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Rethinking the "Dont Ask Dont Tell" Policy


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As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama vowed to work to overturn the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays and lesbians in the military. But since taking office, Obama has made no specific move to do so. Last week, the Supreme Court decided not to hear a challenge to “don’t ask, don’t tell.” In a brief, the Obama administration had said the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy is "rationally related to the government’s legitimate interest in military discipline and cohesion.”



So what do you guys think? Should the government really rethink the "Dont Ask Dont Tell Policy"? Does it really help or hurt the military? What do you think?

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Obama said he would change it to what?



Man, can you imagine the Westbro Baptist Church then? Not only are your boys dying because you're a nation of fag enablers but your army is a a bunch of fags!


Shit, I'm not gay or even American but I'll happily come over and do a wire job on those fools for you!



We had openly gay people in our army, most of them were cooks. Blokes didn't care because they did their job well, that was all that mattered.

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  • 4 months later...

I knew a couple of women in the Marines who were gay and I dont think it really made a difference with their job performance. If you can do a mission the way you are told to who give a fuck if you're gay or not....

I don't think I knew any men who were gay and if I did they did'nt ever show it cause being a gay man in the Corps is a dangerous thing....

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Firing or discharging or court marshaling shouldn't be allowed at all, gay dudes can fight good too and it isn't 1909.

Another Obama disappointment, probably holding off on major shit he could get a backlash for till the inevitable 2nd term though.

Honestly, I don't think it's a good Idea for anyone just joining up to out themselves as gay just because of the jockish atmosphere.

I had a Guyanese friend catch mad shit because he had an Indian last name and the rest of his team though it was too "terrorist"

But the policy is stupid, if a gay dude don't feel the need to fake it he shouldn't have to.

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i dont understand what someone being a homosexual has to do with cohesion and discipline.fags cant follow orders?bullshit.it shouldnt matter what your sexual orientation is if your looking to defend your country and can shoot a rifle then you should be able to fight.but i do agree that you shouldnt ask nor tell someone about your sexual orientation in the army,simply becuase its really not important and has nothing to do with the task at hand.but i dont think they should be disciplined or let go for being openly gay,or not let in becuase of it.but its just something that shouldnt be asked..whatever im gonna watch tv now or something.

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Thanks for letting us know Ron Paul's stance on this issue!



So witty. Gah. How old are you again?


People sign up for the military to do what I just said. Defend our Constitution.

I guess I forget sometimes that you don't like the country you live in. Why not

get out? Why are you here? Serious question.

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So witty. Gah. How old are you again?


People sign up for the military to do what I just said. Defend our Constitution.

I guess I forget sometimes that you don't like the country you live in. Why not

get out? Why are you here? Serious question.


That silly little piece of paper written by and for rich whities? Too bad the reality is the military are used to crush peasants but I guess in some people's eyes that is defending the country.

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That silly little piece of paper written by and for rich whities? Too bad the reality is the military are used to crush peasants but I guess in some people's eyes that is defending the country.



Yeah, because everyone who participated in the Revolutionary war was rich and completely white. Yep. You have a good grasp on reality.




You must be one of those La Riconquista faggots who want to see all the white devils dead.

Good way to move the human race forward, asshole. You and La Rocha should get together and spit on each other while calling yourselves "the people of the sun".

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Actually that is pretty close to reality so the sarcasm isn't needed.



Yes, they were so rich that they were dressed in rags to fool the redcoats. That's it. It was camouflage. They only stole armaments from the redcoats they defeated so that the French wouldn't get them. That's it! You are so smart and well read.

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Yes, they were so rich that they were dressed in rags to fool the redcoats. That's it. It was camouflage. They only stole armaments from the redcoats they defeated so that the French wouldn't get them. That's it! You are so smart and well read.


Rich whities didn't want the chain of the old kingdom around their neck anymore so they convinced the poor whities to fight. How fighting in rags is an index of anything I don't know but then again I'm not a fucking idiot ranting and crying while trying to touch Ron Jesus Paul's testicles.

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PM, you're in AUSTRALIA...and as such, are still under the dominion of the British Crown.


Before commenting on what's happening in the US, address what's going on in your own country, which is easily one of the most openly racist societies in the world. That will keep you busy for a while.


Do you go up to white people in Oz and call them whitey to their face? What do you think would happen if you did? Are you white yourself?

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I dont back homosexuality but I respect anyone that is, being it is their choice and right to do what they think is right. I work and have worked with plenty of gays and have befriended them as good people. Actually one gay I work with was in the Navy and was happy being there back in the day. He kept to himself and wasnt open about his sexuality since there was the dont ask dont tell deal. He knew allt he others like him but they didnt like act upon their choice in attractions that would compromise their contract with the navy. Although there ended up being one that was never comfortable with his attraction to men and in frustration revealed all of their names excluding his and my friend that I work with was discharged.


I dont think it should matter what your orientation is whilst in the military as long you keep it to yourself and act professionally about it. A Straight and a Gay person can perform the same job outside of the military why cant they do the same working for their country.

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