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Outtakes from the forthcoming book Graffiti Underworld: Villains, Vandals, and Visionaries


Includes exclusive material from Teel and Ether.


I’d say it was 2003 or 2004, it was post 911. Me and this dude Shock and Ski-rock were in Chicago. Ski-rock’s from Paris and Shock is from Minneapolis, but he lived in Chicago for a short period of time. We were planning on doing this end-to-end with pieces, all matching colors and shit. I met up with Ski-rock and Shock couldn’t make it because of some family stuff. So we’re just chillin’. Our whole concept was to do these burners and eventually it turned into like, “well, this dude’s not comin’ so we should just do wholecars.” But, one, we don’t have a car to get to the spot and, two, we don’t have any ladders to do the wholecars. So we walked from Ski-rock’s crib, two miles to this Home Depot that was open 24/7 and we bought a fucking ladder because we only had enough for one ladder. I don’t know what we were thinking. Then we take the train towards O’Hare International Airport, they have a yard out there. It’s a pretty well known yard. You have to run across the highway to get into the fucking yard. So we take the train to the stop closest to the yard and we’re walking through this waste land area with a commercial building here and there. There’s no reason to be walking there whatsoever and we’re walking with this ladder. People are looking at us and shit. We get there and the spot wasn’t looking too good but we’re kinda like, “fuck it.” So we go into the spot and we’re trying to find a pocket where we can get flicks of our shit and there weren’t any pockets laid up. We just took the train out there so we were more committed to this spot. If we had a car we probably would have said, “fuck it, we’ll do it another time,” but since we took the train all the way out and we got this ladder and shit and all this paint, we’re like, “fuck it.” So we go into the spot and go to this aisle where we normally paint. We weren’t really thinking too much, so we start doing our fucking wholecars.


We’re sharing the ladder so I’m doing like the top half of my shit first and he’s doing his bottom half and we switch out. He’s doing his letter by letter and I’m doing mine like the whole top half and the whole bottom half. He comes over to me and he’s on the K of his Ski-Rock and he’s like, “yo dude, if I keep painting this, when I paint my K I’m gonna be visible from the highway.” We were just so used to doing pieces there that we weren’t thinking. This dude is telling me this and trains are going past the active track behind us. The trains basically trap us into the yard and then there’s the highway. We’re right by O’Hare and shit. So I’m trying to do the math in my head. To do a top to bottom K is like the equivalent of a giant fill which takes 2-6 minutes. It just like doing a highway spot so maybe we could get away with it. Fuck it, right? So I’m doing my background shit. All I had was my aura left to do and all the sudden this dude comes running down to me. He’s like, “bro, I just seen fuckin’ Illinois State Police go off the next exit ramp.” So we start snapping our flicks even though we’re not done. He basically had his whole shit done accept for some of his background and aura, but it was totally legible. So he had like half his O and his K hanging out facing the highway. I grab the ladder and we start running across all these active tracks. There’s third rails and whatnot. In Chicago the third rails aren’t covered like they are in New York and everywhere else. The only other place I’ve seen them not covered is Boston. We hop onto the highway with the ladder and we’re dodging cars and we ditch the ladder on the highway and the paint, everything except the still camera. We make it out to the street and we realize that we forgot the video camera and it looked like it was going to rain. I’m like fuck it, I’ll go get the camera. So this dudes waiting at a bus stop and I run and get the camera. When I get back his dude’s like, “mu-fucking cops are pulling into the yard right now. I just saw like fourteen fucking police cars pull up into the yard.” There are CTA cops, Illinois State Police, O’Hare Airport Security, Rosemont police, and Chicago police. Every fucking precinct neighboring to Rosemont all flew past him and started pulling into the yard. So we get up and cross the street. I had the memory card for the camera stashed in my hat and this dude’s got the camera. We make it to the train station and there’s police all over it. We just blend in to the crowd and took the train back to his crib. We put the flicks on his computer and they’re not the dopest flicks because they’re high angle flicks but you can tell it’s a top-to-bottom. I’m thinking, whatever I can go back in the morning and try to get it rolling from the lay-up. Usually when they spot you painting the trains they’ll typically pull the train shortly after they see you. So they pulled it first thing. So we see it chillin’ in the shop with all the shop doors open so we could see our wholecars chillin’ in the shop but we couldn’t get flicks for shit. That was my first whole car.


More at http://www.Graffitiunderworld.com

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