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Re: hiphop physics and opinions


Hip hop has too many costumes and uniforms now. When greed and ignorance started raping it, more and more bought into it. I remember when Yo' Mtv Raps ended, and the Puff Daddy years started. It went from "O.P.P" to "MaSe" overnight. For my lifetime, that was a major turning point.


Between 90-95, you had so many monumental albums come out. You had your Native tongue, your hieroglyphics, Early Wu-Tang, Post N.W.A, etc. Even in 96 and 97 you had people like Big L and Jeru putting things out. When it came to NYC MC's coming at you with street lyrics, those two were part of an era that Jadakiss and Cameron could never step to --but that's just my opinion.


By 98, things started changing big time. People I respected, started chasing commercial success, and you could see the obvious change in media representation. Puffy Daddy was now collecting Bentleys for paychecks from "No Way Out." Jay-Z was a commercial success, and Hype Williams was wiping his ass with Ben Franklin's femur bone. I never got into Jay-Z at that time. I also never got into Puffy, Fat Joe, Big Pun, Noreaga, etc.


After 2000 it went downhill really fast. With the dawn of Lil' John, and then Lil' Wayne, and now T-Pain --"Hip Hop" is just getting fucked in the ass harder and harder. It isn't just the music either, it's also the image, the mentality, and the culture that all of that is creating. The "Bling" era lacked the authenticity of Slick Rick and Big Daddy Kane's style.






By 2000 it was all "Mtv Cribs" with the Scarface posters and cristal. One week it was rims, the next week it was how many TV's you had in the SUV. The diamonds, the fronts, and all the other bullshit was corny and became a marketing tool. It's still going on now, and it's even more cornball. Shit has gone seriously YES/Homo. Yeah T-Pain, I'm talking about you! But it doesn't matter, because there are enough ignorant people in this country to keep any boat full of shit afloat.


This is all just my two cents. There is still a ton of good hip hop going on currently, but too many lazy people are getting way more credit then they deserve. I've even been going back to Jay-Z's albums and finding more appreciation, but I can't really get into this Cameron and Jadakiss shit. It's not that I hate it, but all of these MC's sound the same now and the production is usually lame. So the shit just bores me, and has no appeal to me.


Here's a solid mix of mid-late 90's stuff:







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Re: hiphop physics and opinions


earl you're making a post about how the greed and materialism corrupted hip hop

while posting a picture of big daddy kane stunting with his dookie gold chains<<a dollar to whoever knows what album thats from. Hip Hop has been commercial. It has just had different faces. White kids had been jumping on their beds in their suburban homes to rap music since run dmc,and the fat boys. It's target demo was always impressionable young white kids. It's just that the face of hip hop changed with the times. During its developing era the commercial success in the 80's allowed for more of the "real" hip hop to flourish and grow later on in the 90s. And even then that became an image to be exploited by the record people. Songs like o.p.p. were as commercial as push it. As hip hop started growing more and the culture became more and more profitable it influenced the frame of mind of alot of rappers. Which led to a new face in hip hop to be exploited.


jadakiss is a talented guy

and camron is also

you wouldnt know it by the dumb shit he is making. But some of his children of the corn stuff was sick. His verse in 8 is enough was ill.


my problem with "sell crack hards" taste in it is he doesnt really know why hes listening to camron but just following this gangsta ny tall tee stay high off kush aesthetic that alot of youngsters get sold. One day we all look back and laugh at how big our shirts were




theeres my mad scientifical skills for you

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Re: hiphop physics and opinions


i don't know about you, but after being woken up by a loser talking some shit and trying to harass me at 1130 for what music i listen to, i put on a polo, not no XL, not one of those retarded overpriced coogi shirts that lil Wayne wears, a medium polo..my size. btw the cam that i put on here was mostly form children, or his 2nd lp. so whatever whoever wants to take shots at me next go ahead, just don;t lose your balance

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Re: hiphop physics and opinions


werd werd? i dont really know i just remember seeing him on you tube wearing a coogi. don't matter, people are just odee stereotyping up here saying that i smoke kush, or i wear huge clothes. i wear what fits and i smoke what i can afford and i listen to what i enjoy

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Re: hiphop physics and opinions




Worse than I thought. You're probably translucent.


On some real talk though these types of threads never fly in here. One starts every several months, the starter gets flamed into oblivion, and they die. Most people in here already know what's good with music, and that BRING BACK THE RAW HIP HOP shit gets corny after a while.


I think in the last one of these threads the starter named Pro Tools as one of the best hip hop albums of all time.

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