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Sex vs. Generational gaps

earl broclo ESQ

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earl, i have piked up on this aswell. Sex has become an everyday thing for young teens, when i was 14/15 sex was a dream, no girls would give it up like that. Now i hear stories from friends younger brothers talking about all these teeny boper sex that goes on. Im not gonna say the internet is the only reason this is happening alot of social views, media etc has changed alot, but it is a huge factor.


I wonder what it's gonna be like in another 5 years when im hopefully raising something. My sons gonna rock alot of pussies if things continue like this.


It was funny to read about the whol finding porn thing, i found my first porn mag under my uncles bed when i was about 11, i stole it and kept it for like 3 years.


To be honest i don't know how i feel about this whole sex and generational gap thing. i have friends who were smashing since 10 and a couple like me who are in the last days of being teens who haven't smashed shit :lol: ( sad but true yo). I can see how the internet is to blame for some of this shit.


However, i feel that society and the media play a much larger role than the internet. This whole children raising children generation is fucking ridiculous, and to be frank, i blame TV more than the internet. I remember when tip drill first came out and i saw a girl that couldn't have been over 10 repeating the lyrics verbatim, and left me confused.


Maybe it's because i was such a fucking geek when i was younger to pay attention to shit like BET and MTV and imitating what people were doing in these rap videos and such, and this may be the reason why i wasn't running around trying to smash everything in sight.


All in all, i feel that the world is about to implode due to the massive amount of bullshit that is going on today. im only 19,but i have quickly adopted a hate for the human race in general thanks to TV internet and all other forms of media.



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Internet has been popular for only about +10 years now. You can only imagine what will pop up during the next 20. Not only with the fucked up material, but also shit like how people tend to dehumanize and humiliate each other, and argue for the sake of argument. Some people say it's because users are mostly at home and get defensive for the invasion of privacy. Go figure.


When I was 11 or 12 and a horror movie geek, I bought Fangoria mags, modified G.I. Joe figures to look like corpses and, being 'artistically talented' was planning to get into special effects/gore/horror film business in the future.

I can still remember the shock when I first saw sites like goregallery and shownomercy. Real death was actually agonizing and gruesome, and way different too.

Also I noticed viewing shit like that for 1982 generation meant social seclusion. Thanks internet!


At some point kids often get an "OHH THATS NOTHING WATCH THIS" –phase.

And it goes on for years and includes everything, not just porn.

I'm saying, if they're doing that with videos of chechnyan beheadings or Ukrainian kids killing hobos with sledgehammers, they're bound to collide with earlier generations in some way.


edit. Sorry for slightly sidetracking from the porn talk

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As for squirters? I've never met a girl who's into that, I have no clue how to do that, and to be honest, I think most those videos are just chicks pissing and faking an orgasm.


That sucks earl



They are real... I've had 2 chicks do it... And aparantly all females posess the ability

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To be honest i don't know how i feel about this whole sex and generational gap thing. i have friends who were smashing since 10 and a couple like me who are in the last days of being teens who haven't smashed shit :lol: ( sad but true yo). I can see how the internet is to blame for some of this shit.


However, i feel that society and the media play a much larger role than the internet. This whole children raising children generation is fucking ridiculous, and to be frank, i blame TV more than the internet. I remember when tip drill first came out and i saw a girl that couldn't have been over 10 repeating the lyrics verbatim, and left me confused.






You're a 19 year old virgin?

You might wanna keep that to yourself


I don't think the Internet has anything to do with that

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..... and a couple like me who are in the last days of being teens who haven't smashed shit :lol: ( sad but true yo). I can see how the internet is to blame for some of this shit.




with all the social networking sites n shit, how are you not getting laid?

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I was on the cusp of the internet, right when it started becoming available. I was introduced to pornography at a very young age, first grade, at my friends house. His dad used to leave his Playboys lying around and he didn't care if we looked at them. I also knew how sex worked because my parents were really open about that. In all honesty, I don't think it was a good thing. I'm fairly desensitized towards sex and pornography and it's also given me very high standards in women.


On the other hand since I am not so amazed by sexuality it allows me to look at a woman's personality more objectively. I'm not saying I don't get distracted by a nice set of t&a just less so then most men.


I think that the internet hasn't changed anything in particular, rather it's just made sex more accessible. I do however think that parents have become increasingly more irresponsible.

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well, if this has turned into a general 'paper' porn reminiscence... mostly i used to dig into my dad's stack of playboys, but I had to be really careful because they were save issues where Shel Silverstein had signed cartoons he'd gotten printed or someone we knew had an article, and when Standish was editor we had a full scrip, or the flip side was when he'd have photomags that he was really into because they told you the formula to set up your bounce strobe, but also had Helmut Newton spreads (MANY thanks to Helmut Newton btw)... but yeah the most abuseable porn in my childhood was always found in the woods, ususally by an abandoned mattress...

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I grew up on the internet.

I copped a PC at age 10/11 and spent 10 to 16 hours a day on that shit until I was around 14.

It had a serious impact on shaping me into who I am.

Nothing surprises me because I've been exposed to the most fucked up shit in the world for over a decade.

I've been beating my cock to bitches getting gangbanged and sticking baseball bats up their assholes and eating creampies out of other bitches assholes for over a decade.

The internet also opened me to SO much knowledge and understanding. It helped me transform into a very dynamic and unique individual.

Overall the internet has positively impacted my life, but it DEFINITELY has had a very drastic impact on my sexual views and the level of risque shit that is openly acceptable at early ages.

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I know, late.


You touched a little bit on our generation and the previous one which raised us.. societal movements, culture changes..




Pretty interesting.


Edit: That video is 37 seconds long. Epic fail. You might want to just read that article - it's basically a narration of the video. Fucking cbs.

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Parents ask "why are kids taking so many nude photos now?" Well, maybe if you didn't give your 13 year old a camera phone, digital camera, and own personal computer with web cam --you wouldn't get this shit.


When I was a teenager, there were no digital cameras (and i walked 689 miles in the snow to get groceries). You had to either develop your own film, or have someone else do it. So girls wouldn't just throw that stuff out there. I mean you heard your rumors about girls doing two guys, or sucking 10 dicks in a weekend. I mean all that shit is in every generation. But if you were born in 1985 or later, you grew up in a whole new sexually explicit world (thank you internet!).


For me, when it came to porn when I was a kid, we were really only catered your average straight forward white socks porn. Either your dad/friend's dad had magazines/videos, or you randomly found a wet plastic bag full of porn in the woods. It was always while playing "guns" or "manhunt" and you'd divide it up equally and swap every month. I remember in 1987, going over to my friend Gus's house. Gus's dad had a personal computer, which used floppy disks. He had these early digital porn drawings, and between those and a couple quirky pornographic video games (strip poker kind of stuff), that was the extent of cyber porn for me. I was 12. By 15-19, it was strictly magazines and videos. Some videos were a little more hardcore, but never to the extent of porn today. The magazines were your usual Hustler, Cheri, Penthouse, and if you got something really graphic --it was from Germany or Sweden and all the girls had JJ Walker looking pussies and looked like the tranny vamp from "Rocky Horror Picture Show."




Think about it, if you were born in 1985, that puts you at 10 years old in 1995. At 10 you're getting online and the web cam girls are starting to pop up, the A.D.H.D 10 second porno clips are everywhere, and you can find countless still images of anything being shoved everywhere. That's 12 years old. In 2000, you're 15. Now you have your suicide girls, your web cam girls, your bukakkae girls, your double fisting video sites, girls gagging and puking on dicks, etc. So if you look at the psychological repercussions of this shit, on both genders, it's kind of crazy. You have 15 year old dudes in the biggest hormonal change of their life, getting off to girls being throat raped, hate raped, pissed on, and picked up in buses, fucked in every hole, and dropped off on 1-95. So this of course leads to fantasies which seem norm, and of course the attempts at acting out those fantasies. On the other hand, you have the 15 year old females going through a hormonal change, being told "if you really loved me you'd let me stick it in there and poke you in your eye" or "of course it's normal, it's on the web!" Or you get the girls watching the same videos and thinking this is how they can please so and so into being their "boo." Obviously there are a million scenarios that can happen here, but I'm just pointing out some obvious ones. I mean you're bound to have your prudes, your "just say no" kids, you're closed off from society by parents kids, and so on and so on. But my main point is that the sexual norm for this generation has been pushed, and by a hidden revolution. It isn't like the 60's where my parent's generation decided to drop acid and be bi-sexual. I mean there were some orgies, some crazy S&M shit, some public sex, etc. But that was a generation pushing that change. It was a human movement, motivated by constraints of a socially conservative society. With the 1985+ generation, I think it was more of a marketing scheme than a movement. I guess my generation, and the generation before me, is really the ones to blame. We were the ones making this shit and putting it on the web. We were the ones going to rockabilly shows thinking "man, if I could get all these girls to pose nude, it will "empower" them and make me rich!" We were the ones that were convincing our girlfriend's to get web cams and fuck us online to make money. The 85+'ers were just the kids bound to find it like all kids of every generation find porn. Except it isn't soaking wet in a garbage bag for them.


I digress.


There is a 25 year old bar back where I play records. One night I had a drunken conversation about my views on his generation, and the generation following them. He agreed 100% with me on the influence of the internet (in other ways than sexual revolution). He told me when he was 15, he went to camp and met this chick. They had the little teenage camp thing, and at the end of summer she let him finger her. Well, she ends up saying "put in two," then "three," then "four." So the kid ends up fisting her. He then went on to tell me other stories which made me jealous.


But to me, for a 15 year old girl to want a guy to fist her, is strange. I can only assume that she saw that online, did it to herself, and got into it. Good for her! I guess the only plus sign I can see to all of this, is that it evolves into a more sexually free culture, where the norm is constantly pushed.


I was born ten years too fucking early!




I don't know...

I agree with most of what you're saying, but I get the feeling that this younger generation is so used to whatever is on the internet automatically being "some weirdo shit" that they think anything outside of missionary sex is some weirdo shit. And that most of them don't even fucks with that untill they're out of highschool.

I also get the picture that most of these kids are more influenced by Dateline than what they see on the internet when it comes to sex.

I'm thinking that our generation was alot more freeky than these faggot ass TPWFs who would rather e-holler at Myspace bitches in Kansas, than go downtown and holler at bitches in real life.

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that's true i had a 21 year old give the messiest gagfest of my life and i didn't even have to tell her. she is a very good girl, but i bet her friends told her what's good.




The best head I ever got was mostly from 15-16 year olds.

And that was back in the 90's before most people had the internet.

Bithes were hungry as fuck for the cock back then.

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you know, I dunno.. maybe the internet was the death of free form freakey but I think there's some inherent freak to go... but, I do think the internet era kids miss the raw sexuality of the previous 2 flicks I posted,, or this one...



now days if it doesn't move or be in color it's off the radar but the MOST sexy ever has always been still and b/w, and so it shall be

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I remember that pic 2 posts above and I will go on the record as saying that B&Ws are sexy, but I still prefer glorious old colour, ahha.

This pic however is, lets just say, fucking awesome.



The thing I referred to earlier in 'artistic nudes' was not really referring to pics like you would expect or ones as extravagant as this, moreso the usual playmate layout pics of them in sultry poses or whatever, not showing full spread eagles or whatnot. I am happy with the way this thread is progressing but to TRON, trust me, you won't be regretting holding out as sex really is overrated. I find myself a bit like MAR in that I have impossibly high standards in women and my expectations of them, and I can't just fuck any old chick like my brother (who has screwed maybe 60 girls already this year). Last blowjob I copped I was so crazy I was making animal noises like a wildcat and shit just to give myself a memorable time, as it is all vanilla after a while haha.

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you won't be regretting holding out as sex really is overrated. I find myself a bit like MAR in that I have impossibly high standards in women and my expectations of them, and I can't just fuck any old chick like my brother (who has screwed maybe 60 girls already this year)


i have high standards for spark and connection but i could sort of give a shit what someone looks like. i mean i have my preferences in terms of a physical type but it's more of a mental/emotional thing--i have a lot of trouble fucking with someone who i don't think is really into me/who i'm not really into. it's sort of old-fashioned i guess, and i still support people who have a lot of sex with a lot of different people as long as that's what they're into and they're being safe about it. i think that being picky is not necessarily a bad thing, you save yourself a lot of trouble. it can be if you're too picky i reckon.


i definitely do not think sex is overrated. bad sex is overrated. but another thing i've learned is that some people just aren't as sexual as others.

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Nah it's defenitely not the spreading of my seed


I was like that before my seed was spread already


If I wasn't I would say it was due to my seed having been spread, but since previous behavior ore seed spreading was in synch, it's like, just how the world works






I'm more into spreading legs than spreading seeds


Altho waisting seeds is a-ok

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no, you're a man: it's in your dna to want to impregnate as many women of different colors as you possibly can.


now realistically, you might not want that. it's messy, expensive, and a lot of work.

but there's still a part of you that wants it. that's why sex is so fun.

it has to be or we would never procreate.

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