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Obama: The New George Bush


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the problem is that no matter what articles anyone puts forward, as part of their arguement, will tend to be biased towards the view of the author, there is not really such a thing as unbiased jouranlism anymore, WE need to look into all viewpoints and establish what we believe to be correct that is all we can do as intelligent human beings

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Nope. I don't want you to leave. I was just saying, keep trolling and I will treat you like a troll. It's not anywhere near that point. I keep my cool these days on crossfire. Used to get really pissed off and argue, argue, and argue some more.


It's a weird thing with waking up to what is going on. You get extremely angry at first, then you start to understand that a lot of people aren't all that interested in what is going on

and get even more angry. I'm at the point now where I see the world as a different place

and find that if I can plant the seed of liberty in just one person, it can have a bigger impact than trying to tell the masses all at once.


As for Holdren, dude is a psychopath in my humble opinion. You're welcome to make your own judgments, though.


Me being alienated from others really doesn't bother me. I will press forward no matter what people think or say. It's the internet.


As for criticism, there are people here who I pay more attention to as far as writings than others. Some have polar opposite views. Because I don't directly respond doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.

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Yeah, attack the argument, not the man.


Casek and I lock horns on most issues and sometimes get frustrated with each other's views. But he's always treated me with respect and I'd also wager that he's a decent bloke IRL as well.


Pretty sure he's a Freemason too..... :)

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I apologize, but I didn't read the entire thread. However, the title just reminded me of a recurring argument I've been having with myself that I haven't been willing to say out loud.


But the past 8 years have made me so cynical, hopeless, and paranoid that I do believe that Obama is there for a reason, and not because 'our voice has been heard'. I think the US government has been overthrown somewhere along the way (before bush), and we're controlled by some other accumulation of power, and in ways we often don't realize, and maybe a lot of politicians don't realize either.


I've yet to take that breath of fresh air that a lot of folks are taking because of Obama. The only thing I can say so far is that he's got charisma, and sounds like an intelligent man of the modern world when he speaks. Which is only one thing more than Bush had (to oversimplify).


About half way through Dubya's 2nd term I left the US. I was trying to be righteous through all the bullshit and try as hard as I could to be objective and rap with my peers, only to escape for selfish reasons. I like my little bubble in this foreign country where I can't read the signs, can't understand what people are speaking about, and even if I did watch TV, I wouldn't know what the fuck they're saying. In a lot of ways I feel like a little kid again.


Lastly, I don't know if this is a mistake on my part or not; but since I've been in this bubble for a few years now, I made the decision to come back on 12oz, in an effort to get my finger on the pulse again. I've always felt that 12oz is a good place for that, just as long as you're smart and use discretion.


Now I'm gonna go check out that pics of hot girls thread, I bet there's a thousand new pages on there by now...

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Yeah, attack the argument, not the man.


If this is directed at me, I can only say I have responded to certain comments with the same level of respect given to me. That is, none. It might clarify to note that I try to speak from a more detached and, hopefully, objective vantage point (I understand the problems inherent in this.) I don't hold many "beliefs" (yeah yeah yeah) and it is difficult for me to express adequate respect for those who do. Some arguments in crossfire are to me more a matter of factual accuracy than arbitrary "belief" or preference. I suppose this is not true for others. Of course, I recognize that this is the internet and I'm on here to dick around; I often come across much more serious than I intend when writing. I don't really care, this is the way I learned to write, I think it lends to more forceful expression of opinion and there is some value in that.

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Mainframe, you've got to understand that a lot of people are very passionate about liberty. We're seeing it sucked dry from our country and will take every opportunity to try to get

people to think about it for even one second, minute, hour, etc.


I can assure you that I'm not some wingnut militiaman or some ufo nut wearing a tin foil and

preaching at people who walk down the street about how alien Jesus is coming to restore the

fruit republic on the streets of America.

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IT was directed in general, Mainframe. I'm not going to point fingers or have an opinion on however you and Casek came to ruin such a beautiful relationship together. When everyone first saw you guys together we all said amongst ourselves that you were both the perfect couple. I wish my Mum and Dad had been so happy together. But, these things sometimes turn sour and that is how life goes. I think at times like that it is best for the two of you to sit down together and discuss what is the best way out of it for you, the kids and the goldfish. Either way, just know that none of us are going to take sides and that we are al friends with the both of you.


But just as long as you know, Casek is a tin foil wearing wingnut militia man.


Pretty sure he's a Mason too.

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IT was directed in general, Mainframe. I'm not going to point fingers or have an opinion on however you and Casek came to ruin such a beautiful relationship together. When everyone first saw you guys together we all said amongst ourselves that you were both the perfect couple. I wish my Mum and Dad had been so happy together. But, these things sometimes turn sour and that is how life goes. I think at times like that it is best for the two of you to sit down together and discuss what is the best way out of it for you, the kids and the goldfish. Either way, just know that none of us are going to take sides and that we are al friends with the both of you.


But just as long as you know, Casek is a tin foil wearing wingnut militia man.


Pretty sure he's a Mason too.



Yeah, I'm an alien lizard mason. I admit it.


Check this out.


Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others


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all you hippies with your obama "peace sign in the O" stickers on your volvos...thinkin he was the god damned second-coming...all i gotta say is a simple, "haha." Giant douche/turd sandwich...doesnt matter... they all suck. Its just amazing, the political boners you all had for him...and now look. Now if you'll excuse me, i gotta go piss on the grave an alcholic liberal peice of shit murderer. rot in hell teddy.

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John Pilger - On Obama.



John Pilger is not exactly the poster boy for honest research/reporting.


I do like a few of the books that he's written and the sentiment he holds, but he has been caught out a number of times reporting/claiming untruths. He was originally a journo.

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I stumbled across this page and thought of you clowns.


The Obama Deception,Debunked.



Alex Jones and the people who follow he hysterical kind of polarised thought are just as guilty as the "dishonest" people they pursue. He/they deliberately look for information that suits their view, completely misrepresent information and statements and have very very little actual substance as to what they call "evidence".


I feel there is very little honest research and understanding of matters from the people like Alex Jones.


Massive confirmation bias and selective analysis. They seem to not be intersted in the truth, more so in just proving their version of the truth right. Which is also the way I see organisations such as FoxNews and Heritage Foundation, etc.

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John Pilger is not exactly the poster boy for honest research/reporting.


I do like a few of the books that he's written and the sentiment he holds, but he has been caught out a number of times reporting/claiming untruths. He was originally a journo.




Don't know about any of that stuff. I will say that the video I posted was on point. To me anyway.


His would be agenda and past mistakes aside.



Wait until the "stimulus package" effects start to pop up. Which they will shortly. I suspect after people realize the damage that was added to our already limping economy this will drop even further.


Just to add all of those Anti Christ images and shit are just fucking stupid.

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It's a weird thing with waking up to what is going on. You get extremely angry at first, then you start to understand that a lot of people aren't all that interested in what is going on

and get even more angry. I'm at the point now where I see the world as a different place

and find that if I can plant the seed of liberty in just one person, it can have a bigger impact than trying to tell the masses all at once.


Well, to me this sounds very pretentious. To assume that you are right about everything, that you have waked up to what is going on, just means that you have closed your mind to information that does not support the beliefs, whatever they may be, that are implied by that phrase. This rhetoric about planting 'the seed of liberty' doesn't mean anything to me. It sounds like a very narrow concept. The world is a very complex, chaotic place, and I understand there is a need to discern a sense of order amid the chaos. Check out the Pale Blue Dot photograph and read Carl Sagan's reflections on it...I find that provides a much deeper, more humble anchor for your perspective if you want to examine "what is going on."


As for Holdren, dude is a psychopath in my humble opinion. You're welcome to make your own judgments, though.


Your opinion on this was certainly not expressed in a "humble" manner. People with humble opinions don't flare up when other people point out flaws in their argument. Obviously I disagree and I've already explained myself in that other thread.


Me being alienated from others really doesn't bother me. I will press forward no matter what people think or say. It's the internet.


I just think it might do you good to listen to what other people have to say. I'm not convinced that you really do this. This is a detached criticism, not hateful trolling.

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Alex Jones and the people who follow he hysterical kind of polarised thought are just as guilty as the "dishonest" people they pursue. He/they deliberately look for information that suits their view, completely misrepresent information and statements and have very very little actual substance as to what they call "evidence".


I feel there is very little honest research and understanding of matters from the people like Alex Jones.


Massive confirmation bias and selective analysis. They seem to not be intersted in the truth, more so in just proving their version of the truth right. Which is also the way I see organisations such as FoxNews and Heritage Foundation, etc.


I'm marking you on my list


christo-f = NWO

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