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South Florida (A New Dawn)

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free PRESHA ...


fuck all you jits who think you can survive out here. wait till you get a real sentence get locked up in a soft DCI where your skinny jean faggot looking self will get dominated. keep fronting like u someone or u kno whats good. go cry to your mom when you sitting for only a week over in metro west. wanna shit with the big boys? stop pissing with the puppies.


dont waste your time painting some whack ass shit to begin with, cause we all know, yourself included that your gonna quit down the road and when ur working that minimum wage cause u have no skills - youll think back and realize u were a no body. who you impressin? a couple of 12 year olds huddled around their moms laptop? some crack smoking wannabes talking about how they used to run it?


u got something to prove, go do it, otherwise get the fuck outta this game and go home, cause aint no body care about you especially when u sitting in a holding cell or its 3 in the morning and u just got released and u dont have a quarter to your name and you so called boys aint gonna come haul u back to their crib.

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