headed right now has nothing to do with the status quo that has existed for the past 70 years. This is a whole new ballgame...we're basically headed back to a feudal society, but instead of royalty we have banks and corporations pulling the strings.

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it'll be a cold day in hell before i let the president undress my children dammit.












































but seriously.i could care less about him giving a speech to our little ones.go for it.theres a big controversy in the media about how he's gonna somehow skew the childrens minds or someting like that.i dont see it happening tho.what i will say is i dont see where he finds the time to do all these things.it feels like he's making more time to do public appearances and town halls instead of devoting his time to the problems at hand.i think he should cool it with all the cameos for a while and kinda drop out of the public view for a while...

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government itself is a poor solution to the problem.


we keep on thinking that we vote in one man with the power to make our dreams come true, or at least be less of a nightmare. every 4 years a giant fucking circus comes to town and people buy into it. and don't get me started on electoral college.


this is the most irresponsible way of running human civilization. government is about controlling people, and this is the inherant flaw. power corrupts.








and everybody seems to be ok with this. they even get bumper stickers!

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government itself is a poor solution to the problem.


we keep on thinking that we vote in one man with the power to make our dreams come true, or at least be less of a nightmare. every 4 years a giant fucking circus comes to town and people buy into it. and don't get me started on electoral college.


this is the most irresponsible way of running human civilization. government is about controlling people, and this is the inherant flaw. power corrupts.








and everybody seems to be ok with this. they even get bumper stickers!


...since when was the goverment about controlling people?

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Oh dear, the President is going to speak to the school kids about the importance of education! I remember when Nancy Regan told us not to do drugs, and that message took hold, I assure you. After the speech I bet all the children dress like Mao and talk like Natasha and Boris. It'll be all kids in pajamas and 'moose and squirrel' all fuckin day!



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This is the first time in history that the President will be speaking directly to school children.



No it's not. Every US President in modern history has spoken to school children.


This "fake outrage" mustered up by Republican talk show hosts & pundits, then filtered down to Middle America to be parroted by everyday dumbasses & ignoramuses, has undertones of race. I don't ever remember anyone getting "outraged" when Bush or Clinton spoke to school kids. Nor did this happen with Reagan, or any other President. It's funny that the first time the President happens to be black, there's outrage that a President would tell kids to work hard & do well in school. All of this "socialist" name-calling towards Obama and anger at the townhalls and all this mass of confusion & hate all boils down to race. They'll never admit it, and I'm sure many of the hate-mongerers genuinely believe it's not about race, because for many it's subconscious. And others are ignorant and get caught up in the hoopla, believing the thia fake outrage about "death panels" and "socialism" and "indoctrinating kids" and "Hitler youth", and the like.

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