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TOPIC: CALI medicinal marijuana dispensaries


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Radiologist had another good point when he broached the marginalization and undesirables.


Historically the reasons built for illegalizing it were merely racial prejudices. Those of which have remained intact.


We wanna tell oursleves (Americans) that America is the most advanced place on Earth. Quite frankly we are one of the most barbaric. We were the last nation to ban slavery, we still have a ban on gay marriage. Let's get real.













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its the stupid hippy protestors that ruin everything. your making weed look bad!!!!


^^ True. Hippies should die.


Federally, weed is illegal. Medical isn't even in their vocabulary.


State law in CA: "legalized" weed for medical purposes with prop 215 in 1996. The three words 'any other illness' basically kicked the doors open for medical weed. Since it is up to a doctor as to whether or not weed will help said ailment, some docs will write an Rx for just about anything...as long as you have the $100 for the consultation.


In regards to the raids, I'm guessing you're referring to the situation in the SF Mission district a few months ago. It was not a raid, the collective simply grew too much. They broke the STATE law which brought in law enforcement and the feds just supervised. Note in all the video of the scene, they never spoke once.


The Obama administration (specifically Eric Holder) went on record saying the medical marijuana issue should be left up to states to decide on. It remains illegal federally, and are only going after those who break BOTH state and federal law.


Colorado, California, Michigan and Rhode Island already have a system in place that allows for store fronts to distribute weed for a 'donation'. This $$$ covers the cost of operations for creating the product. Other states have medical marijuana laws, but they need clarification.


Will this ever be legal? The short answer is yes. It's an estimated $14 Billion industry that's already in place, there is just no way broke ass cities and states can ignore the potential revenue. I just don't know when....


My prediction is, the Fed will let states decide on how to tax and regulate the product much like Texas does with alcohol. California will be the first to pass it, and the medical states will soon follow.


Why do I know so much about this you may ask...because I want to work in the business someday. I see it mirroring the alcohol industry as long as big corporations don't get involved. There are a lot of contradicting laws and grey areas, but this business has a lot of potential.

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having weed in the hands of private business would almost certainly produce horrific results.


i cant honestly think of any other product that has remained at the same price as it was say 5 even 10 years ago and which the quality has steadily increased.


everything else has suffered inflation, tax raises, etc where weed has not.

i can if i like get various strands, for varying prices, but also for the same price i have a fairly decent selection. now granted not every smoker has this option. but for any serious smoker it should be that way. i dont even really smoke that often at all. i also suppose the canadian drugs market is a lot different than the us one.


these medical places have a value for the average joe bloggs who is sick and doesent really want to fuck with buying dimes on the corner. but for many people, they are useless. id not want to have my name etc logged.


strange situation.

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these medical places have a value for the average joe bloggs who is sick and doesent really want to fuck with buying dimes on the corner. but for many people, they are useless. id not want to have my name etc logged.


strange situation.








"I'm not drinking enough. Last night I must have drank 10 pints but I still woke up with a raging thirst.".




Last edited by T.T Boy : Today at 01:14 AM. Reason: poor grammar.


COSIGNED^^.. yeah i see it the same way. I myself have my medicinal card but just use it to save my ass.. I sure as hell dont need to be going to a dispensary to be on their log with my info.. PLUS i can get the same quality strains at a much cheaper price than they are asking for at the shops. Im sure there are lawyers.buisseness people that want to keep discrete about their marijuana usage.. It may very well affect their jobs/life in the longrun.. For the average joe and REAL sick people that need it i dont see it to be much of a problem.. Its like a double edge sword for some that dont want UNCLE SAM knowing their every move.... Glad to see people have their opinions on this subject.......

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super high me..


remember the statistics in that movie....


started off with a few dispensaries at first...by the end of the movie there were over a hundred.


The latest estimate I head was over 700 in CA alone. 500 in LA alone! Some are private, some are public.


A few have been shut down in LA lately due to the 'hardship clause' loophole being shut down but it's still fair game for opening up shop in some areas of CA and beyond.


Super High Me was really interesting. Overall, I think it did a good job of showing the true effects of weed....Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I catch a Pandasex tag in there somewhere? In the Oakland part I think?


Also, for those who are sweatin' the whole being documented thing...do you really think uncle sam could do anything about it at this point? I mean fuck, what if they 'went after' every person who bought a sack from a dispensary? That would literally cost BILLIONS to get that done and local governments just don't have that kind of $$$. I really don't think there's much to sweat about seeing as the industry has really developed over the last few years.

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So theres the big buzz going on now. Lets see how long this goes on.. Couple of years back things were cool. THEN BAMM!! They raided all the dispensaries.. Shit loads of people got busted.Goverment getting their piece of the pie as usual. Discuss..........




I think Obama said he's putting a stop to the feds raiding the Cali dispensaries.


Are they still getting raided?

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I think that the legality of marijuana in this country is not a question of taxes or income to the state but one of ideals. I believe that having drugs illegal gives the government a free hand in locking up those that are deemed undesirable or marginal and those who think differently.




I saw on the History channel that the whole reason why they banned weed in the first place was cause they thought it would get all the Mexicans in the southwestern US to pic up and move to Mexico.

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I think Obama said he's putting a stop to the feds raiding the Cali dispensaries.


Are they still getting raided?


Nope. Since he's been in office there has only been one situation where the Feds got "involved". Their involvement was supervision only.


Obama laughed off the question during the 'town hall' discussion simply because it's too controversial right now. Eventually, I think he'll support states making their own rules for medical weed.


In CA, this is one of the only industries showing "growth" <nopun>.


People in the industry are making a KILLING right now...like I said, it's a multi-billion dollar industry and I think its really gone too far to put a complete end to things.


Shit, the city of Oakland taxes dispensaries directly now. It was a request by the dispensary owners themselves... Could be the first thing Oakland has done right in a looooong time.


Those looking for a new hustle should watch this movement closely.

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i love CALI





i think the government is just going through everything. they wont legalize anything if they dont know a-z about it. plus they need people to write laws,codes etc.. i would guess it takes a lot of years.. maybe they are towards the end of their "research" and are doing a test run in cali.. its pretty free here..



i mean i can get a card to smoke that shit all damn day.. i just need to worry about the DEA.. and if im a just a user chances are, that they wont come after me anyways.. its here,they are just easing it in.

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Super High Me was really interesting. Overall, I think it did a good job of showing the true effects of weed....Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I catch a Pandasex tag in there somewhere? In the Oakland part I think?




i think youre right.

haha..i remember seeing that too.

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Re: TOPIC: CALI medicinal marijuana dispensaries - Today, 09:40 AM




legalize drugs government etc makes more money we make less fuck that ill stick to meeting dude on the corner.


I SECOND THAT MOTION....... the government is in debt and now they seek on taxing us more for their stupid mistakes.. they've been pockiting money forever now. now that shit hits the fan they turn to us to get them outa their hole......... RAT BASTARDS!!!

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Guest 50million

i drink and smoke walking down the street. usually anywhere in cali. i dont know about so cal....it's no big deal. the government would make a lot of money if the taxed the shit and stop sending people to jail for little baggies of weed (mainly in other states).


but they know that.

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I used to be all about the clubs but after having dealt with them on a business level for a while I'm pretty discouraged...the clubs are about three things- money, money, and more money. All that shit about "We're doing this as a community service to help sick people" is a crock 99% of the time.


I am 100% for medical marijuana but the clubs really aren't that much different than a quasi-legal dope dealer. Oh wait, that's exactly what they are, so they might as well just admit it. If people want weed they should grow the shit or if they're too sick have someone grow it for them. Or do it all under the table.


Having said that, I think drug laws are retarded. You can't legislate against human nature...it's a genetic imperative for people to alter their consciousness through one means or another.

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