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Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (NSFW)

twinky the kid

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Really? It was 1984 homeboy. Incriminating to who?? No youtewb, or interwebs. Obviously nobody really saw it until recently.


As was previously stated; it's too fucking late. Even if the resident DA at the time were to see this, I doubt a case could be made.


Nigga was leakin' though!

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


ive also been apart of and witnessed very many fights and have seen kids turn vegetable a few times, it does happen. Not dead but as good as.




You're from Canada.

Somehow I'm doubting that you've really seen kids get beaten into vegetables.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I don't know man. That wasn't no normal snore.

The only other time I heard a nigga making them noises was on another youtube video where dude got the knee drops to the head and stomped on pretty much exactly like this crackhead in this video.

And dude in that other video didn't come to until a half an hour later, and had no idea where he was at or what the fuck was going on.


I'm gonna say that when you're making noises like that, then that's a pretty brutal KO.

And homeboy probably does have some brain damage after that.


Not saying whether dude did or didn't have it coming, just saying.



Word? Youtube? And you write? Shit like that happens on the regular.


The blood was from the last stomp and his head was above the metal stand. Ever bleed from your forehead? Shit gushes like a japanese porno.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Word? Youtube? And you write? Shit like that happens on the regular.


The blood was from the last stomp and his head was above the metal stand. Ever bleed from your forehead? Shit gushes like a japanese porno.




I've seen/been/taken part in plenty of niggas getting rolled on, bricked, bottled etc and so forth.

I've seen niggas get stomped the fuck out.


I've never heard that noise come out of anybody in real life.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Your scalp and forehead have the highest concentration of blood vessels on your body and bleed more than any other superficial cut




I know this.


But I'm still saying that I think the blood might have been coming out his ear.

Or not.

What's the difference.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I know this.


But I'm still saying that I think the blood might have been coming out his ear.

Or not.

What's the difference.


It doesn't matter

none of this matters


I will say, if this Dojo put out a DVD of videos exactly like this

I would probably buy that

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I was also thinking... you think the dojo instructor picked his black student to whoop dude's ass by mere coincidence? All of his other students that showed up on cam were white. He didn't want any of the obvious accusations of "racism" when all of this came out. Had the video showed two caucasian black belts beating the fuck out of a mentally-challenged black guy, the response to the videos would probably be much different.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I was also thinking... you think the dojo instructor picked his black student to whoop dude's ass by mere coincidence? All of his other students that showed up on cam were white. He didn't want any of the obvious accusations of "racism" when all of this came out. Had the video showed two caucasian black belts beating the fuck out of a mentally-challenged black guy, the response to the videos would probably be much different.




You're reading too much into it.


And for Christ sakes, he wasn't MENTALLY CHALLENGED.


This dude wasn't fucking RETARDED.

He was just a nut.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


that black belt don't really fight like one.



america ruins martial arts like they do hockey and chinese food. that was some cold shit, and i strongly dislike bible thumping retards, but they should've at least linked him with an ice pack and a beer afterwards.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


You're reading too much into it.


And for Christ sakes, he wasn't MENTALLY CHALLENGED.

Mentally challenged means retarded.

This dude wasn't fucking retarded.

He was just a nut.



There's different degrees of mental retardation. You don't have to have Downe's Syndrome with a crooked hand smashed against your chest to be considered mentally retarded.


Like at my high school, we had a section of the school for "special" students. Some of them looked normal from afar, and you could have somewhat of a meaningful conversation with, but you could tell they were a little "off" and slow. And there were those with full-blown Downe's, with strange head shapes & facial features, and they rambled on incoherently and had bizarre outbursts, and you wouldn't have a chance at talking to them about anything.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N




fuck both of them fighters. and showing trail of blood like that seems more small dicked 'hoorah i wish i fought in an actual war' than real martial arts and the respect it teaches along with flying spin kicks.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


There's different degrees of mental retardation. You don't have to have Downe's Syndrome with a crooked hand smashed against your chest to be considered mentally retarded.


If this dude was retarded, he wouldn't have been capable of holding his own for so long.

Retard strength doesn't translate into Karate moves.

Dude clearly wasn't retarded (at least before the fight, anyways).

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Like at my high school, we had a section of the school for "special" students. Some of them looked normal from afar, and you could have somewhat of a meaningful conversation with, but you could tell they were a little "off" and slow. And there were those with full-blown Downe's, with strange head shapes & facial features, and they rambled on incoherently and had bizarre outbursts, and you wouldn't have a chance at talking to them about anything.




Every public school probably has non-retarded dudes in retard classes.

That's where they put alot of the bad kids who don't want to do their work and get in trouble all the time.

It's like a last resort before expelling them.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


If this dude was retarded, he wouldn't have been capable of holding his own for so long.

Retard strength doesn't translate into Karate moves.

Dude clearly wasn't retarded (at least before the fight, anyways).


Why would you say that? I would see some of the mildly retarded kids playing pickup basketball games, hitting buckets, and keeping score.


That dude had no power behind his moves. He did a lot of fancy moves he saw on kung-fu movies. I would say this dude was mildly retarded... you could hear it in the way he talked.

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