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"Boss Battles"


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Pulling the bad stuff out huh? You made a diss video for some kid to go along with that shitty ass sketch...You're a freaking joke dude.



For those interested here's the video of that shitty sketch Miles made because some dude called him a toy over the internet. He got mad and decided to make some wack sketch to prove that he is in fact a huge 30 year old wannabe graffiti writer toy.





^^^That's in there...


You played yourself homie, nobody has to work at making you look bad...You're an expert at that shit.



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this shit is ridic. how have i benn reading like four pages back. i'm never gettin this time back. yall need to find a more constructive way to waste your time. miles, you do suck. bad. mouth, all i have ever seen is u talking shit on here, and it's a lot. get a life. what are you 45?

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Pulling the bad stuff out huh? You made a diss video for some kid to go along with that shitty ass sketch...You're a freaking joke dude.



For those interested here's the video of that shitty sketch Miles made because some dude called him a toy over the internet. He got mad and decided to make some wack sketch to prove that he is in fact a huge 30 year old wannabe graffiti writer toy.





^^^That's in there...


You played yourself homie, nobody has to work at making you look bad...You're an expert at that shit.




that guy put me in his video.. it was only right that i did the same.. shit is funny too

i had to sticker over both sides so my son can't see it


damn mouth, you're mad... as much as you wanna call me mad.. you mad, you're the mad one:lol: :lol: :lol: you still suck, still a gayass m'fer

i think you're jealous that you're not the gimp chained in the stall maning the glory hole get'n me paid as your gimp pimp.. is that it? why you so mad faggot?

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But the original battle idea wasn't a bad idea...


you're right.. it's a great idea.. nada was onto a good thing.. til mouth entered the thread and started gay'n the shit out of everything.. i cant help myself.. i have to reply back.. blame the mods, i always report his ass for gay'n shit up, i even reported myself, the mods don't care if we go 100 pages deep full of wack blahbibbityblah, blah blah.. nada challenged mouth to the boss battle... mouth was like, 'nah, i seen him in the toy thread, he'll burn me', :lol: :lol: :lol:


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nada challenged mouth to the boss battle... mouth was like, 'nah, i seen him in the toy thread, he'll burn me', :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually this is what I said



You probably would burn me, I saw your Naked sketch in the other thread, it was tight. It's too bad your handstyle is shit and you hang out with losers like Miles.


And I don't write any more, I gave that shit up a long time ago....But that doesn't mean I can't write because unlike Miles I haven't always sucked. And I'm sure as fuck not going to resurrect my graff career at 32 like Miles no skill having ass is trying to do. :lol:


Sorry I don't sit around drawing shit aspiring to be a writer.


Like I said before I quit a long time ago, I would hope someone that does still draw on a regular basis would burn me though. Unlike yourself Miles, your boy Nada looks to be on the right track with his artwork...And even though I dissed his handstyle I still payed him a compliment on his sketch. Just like I payed you a compliment on your dragon...I'm not one to sugarcoat my compliments just to make you feel good about yourself though, because in reality that will get you no where fast.


Apparently people have been giving you false compliments all your life on your graffiti coloring book work...Because you have an undeserved sense of pride that doesn't match the work you display to the rest of the board. Your letters and handstyle really do suck for someone who's supposedly been writing as long as you say you have....I'm not just saying that to make you mad either, it's the truth and you need to hear it. Someone should have told you a long time ago so you didn't waste your life trying to be a writer, because obviously from the shit you posted you don't have the skill to write graffiti or draw letters...Let alone paint them.


I'm done talking to you about this shit. It was good entertainment for me though, you're a funny dude...Thanks for the laughs homie, I've wasted too much time making you look like a fool for the last 13 pages...It's time for me to move on and it's time for you to go be mad about something else.





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hahaha, who ever said anything about pride?? pride is for money making son.. this is what happened.. you followed me from the kungfag thread the pitt paper thread and started talking shit about me posting shit that wasn't my own work.. not mentioning i had just posted 150 other pittsburgh flicks ontop of those.. you're a faggot with hurt feelings man.. i never said shit about being a great writer.. just that i had been writing my name on shit since backwhen.. hahaha stay gay homo, you're mad

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And this is the reason why you still suck at graffiti after 17 years of practicing, that shit is wack as fuck...If you honestly think that shit is good you need to have your eyes checked.


17 years??? how bout an actual 4 or 5.. maybe..

but you're mad, you'll say anything out of context

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Mouth For War





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Join Date: Jul 2006

Location: where the villains be...

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They made a movie about you... - Today, 03:20 PM






Learn from the truth or just stay mad it doesn't matter to me...But rest assured nothing you ever said has made me mad, You're a lame dude...The lamest kind of lame too, I bet you tell Issac you used to write graffiti. Don't lie to your kid man, that shit aint cool. Why don't you tell him the truth? That you're a never was wannabe in a never was wannabe graffiti crew...Nobody from your city has even heard of you or your boys. That's sad homie, I know in your mind you're a king but to everyone else you're just a joke.


Stay up fool.




that dude that made you mad on 12oz



hahaha, you're funny.. who's nobody from my city? that dude that said i should start a cbf thread? that bacon painter knows cbf.. he remembers, if he's old enough, covering it up on the tracks.. but who's he? just another noone talking out the side of his mouth


mouthforfags.. you're pathetic is what you are.. eat a dick or whatever, but not mine, no matter how hard you think you're on my nuts, you're the faggot.. you think you can put words in my mouth and make me a fool? pls retard, i havn't been out of line once in a reply.. you're out of place everytime time you do though, you been mad for 3 months now.. and i just been replying to your faggot ass ever since.. i hope we meet one day and settle all these shinanigans.. that'd be great.. but until then.. stay gay faggot


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i started in 93, quit in 98.. i did a couple sketches and a couple of paintings from then until recently.. but for 11 years and like 10 sketches and 5 paintings, does not mean i was writing for 17 years... siteronafag, idk where you're coming from, pls don't reply retard.. silba, ima negaprop your gay ass again as soon as it lets me, since you're so into this popularity b.s., and all you 120z gods n haters.. stay gay faggots

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