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For fuck sake. Let the god damn kid go to prom.

Spring Break '92

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FINDLAY, Ohio – A student at a fundamentalist Baptist school that forbids dancing, rock music, hand-holding and kissing will be suspended if he takes his girlfriend to her public high school prom, his principal said.

Despite the warning, 17-year-old Tyler Frost, who has never been to a dance before, said he plans to attend Findlay High School's prom Saturday.

Frost, a senior at Heritage Christian School in northwest Ohio, agreed to the school's rules when he signed a statement of cooperation at the beginning of the year, principal Tim England said.

The teen, who is scheduled to receive his diploma May 24, would be suspended from classes and receive an "incomplete" on remaining assignments, England said. Frost also would not be permitted to attend graduation but would get a diploma once he completes final exams. If Frost is involved with alcohol or sex at the prom, he will be expelled, England said.

Frost's stepfather Stephan Johnson said the school's rules should not apply outside the classroom.

"He deserves to wear that cap and gown," Johnson said.

Frost said he thought he had handled the situation properly. Findlay requires students from other schools attending the prom to get a signature from their principal, which Frost did.

"I expected a short lecture about making the right decisions and not doing something stupid," Frost said. "I thought I would get his signature and that would be the end."

England acknowledged signing the form but warned Frost there would be consequences if he attended the dance. England then took the issue to a school committee made up of church members, who decided to threaten Frost with suspension.

"In life, we constantly make decisions whether we are going to please self or please God. (Frost) chose one path, and the school committee chose the other," England said.

The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music "is part of the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people's hearts and minds."

England said Frost's family should not be surprised by the school's position.

"For the parents to claim any injustice regarding this issue is at best forgetful and at worst disingenuous," he said. "It is our hope that the student and his parents will abide by the policies they have already agreed to."

The principal at Findlay High School, whose graduates include Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, said he respects, but does not agree with, Heritage Christian School's view of prom.

"I don't see (dancing and rock music) as immoral acts," Craig Kupferberg said.



Except they didn't realize, these days, the music will be rap and much more explicit than 'rock and roll' and encourage a lot more than holding hands and kissing. Christian fundamentalists are retardeds. I hope this kid goes, gets driz as fuck, does drugs, and has the sex of his teenage life.

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i remember when i went to my first mostly-white school dance at a catholic school. i was 13 and i was like, what is this shit? no tootsie roll? no electric slide? no one gettin low? no teachers in the middle hollerin about how they're gettin ready to shut this thing down if people don't stop grinding? is this dj fucking playing shania twain right now?

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Shit my catholic school wasn't run by zealots like these, only reason I went to catholic school was city schools had a shit curriculum and piss poor teachers. Not on some ego trippin "MY SON WILL NOT BE EXPOSED TO SUCH DEVILRY"


Either way I hated catholic school for bullshit like this, mandated prayer, ties, dress shoes and I still hate any religious zealot so I guess nothing really changes.


I would go over to my rich friend's places in the art district around park avenue, my poor ass would be askin "wanna go play outside?" Charles and Muffy be on some "OUTSIDE IS WHERE THE WAR HAPPENED"

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Yeah, if you screw with a teenager's head like that they're apt to turn into decent, godfearing psychopaths.


This isn't even about good intentions, this is just some old kook being a hater. If his parents aren't behind him, he should take his GED and move in with his girlfriend...maybe join a metal band and get some tattoos.

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not my school...

and it was an all boys...glad i got kicked out


We couldn't have long hair, no earring, every boy had to have short cuts or clean afros no braids, no tattoos, no sneakers, had to pay for EVERYTHING (food[they had a subway restaurant], lost books, planners, school pants, shirts, blazers, vests, shirts, polos for the summer)


And this school was in the BX...bullshit...5,000 a year


and to quote the website:

"We expect all of our students to be here every day. We do expect them to stay home when they are sick. Staying home to wait for a repairman, to go to the dentist or to the doctor, to baby-sit, to deal with a headache are not acceptable reasons for absence"


"We want them to look GOOD in a fashion that is in compliance with the new school uniform.* By "GOOD" we mean a jacket, dress shirt, tie, slacks, shoes and a belt. Sneakers are never allowed into the building - only for Physical Education Classes and after school sports. The student must be fully dressed and ready for school upon arrival. A student never dresses in front of or near the school. Ripped, frayed, extra baggy pants are not allowed"


"We expect the students to LOOK LIKE THEY ARE HERE by arriving daily cleanly shaven. No sideburns are to go anywhere below the ear lobe. Beards and chin hairs are not allowed and should be shaved daily if need be. If they need to shave daily in order to be in compliance with the rules - then they are to shave daily. We expect their hair to be neatly groomed daily. If they have a small "afro" style cut - it is to be neat and even and picked out daily. If a student arrives for school on any given day and is not in compliance with any of the above rules regarding dress and grooming, he will be sent home to take care of the matter and then is expected to return. If he does not return, that lost day will be made up on a Saturday"

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Just make him stay in. He'll be smoking meth and raping everything in sight as soon as he moves out from his parents' house anyway. All of them do.


This is very true.


I used to work with a bunch of baptist douchebags since there is a baptist church/college down the street from it. Half of the girls after they graduated from there or left ended up going crazy on some girls gone wild type shit. The dudes ended up realizing there's actually an outside world and started drinking like none other and trying their hardest to holler at girls.


One of the dudes got kicked out of the college for watching a bootleg copy of Terminator 3 in his dorm. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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