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Trembling take it to crossfire or keep that shite to yourself....


All terrorists??.....Just like all Americans are braindead fucking rednecks....

SOmetimes seems like that but the truth is its a fucking disaster in Isreal, and when youve got no hope youve only got certain options...You yanks love your democracy??....Hamas democratically elected government of the people.

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peace...god speed palestinians. there is hope on your side, israelis WERE indeed caught on 9/11, they WERE involved and americans are fed up with the lies. We will not accept the "ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST" BS theory anymore. We got your back and we'll continue to fight for you guys over here, the jewish state of Israel no longer has any moral ground...the sea of galilee is drying up and so is American patience. Israel makes BAD use of a GOOD friend (U.S.)



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Israel had plenty to do with 9/11...you need to research your facts and learn about "AL-QUEDA" look up Adam Gadahn the video of him in which he appears as a spokesman. Real name Adam Pearlman Jewish born Muslim convert??? Really? 911missinglinks is an incredible documentary. Watch this and enlighten yourself, especially if you are American...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWpWc_suPWo. Israel has an extensive record of abusing foreign aid distributed to them, for example what recently happened the "22 Day Gaza War" or what most have concluded as a massacre... in which several mosques, marked UN establishments, schools, and hosptials were damaged. Sorry I cant sugarcoat the death of 900 men women and children to avoid being called an anti-semite or exhibit any kind of sense of political correctness in the realm of pure evil. The Israeli Lobby has been parasitically suckin the dollars out of the poor backbreaking work of Americans and quiet frankly Im fed up with it. They need to back off to the 1967 borders and act like human beings.

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israel had nothing to do with 9-11. that's some real conspiracy bullshit on an elders of zion level. all that shit you talk just discredits REAL palestinian suffering because it makes anti-zionists look anti-jewish. so quit it. anyway, this thread is about the wall not whatever nonsense you wanna talk.


that crek ish is tight and the arafat portriat is beautiful.



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I still disagree, the flights that took off outta Logan Airport in Boston were ran by an Israeli company called ICTS, than when the 9/11 Comisson came around Lawsuits were put into place to make them immune from being invested. Now if they allow 19 SAUDI ARABIAN, not even from Iraq, and they catch the shoe bomber? I dunno who you hold responsible man, but dont be mad the Jewish owned Viacom, Berthslmen, AOL Time Warner, and watever other major news networks they own or partly own convinced you a buncha arabs in caves took down those towers. According to the CIA/FBI Carl Cameron, MOSSAD infiltrated every MUSLIM religious organization. Now I didnt say they DID it, thats why ISRAELI kids were caught in a spy ring some within 20 paces of Muhammed Ata (HIJACKER), so Israel either A knew about it ahead of time and could have prevented it OR B they were directly involved end of discussion untill you can prove otherwise with some actual information that can be confirmed.


Oh and get this the 5 dancing Israelis caught on 9/11 were sent back on visa violations from our head of homeland security dual citizen of Israel Michael Chertoff, not to mention the FBI detained over 60 individuals and 1,000s were sent back because the CIA/FBI suspected Intelligence Fronts. Wow isnt Israel a great friend?

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You're so fucking stupid. I was in a sales meeting with a Saudi friend of mine who got fired on 9/11 because as the reports came in and work came to a standstill, he stood up and said "America got what it deserved, this is what happens".

Do i agree with what he said? Not personally.

Is this any different than 5 stupid israeli's dancing? not really.

You need to get your head out of your ass and start doing productive things instead of reading Robert Icke books.




Fucking idiot.

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Saudi, saudi arabian, same wahabi fake ass muslim sects same ones to sell out their muslim brothers to US business men for oil investments. Not to mention the supposed "dead" 19 hijackers, two weeks later 4 were found alive, and they got their IDs from the plane with jet fuel that took down a steel structure and somehow survived and their wallets landed near surrounding areas.( this is obnoxious) No thanks, I'll continue to preach that the fact that the American government acknowledges that there is illegal espionage activities going on within the US, even linked to drug smuggling and intelligence fronts around Sept 11. Not to mention the large amount of military surplus Dov Zakheim sent to Israel prior to the attacks. Those israelis that got caught two of them were MOSSAD agents, not to mention after appearing on a TV show without them they found the photos in their camera of them celebrating the attacks of sept 9/11.They said they were over to "document the event"....pictures in their camera found holding a lighter up in front of the towers, dancing and clapping. This does not sound like the behavior of someone who wants to see something good happen to America. So we liberate Iraq from Saddam, were still there? Gee, awefully close to Iran, how convienent...all on the pretext that Islamic fundamentalists took down those towers in a region not even related to unfolding mid-east crisis'. ANSWER ME THIS, if someone says they were documenting an EVENT, would that not indicate prior knowledge? Dont take it personal guy...




Heres a quick video from aljazeera demonstrating the supposed democratic Israeli state evicting palestinian homes in what the UN considers Occupied Territories under the International Laws they are violating in Jerusalem.


Or maybe Americans think with Rahm Emanuel son of an Irgun Israeli Terrorist as our chief of staff will have a positive influence in the Mid-East...oh please im done wasting my time and breathe...why cant you logically discuss this topic and refrain from personal attacks. Cause im pretty much done schooling you on facts anyone on this planet can find out for themselves. Peace haters

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