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Spitifre and Defys excellent adventure.


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Hey assholes. Me and Defy decided to pack our bags and go on a 45 day Euro trip.

Cites to be seen are:

1.Zurich, Switzerland

2.Stuttgart, Germany

3.Amsterdam, The Netherlands

4.Berlin, Germany

5.Copenhagen, Denmark

6.Gothenburg, Sweden

And if we have time Oslo, Norway


Also, there are some cites in between that well stop in and wander about for a few hours then catch a train to the next destination.


As far as pictures go, weve been taking them but my laptop doesnt want to work with my iphone and Defy left his USB cable at home, so well go look for one later. As soon as this nigger decides to wake up. Its 2 in the afternoon...


So far Zurich is really nice. Cool people all around and very friendly. Even though neither of us speak German all these folks know PLENTY of English, so theres barely any language barrier.

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More like the most annoying alarm clock ever.

Whiskers on kittens are bunk when they are tickling your face at retarded early hours of the morning.


This place is pretty close.

In fact, I was about 5 minutes from there this morning.




This one is a little farther, but still managable.


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So anyways. Run down time.


Zurich airport is NICE. All modern looking. We took the train from the airport to the city, where we met our Swiss contact. AKA Umer. So we chilled at dudes place for awhile, and figured out where to check out. Walked around for a few hours, checked out a few places. Came back to the flat, and had a nap attack. Woke up and started to help him move his stuff down 6 stories to a van outside. We had an elevator to work with but a bed frame wouldnt fit so we had to take the stairs with that. Free stay in Zurich with a local/travel guide for the price of helping him move 2 blocks away is well worth it. After that one of his buddies met us at a restaurant. Afterwards we went out and had a beer, but it was tuesday so nothing was busy and bars closed early. Went to sleep at 2am. Woke up at 1 in the afternoon, took a shower, only to find out that the towels are still in the old flat. FUCKKKKKKKK


Fun fact: MTV here plays music. Umer left the TV on for about 8 hours and it played non stop music. 0 commercials. AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

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Pour some out for SpyD.





Sounds like you are having a great time already. 2 and a bit months til my trip but how expensive is Zurich )I heard it is pretty costly there). I still think you guys need to hit more of the eastern countries but i guess it will become a matter of time. But you seriously need to get some pics up on here for sure.

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Eastern Europe is not my jam. Polaks and and gypsie thieves are not my cup of tea. Zurich is pretty expensive compared to the other cities from what Ive been told. When we went out to eat, a small bar/restaurant type deal, I paid 28.00 all together. For a chicken sammich, a side of fries and salad and small cup of coke which the waitress didnt come back to refill or even ask to. The tips are part of the overall price as well.

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There's a free bike rental place across the street from the last track on the north side of the train station

Check it out. Zurich is sweet.Go across the river behind the bike rental shop and explore a lil bit to find a massive legal wall. May wanna ask for the part of the river they swim down. Kinda hard to explain but I'm sure you can find it.

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I've remembered how to get to that wall. I can give you pretty much turn by turn directions if yer interested.

It would be worth checking out. All QUALITY work when I saw it.



edit: also check out the park on the east side of the lake/bay

some pretty cool sculptures there.

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As far as pictures go, weve been taking them but my laptop doesnt want to work with my iphone and Defy left his USB cable at home, so well go look for one later. As soon as this nigger decides to wake up. Its 2 in the afternoon...



Taking vacation pictures with iPhone when a real digital camera costs $79.00 = FAIL.

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Rack a camera. It's Europe!



And only Gothenburg in Sweden? I recommend to prefer Malmó, a half an hour train ride over the bridge from Copenhagen.

Gothenburg is not worth to take time to visit it in my humble opinion... Stockholm or Oslo if you want to move north from Copenhagen.










And come visit me when you're already in Stockholm, the cruises cost around 20 dollars

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Haha no doubt man! As far as the camera situation goes, I have my iphone and defy has his sony camera but forgot the USB cable and we couldnt find one today. Hes been taking pics, just cant upload them. Well find one sooner or later. And Malmo was one of the possible city as well as Stockholm and Oslo also. If we have time Oslo and Stockholm are a definite possibility. We got rail passes and they came with a 50% discount for viking line as well.

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