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DAO appreciation thread...yup.


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Jesus chirst you're a fucking idiot.

The word "dog" is a term that encompasses the whole dog family.

It's layman's term for "canine".

That includes wolves and foxes you dumb fuck.

A "dog" is no more a "form of wolf" than a great dane is a form of poodle.

They're all DOGS.

Of the DOG family.



Nope, the actual term is "canid", not "dog".


Foxes are specifically vulpines, not canines.


You are one uneducated Neanderthal.

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ok well good for you.



the point is you are always on here. your day and a half hiatus isn't changing my mind about how you spend incredibly too much time on here.


I agree.




aren't you married, with a kid?


Probably why I'm sitting at home on the internet so much.




don't you have a job to go to?



My job is on weekdays from 7:00-3:30. What does that have to do with me being on the internet while I'm at home?

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No, it's because you weren't actually "drunk" to the point that you didn't know what you were saying. You lied, and you have a history of lying.




I never said that I was drunk to the point where I didn't know what I was saying.

I was saying that during that 3.5 hour time frame, I was having an alcohol induced failure of a brainstorm.

Infact, I'm pretty sure that I even said as much in that PM exchange.

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I never said that I was drunk to the point where I didn't know what I was saying.

I was saying that during that 3.5 hour time frame, I was having an alcohol induced failure of a brainstorm.

Infact, I'm pretty sure that I even said as much in that PM exchange.


What you said was based on truth -- you can't keep a job and you were so broke you were planning on joining an institution where you get to be treated like a child at 33.


Alcohol doesn't make that part change.

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Anybody who thinks pissed soaked public toilets are sanitary,

and doesn't get stimulated from alcohol is doing it wrong.


This is your classic way of changing the argument slightly while acting like it's the same argument.


You originally said urine wasn't sterile. That's not the same as asking if someone would want to sit on a piss soaked toilet.


And being tipsy usually means feeling good/relaxed and maybe slurring your words a little. A person wasted tends to wobble around and fall down. And drinking yourself to a stupor means passing out. You're the type that always wants to start fights with random people and you get amped and act like a badass due to your personality -- has nothing to do with the drink itself. You're pretty much an asshole.

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Jesus chirst you're a fucking idiot.


It's layman's term for "canine".



well atleast you are honest about yourself

i mean you've been referring to them as dogs this whole thread








  • Main Entry: lay·man
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlā-mən\
  • Function: noun
  • Date: 15th century

1 : a person who is not a member of the clergy

2 : a person who does not belong to a particular profession or who is not expert in some field

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This is your classic way of changing the argument slightly while acting like it's the same argument.


You originally said urine wasn't sterile. That's not the same as asking if someone would want to sit on a piss soaked toilet.




Nooooooo.... I origionally said that taking a shit in an alley is safer than sitting on a piss soaked public toilet, and that I'll opt for the alley or behind some bushes before I ever sit on a public toilet.

ASS then said that sitting on piss soaked public toilets is safe because "urine is sterile" and thus it's impossible for there to be germs and shit on a piss soaked public toilet.

Then you jumped on the dick.

Get your facts straight before you jump on the dick. :dunce:

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And being tipsy usually means feeling good/relaxed and maybe slurring your words a little. A person wasted tends to wobble around and fall down. And drinking yourself to a stupor means passing out. You're the type that always wants to start fights with random people and you get amped and act like a badass due to your personality -- has nothing to do with the drink itself. You're pretty much an asshole.




You sound extremely inexperienced when it comes to drinking.

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well atleast you are honest about yourself

i mean you've been referring to them as dogs this whole thread]


"Layman's terms" means regular talk.

It means the words that people use in everyday life.

Nobody walks around using scientific language.

People don't go around saying I just adopted a new canid from the pound, they say I just got a new dog.

You'd have to be a real sheltered nerd of a faggot to go through life without using "layman's terms" in everyday speech.




Where do these people come from?

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Nooooooo.... I origionally said that taking a shit in an alley is safer than sitting on a piss soaked public toilet, and that I'll opt for the alley or behind some bushes before I ever sit on a public toilet.

ASS then said that sitting on piss soaked public toilets is safe because "urine is sterile" and thus it's impossible for there to be germs and shit on a piss soaked public toilet.

Then you jumped on the dick.

Get your facts straight before you jump on the dick. :dunce:



You did say during that argument that urine isn't sterile. And you were wrong.


Then, in typical DAO fashion, you try to create an air of confusion to mask your false statement by talking about dumpsters and who would or would not want to sit on a piss-soaked toilet, and hepatitis, and whatever else you can think of.


The fact is you did say urine isn't sterile.

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