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I was hanging out in Sacramento for a bit recently, and it's ridiculous there...it's like a hostile scenester army took over Midtown. And the cops are wack.


Now that I'm hung over, I have mixed feelings about SF. There's only two real projects left here (Double Rock and Potrero). Lakeview/Ocean View/Ingleside are all chilled out. Fillmore is still sketchy sometimes but it's not popping like it used to be...it took some serious nerve to cut through there in the 90s.


edit- UDON, MQ and SILENCER aren't from SF, nor are they wack. I'd post some flicks but I'm too tired right now.

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black nips



ok here is what you do



tell her to go to



Video Games Gladys

474 W Highland Ave

San Bernardino, CA 92405



and ask for a guy named flacco or mosco... but not mondo cause he'll rob her.

and hell giver a her a large manila envelope containing my ambush bug comics i left in the back room years ago.



then she should head over to ontario airport and book a flight to mill where i will be waiting for her at sonic burger a few blocks away.







tell her to bring her good lingerie cause imma fuck the melanin off them titties

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Suki will probably agree with me when I say that I definitely miss the 90s in SF. I'm not psyched on the Bay Area in general right now, therefore I'm not going to cheerlead for it.



Can anyone recommend a good city for me to check out besides Portland?


And Count Chocula is no hipster...quite the opposite, he's more of the GQ coug slayer type.

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Portland sucks.


It's like all the hipsters migrate from one city to the next.


Which is funny to me because SF is really not that bad or any different from most cities in that respect. You can pretty much avoid the BS social scenes here if you stay out of certain parts of town.


Portland is off the list only because a crazy ex-GF of mine lives there and it's a small city. I would probably have to deal with her at some point and at times even the 700+ miles between us hasn't been enough.

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