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Cash for Clunkers is fucked. DO NOT GO TO THEIR WEBSITE


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When you actually log in, does the gov have direct access to your PC? Are they actively taking and recording information?

I'm wondering about the practicality of this, and whether the words in the warning are actually implemented?

Or is it just a disclaimer to cover their ass, so they can do whatever whenever they want?


The privacy issue remains regardless.

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When you actually log in, does the gov have direct access to your PC? Are they actively taking and recording information?

I'm wondering about the practicality of this, and whether the words in the warning are actually implemented?

Or is it just a disclaimer to cover their ass, so they can do whatever whenever they want?


The privacy issue remains regardless.



Malware installed by the U.S. Government. Yes, they have complete control and most likely

start sifting files from the click of "I agree".


You know, to protect us....from terrorists.

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i've been applying for a bunch of federal jobs via a .gov web site. they recently sent me an email telling me to sign up for this other site and when i went to it, it essentially had the same type of agreement.


fuck that noise!


i considered using a public computer (library or at a kinkos) but it totally sketched me out so i am going to pass...haha.

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kind of like myspace... whatever you put on their site is considered their property and they can do whatever the fuck they want to with it


well not really but a good thread to point that out in



well that's a little different. you are choosing what to upload to their site (myspace, facebook, etc...). i mean, i don't agree with the policy but this is a completely different situation. from my understanding of the language in their statement you are essentially agreeing and consenting to letting you computer and all things on it become fair game or the feds.


thanks but no thanks.

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So, I herd that the cash for clunkers shit makes cars traded in completely unusable by pouring some shit into the engine. Shit's fucked up, people can't use em for parts, resale, etc...


gubments are being shady as hell!


Yup. Vin is removed from the system, engines are locked, cars are smashed. Fucking retarded.

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I don't know about this casek, but they aren't going to fuck with your computer. The website is used primarily for finding out if your car meets requirements, updating on status of the program, and for the dealers and junk dealers to process the trade in's. Money is being transferred, I think the language in these disclaimers is ratcheted up any time money is being exchanged.


As for the ins and outs of the program, download and read the .pdf file, there is lots of neat info in there on the working of the program, it's a quick read at 136 pages. I would upload it but it exceeds the limits and I don't feel like breaking it up for your paranoid ass. If you're considering doing a trade in, it's worth knowing what your getting yourself into. It will also make you more informed, when you come on a website like this one, you don't have to spread the lies that your friends told you. Thereby completely avoiding sounding like a dumb ass and being ignored by others who actually might know a little bit they would share with you if you didn't sound so completely ignorant. For example, I might have told you that the government requires the engine to be disabled by pouring some shit into it at the dealer, so it has less of a chance to get placed back in service by some shady backdoor dealing of the engineblock or complete vehicle on the part of private entities, or the junk auction or junk dealer. The engine block is the only thing that needs to be crushed and then possibly shredded. All other parts are fair game, unless they are part of the assembled powertrain, which must be disassembled to be resold for parts.


I traded in last week, it took no time at all. I was in and out of the dealer in an hour and a half. That's about what my last car deal took. I imagine I'd wait until the Senate funds this one if I was worried about it taking too long however. But I wonder how fast this next two bill will go considering it took what, 3 mabye 4 days for the first billion to go? I know dealers could retro to the first, but how many were actually making C4C deals before they could register last Monday?

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it's a quick read at 136 pages.


I imagine I'd wait until the Senate funds this one if I was worried about it taking too long however. But I wonder how fast this next two bill will go considering it took what, 3 mabye 4 days for the first billion to go? I know dealers could retro to the first, but how many were actually making C4C deals before they could register last Monday?


step one: billions of dollars more (THAT WE DON'T HAVE) are gonna be appropriated to restart this waste of taxpayer dollars.


step two: it will quickly go bankrupt AGAIN, because people are known to take advantage of enormous personal tax breaks.


step 3: the government will blame the car dealerships and auto industry for mishandling the money


I'd also like to add that it's not even helping the American economy that much, because i'd guess 60% of the new cars being bought are European or Japanese.

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At least that money we don't have will go for something good, instead of to a bonus for someone rich. People are re-upping with way better vehicles. It has been documented that the participants are going way greener than they have to with their new purchases. If I wasn't a complete car dork, and already on a waiting list already for the Prius, I would have gone out and got a Caliber or whatnot for $9K less than sticker. The American co's are making the bank since the deal was final, they just were behind initially while some of the Japo/Korean Co's just looked like better deals. I'm sure some people can't afford the new payment, but whatever, their gas guzzler is smashed and a better car is in circ. And, however the American co's will probably fuck it up if they are not ready for the second wave, because there simply are more Japo inventory/models available to choose from once the Calibers are sold out because they aren't making them fast enough. If I was the gov't I would work closely with the American co's to make sure they have the inventory. They are, they aren't, who knows? I think they have some good options. And Ford is kicking ass! First time they are in the black since last August I seem to recall hearing today.

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At least that money we don't have will go for something good, instead of to a bonus for someone rich.


Oh, I doubt that.


Can you say "welfare for the auto industry?" I thought so. The one possible silver lining here I can see is that it's directly stimulating the economy by getting people to spend money. I would rather see that money spent on building light rail and high speed trains personally, but that's just me though.

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i did not read that testimonial to cash for clunkers that this gubment spy came and put on our twelve oontz. thats why he has a tampon, all i gotta say to that.



all i heard is that it's a rip. if you wanna get the best deal /nojew, go get a price on the car you wanna buy first. after you get something in writing, THEN go back up there with your junker. cuz if they know you're using it from the git go, they adjust the car price higher.


act like your paying cash. then be all, "oh i have to go to my house and get the money, BRB", then roll up in the bucket like "HEEEEEYYY!!!"

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At least that money we don't have will go for something good, instead of to a bonus for someone rich.


disagree. when you put that many middlemen between people and their money a lot of it will get lost. look at the figures that analyze the money appropriated in the stimulus package and how much of it has actually reached local governments and citizens. not much...


if obama was aimed at doing any real good he would:


-create jobs within local communities through funded projects and initiatives (which, to a certain extent, is being done)


-stop focusing on health care when american consumer confidence and the value of the dollar is the lowest it's been in decades. good god. i don't doubt that it's an important issue, and i do believe health care should be more affordable but it is irresponsible to make that the priority right now when the american unemployment rate is high and things are recovering at a prehistoric pace.


-work closely with the car industries? the government (technically, the taxpayer) OWNS the american auto industry, with the exception of ford. they are one and the same. GM will be a profitable auto company when it starts being run like a real business as opposed to a limping retarded child.

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disagree. when you put that many middlemen between people and their money a lot of it will get lost. look at the figures that analyze the money appropriated in the stimulus package and how much of it has actually reached local governments and citizens. not much...


if obama was aimed at doing any real good he would:


-create jobs within local communities through funded projects and initiatives (which, to a certain extent, is being done)


-stop focusing on health care when american consumer confidence and the value of the dollar is the lowest it's been in decades. good god. i don't doubt that it's an important issue, and i do believe health care should be more affordable but it is irresponsible to make that the priority right now when the american unemployment rate is high and things are recovering at a prehistoric pace.


-work closely with the car industries? the government (technically, the taxpayer) OWNS the american auto industry, with the exception of ford. they are one and the same. GM will be a profitable auto company when it starts being run like a real business as opposed to a limping retarded child.


You could say that the first two are positives. Firstly, by your own wording, you say jobs are being funded to a certain extent.


Secondly, you say things are recovering, it could be worse. And let me ask you this, is the confidence so low because of the uncertainty about healthcare? It's sort of too complex an issue to be blamed on Obama's push for healthcare reforms, wouldn't you agree?


And you're right, we (they) do own them, and therefore should hold off on the money for the second round until they are open and ready for business. They have time, the foreign companys aren't going to match incentives, as you said the dollar is way low right now.


If you're buying a car, absolutely get that deal in writing before you roll up in your clunker, absolutely. But everyone here knows that already, douchebag!

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you should all cut and run to canada now while you still can, we used to do it for the people you used as slaves, but in this current state of affairs i'm sure exceptions can be made.

we have tonnes of clean water, fresh air, wildlife, and some pretty good dope.

oh ya, we got rights too and as soon as this prime minister is gone later the year we gona go back to have the boring, passive and socially conscious government we're known for.


follow the drinking gourd b'ys

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oh no, the govt will have access to my dmv files, oh no.. they already do.. it's not saying they're watching everything your comp does... it says they're making sure you're not hacking that particular site.. drama queens.. 4k is the best deal you'll get for your beater, the govt wants your scrap metals and gold.. we're going to a real war soon

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And let me ask you this, is the confidence so low because of the uncertainty about healthcare? It's sort of too complex an issue to be blamed on Obama's push for healthcare reforms, wouldn't you agree?


uhh.. what? it is an enormous and multi-faceted issue but i'd say the confidence is so low because there is no job security, banks aren't lending money, foreclosures are through the roof, (i work in real estate; i filed 15 foreclosures on our books last week alone) and your man isn't really doing anything about it but writing checks from an empty bank account and swallowing unprofitable companies into the already mountainous national debt. and having beers on the white house lawn with cops and unbalanced professors.


the "gains" are on wall street. those don't go to you or me (unless you're a trader). they go to invesment firms, brokers, hedge funds, and bankers. those are not the majority of people who are unemployed. people who are unemployed are those affected by the sudden and crushing downturn in new construction, in retail, everywhere... the only safe jobs are in the government.

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Man, some of you folks are too much. This is the same government that lets its employees take laptops home with unencrypted personal information on hundreds of thousands of people. And then the laptop gets lost or stolen and it's "regrettable". No, it's not "regrettable"...it's completely fucking unacceptable and 100% preventable.


So no, I do NOT want to give this particular government (or anyone else for that matter) permission, implied in a EULA or otherwise, to have their way with whatever is on my computer when they have proven to be unreliable and unaccountable in these matters.


And if you don't think the cash for cars program is socialism for corporations, then please explain to me what it is.

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