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The death of the 'still image'...


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probably, i hope it doesn't, in the future turn into the ancient language of Sanskrit... where you gotta hunt down the wisest, smartest, oldest dude and beg him for lessons like Miyagi.. that would suck, But Jay-Z tried to dead autotunes so there may be a chance?? ya think?

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as in the software company? or that super sweet grandma from the movie matrix? cause i like the super sweet grandma from the matrix cause shes all gangster in the matrix but she makes really good cookies and carries candy in her purse. and thats how real grandmas do it yo.



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Actually i can see photography one day being dead and gone. I dont know if it will ever really happen, I mean there's certainly enough historical referents to believe it. I can definitely see a day when 99.9% of the world's population has never even seen a painting or taken a photograph with no intent of it being used on myface... and a few keep the artform alive maybe only for historical purposes.


If you look at how photography has given rise over the years to new color cameras and motion pictures, what we enjoy most from all these mediums and what's transcending the technological barriers are things like composition, light and filter effects, and images that linger for a time for us to really consume slowly and enjoy (in contrast to most tv shows blow images so fast at you your brain turns off as if it was vallium). For some photography is just an ancient video camera; an archaic light meter, or a quick way to decide on composition.


I mean movies are fucking great, many of which can be paused and just as easily enjoyed for the same qualities as photography, or posess the same lingering, meandering moments such as in Inglorious Basterds.

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I'm gonna say photographs are gonna be safe for eternity and in fact the (editing) technology that will be made readily available to consumers will trancsend all expectation.


Consumerism isnt going to keep photography alive just like DMV portraits arent going to keep photography alive. People only take photos to put them as profile pics on myface. They dont even know what aperature or an F-stop is. It's not the same thing.

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yer out to lunch.


photos serve many, many purposes. and video will never overtake ALL of them. you must be stupid to think that.


do you by any chance live in a box 'Soup.


The definition of art is 'without practical function.' For photography to remain art it must have NO purpose.


And no it's a rock.

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the fact that you rely on a definition of what art is shows me you have no idea what arts potential has the ability to become.


there is plenty of artistic purpose in commisioned work.


the problem i have with commisioned art is not so much the intent but rather when its given to an innit for a minute fagget and not the seasoned vets youv put in there time and work.


you however come across like an art idiot that has no respect for something that potentially may open your eyes simply because it defies your magical crystal oracle of boundries.


i would piss on your borders and bob ross it a lake.

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the fact that you rely on a definition of what art is shows me you have no idea what arts potential is.


there is plenty of artistic purpose in commisioned work.


the problem i have with commisioned work is when they give it to in it for a minute fags and not the seasoned vets youv put in there time and work.


you however come across like an art idiot that has no respect for something that potentially may open your eyes simply because it defies your magical crystal oracle of boundries.


i would piss on your borders and bob ross it a lake.




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You meandered off topic half way into your first sentence.

And btw, commission hasnt got shit to do with anything. Being able to sell something doesnt make it art, douchebag. And artistic purpose is completely opposite to practical function. Practical function would be for instance your portrait in a police databank being used to identify you. Or your photos on myspace being used as proof of street cred.

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the disney channel. Im not saying photography disappearing is going to happen. Im just saying its not hard to believe that it could. Just like painting has all but resigned itself to the same grave as knitting or making candles, so too can serious photography. The only reason why we have photographs in our houses these days is to cover cracks in walls, and proof that there's entire groups of people in this world similarly goofylooking as us.


And this argument about leaving the fate of photography up to the consumers: most people watch movies, never go to art galleries, and take photos only for myspace or scrapbooking. And even then, Im seeing the market saturated with video recorders speifically for use with youtube, so maybe one day people will just take video for everything instead.


What are the remaining applications for photographs? Magazines and newspapers are slowly phasing out all printing and moving to the internet, so what else is there?


Essentially what im saying is the camera may one day be resigned to a tool in a filmmaker's arsenal next to the light meter and whatever else. Is that so hard to believe? I mean its certainly used like that today. Just like books and comics are simply movies that havent been produced yet. Maybe the entire world is just waiting to be absorbed into the film industry.

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Christ, this thread makes my head hurt. The only valid and non-retarded thing said in this thread was the very first response by Theo.


Arguing that cgi and animation is somehow going to completely replace normal imaging is just as dumb as people arguing that digital cameras somehow means that no one is ever going to shoot film. Are more people going to go for whatever is new and "in"? sure, they always do, but its not going to completely replace the old forms, just like Adobe products haven't replaced drawing and painting, and drawball hasn't replaced graffiti.

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