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alcohol & you (a scientific inquiry)


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i got friends that can drink like 3 bud lights and be wasted. I put back an 18 pack

and im still conscious. Im certainly impaired but i dont black out. Not even especially sloppy. More than anything i get quiet





it's going to be just like that tho the next time at sea level


i'll probably just smoke meth

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i didnt read all the posts but sometimes people who drink a lot and alcoholics can become diabetic. Also towards the 3 beer queer comment some people not used to drinking feel the affects quicker -or- they are such hard drinkers and have done so much damage to their liver that its not processed properly and enters their blood system sooner and with more toxicity.

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i think im gonna quit taking sticks. I mean. Them hookups

have been ruining my life for a long time now. Thing is. I can

get 90 bars for like 12 dollars. Im unemployed and stressed out

but overal i dont think they are making my present situation

better. Less irritating maybe but better... eeeeh i think not

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Nag man if you eat bars day to day it will really fuck your life up and you'll be so in a daze you won't even realize it untill your connect runs out and you have a sezior cuz you been eating 90 bars a week and then you can't get them any more


I've known a lot of people hooked on a lot of different substances, and by far Xanax is the most deadly, over crack, heroin, oxys, whatever


also manute - when I was drinking belve martinis all day every day I still could never drink in the morning. I'm not a hair of the dog type cat - when I wake up hungover the last thing I want is anothe drink - I wanna smoke!

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I've been drinking a lot less lately. For the most part it's going well...I can enjoy a few drinks and not feel compelled to drink more out of habit. When I go out I only take as much cash as I want to spend on booze. I still get loose every now and then, mostly it depends on who I'm hanging out with and what they want to get into...another big part of my slowing it down is knowing who sets me off and moderating how much time I spend with them.


Also, I think it's getting easier as I get older, since some of the health problems associated with drinking (weight gain, hangovers, aging) seem to be catching up with me and I'd rather not deal with all that.


Not to mention the fact that alcoholism runs on BOTH sides of my family. That's a big risk.

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DUDE its your body replacing the high alcohol intake with sugars...


I have not had a drink in 18 months....


I would drink a couple forties a day and weekends drink 20-30 beers per night...


once I quit I had to eat sugar, and it would help me stop fiendin for drink.


alcohol is turned into sugars by the body, that is why alcohol makes you get a beer gut, your body turns sugars to fats.


so it is just your body trying to replace what it is missing...


btw that shit catches up to you, may want to kick back a bit.


btw i smoked weed for 10 years straight...seriously a decade of smoking weed, i wish I had all that loot I spent.


another fact is in the last 18 months i have stacked 10k which I would have never done on the drink

damn, I got some 100 odd days with out drinking and physically feel great much better then when I was boozing. The shit is progressive, alcoholism that is, everytime I've fallen off it gets worse an worse. Good luck to you and me.

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One too many hangovers, and being sober gets to be a way more appealing lifestyle. It may be hard to get going, but after a while your body will adjust. I do feel that most people need something different to fill the void(for lack of better word) or some other sense of feeling good to replace the euphoria of drunkenness. Exercising works well. a new hobby, or relationship are other popular choices. A lot of it is your body's chemicals and reaction, but I'm a firm believer in mind over matter.

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Its 5 in the morning, I'm tired but not hurting, I'm getting ready to go to work an I'm not gonna FUCK YOU everything on the way to work or FUCK you everyone at work. Resentment is what killed me for yearrrsss, drinking and druging at people places or things. If you start off on a bad day, it can change the moment you change it. PEACE

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i went to a rehab...im 36days sober...today...its a start....

i learned alot.....and overcame alot of things that haunted me...and learned there are better ways to deal with my inner demons rather than drinking.

and i was pretty bad myself...

self will got me there...but as for not drinking ive been in a few situations already where i could of had drank...

but i am actually sick and tired of being...

sick and tired..for once in my life...i dont drink to have fun...

i drank to want to die straight up....black out type shit..

arrogant, idiot shouldnt paint to a certain point....

but i have learned alot...not trying to preach

just think that there are beter ways..like i read above...

fill in that void....and do it 1day at a time...

thats what im doing... cause i cant drink socially.....

oh..and i played the im sorry card

or i dont remember..

way too many times...

but thats just me...

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