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The New NHL just in time for Round 2 of the playoffs thread.


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the bruins have the same problem the pens did for their first two games, only we got it in the last two.

our players are not showing up at all.

they need to step it up big time in game 3.

i was telling a friend, chara needs to sacrifice a baby to the hockey gods and we'll start winning again hahaha.

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bruins have been horrible the last two games and just dont seem like there meshing good

a lot of colliding into each other and confusion

plus can kessel get a different move when he goes into the zone by himself? its getting boring seeing the same thing over and over

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edit - to that faggot fastzz

don't complain about seeing the same teams in the playoffs.

just because one team is good and they made it in the playoffs last year doesn't mean they should be good all year and then just because some faggots want to see new teams in the playoffs they get kept out of the playoffs get real you fucking homo, only the best teams make it in the playoffs and the playoffs this year have been FUCKING STELLAR!! and i'm sure every regular head in this thread will agree with me.

and a team spending money does not guarantee them a spot in the playoffs.

you must be fucking retarded.

oh and if you've got no smarts about hockey then please don't come in this thread ever again.



and rhode islander, who gives a shit if kessel does the same thing over and over going into the zone himself, if it fucking works why try something that doesn't work and lose the puck going into the zone?

bruins have been terrible the past two games and they need to get on the same mental page with each other, like i said it's time for chara to offer up a dead baby to the hockey gods.


end rant.

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the hawks need to pick up their offense they just need to shoot, they need to stop trying to move it around.

they had one shot on net in the last 10 minutes of the period that is fucking terrible!

the hawks also need to find a way to get into the zone, because they are getting fucking shut down by vancouver.


vancouver is doing a good job right now, but their defense needs to get tighter they have let up a few great chances to the hawks but luckily they have a solid fucking goalie holding them together.

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he hadn't beat them since sometime in 98 or something until game 2 in vancouver

that goal he let in was a softy though, that kind of goaltending isn't going to win you a stanley cup

chicago needs to tighten up and not play so spread out and own the neutral zone, the nucks are shutting em down hardcore cos they're spread too far trying to play the stretch pass

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yeah they need to get some speed through the neutral zone that is how they will make it into the nucks zone.

and khabbi has lost to the nucks 13 times in the last 14 meetings... which is not a good fucking amount at all, they maybe should have started huet, but huet has been shaky as fuck every time he gets in the net i don't know why he used to be solid.


black hawks need to get the puck deep into the nucks zone and work from behind the net, or atleast low in the zone, they are getting shut down at the blue line because the nucks go down and block everything they need to stop trying to move the puck all over and just take shots, yeah they are out shooting the nucks, but a lot of the shots they have had are easy saves for luongo, and they just need to keep putting the pucks on net.

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so he IS human



see where that came from though? speed through the neutral zone and then they won a battle on the boards.

fuck I hope they win this game


no call on the high stick!!!!

no call on the hook down?!?


another outstanding job from our NHL referee's :rolleyes:

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these calls are FUCKING BOGUS and the no calls are FUCKING BOGUS!


and that goal actually came from hard work and winning the one on one battles in the zone, it wasn't really a direct result of speed in the neutral zone, but yeah i guess you could say that helped.


and EDOGGAYE!! you should play in our fantasy league next year because we desperately need another person instead of having someone make an extra account, but i'm with you on rooting for the nuckers.

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blackhawks tying it with 2:30 at home? theyre about to tie the series. which sucks, cuz im rooting for the canucks.


fuckin dope OT even though the hawks came through

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really really really dope O.T

this wings ducks game is fucking exciting!!!!!1


yeah wings!!!!!!!! going up 2-1 before the period ended!!!!!!!

oh and pronger is a cheating little bitch, wrapping up hossas jersey and hitting him while he was trying to get up fucking bitch, then he had the audacity to complain about getting the penalty.

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yeah true classic fucking pronger. hahaha.

now lets see in this game if the refs don't call obvious penalties and if they call bullshit penalties that shouldn't be penalties.


this game is exciting it's going back and forth it's not stuck in one end like the hawks nucks game felt like it was stuck in the nucks end most of the game to me.

but the wings and ducks are always a good game, i hope it goes into o.t again.

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damn how did a fucking shitty play like that turn into a goal!?

that was all luck of where the puck ended up being for perry to pick it up.


i also smell Franzen having a hat trick, i don't like how every time one team gets a penalty the other team seems to get a penalty like 10 seconds into the power play it is like these refs don't want either team having a 5 on 4 advantage at all for longer then like 10 seconds.. it's fucking ridiculous but then again they are taking some pretty shitty fucking penalties in my opinion that shouldn't be taken.

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HOLY FUCK this FRANZEN, FILPULA, HOSSA LINE is fucking dirty tonight!!!! i think franzen is gonna get a hat trick and hossa and filpula are both gonna get at least two goals.



edit i fucking called it hossa with number two!!! tis line is on fucking fire!!!!!!!

wht a great fucking game this is right now. so much energy.

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