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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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I got to try both of these last week. One lived up to the hype, one didn't. The heady topper is best IPA I have ever had.


I just polished off the last can from a case of Heady Topper today, damn good. The CBS I have enjoyed on draft before, but did not take the extra effort to ensure myself a bottle. With all the hype on the release, I became discouraged with "scoring a bottle".

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i haven't been drinking as much lately but genny does it again.








they delivered kegs and 12 packs of the genny heritage in a horse drawn carriage.


if any of you fools are old enough to know, 12 horse is the Genny cream ale's cream ale. seriously awesome for 7 bucks a 12 pack. i heard they brought it back and released the heritage genny 12 pack (12 horse re-issue, genny white lable and cream ale) because they found a shit ton of the old bottles at the brewery. either way i'm fuckin stoked on drinking again.

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correct me if Im wrong but most of the mouth feel is the carbonation, the unfermented malts/sugars, and the other solids dissolved in to solution (proteins, hop oils, and yeast esters).


So, assuming that is correct, the grain bill for an N/A beer would have to be really abbreviated, plus how would you let the yeast work?


These are questions and assumptions... @protester


The other contributor to mouth feel is the alcohol content. Being as alcohol is essentially bone dry, it can trick the tongue a bit. High alcohol beers are generally associated with sweetness, because they require a very strong first running wort, rather than a low grav beer which would use a lot more water in the mash and sparge.


So you're right in what you've said. To create a 'non-alcoholic' beer (there's never truly a zero percent beer, but by law anything under 1.5% (might be different in the states) is considered NA) you have to use either a shit load more water on sparge, or a lot less grain in the bill.


What we are looking at to create the low alcohol is getting an original gravity that will put our final alcohol by volume figure in the range of under 1.5% (I'm aiming for under 2%). This side of it is fairly easy to work out, a lot harder to actually achieve on my brewhouse.


Working on the basis that I want a 2% beer, I need to achieve a starting gravity of just 1.015 - which is where I normally FINISH ferment.


I think my biggest thing here will be yeast. At 1.015 there's not a hell of a lot of ferment-able sugars in the wort, so it's possible the yeast will just give up straight away... but before it does, it will get stressed and start converting some other nasties in order to live. So I need to find a yeast robust enough to handle this, and probably also Oxygenation will be necessary on transfer to start the ferment.


Clear as mud? Yes. I am still researching though!

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Good stuff. I'll keep you up to speed when I make it, I'm aiming for brewing it on the 8th.


I've heard of some people pitching yeast only into the bottle straight away, instead of doing a primary ferment. It'll be trial and error. I'll do some that way, and some in my traditional two stage style.


The fucked thing is I can't send any to the states *Sorry NBB* - I just tried to send a bottle of something I made to a bloke in the US and they destroyed it at customs, I can no longer send any alcoholic product (even 1.5% :/) to the states unless it's through import/export channels.




It's nearly 8am and I haven't had a beer yet. Hmm. Might go check on the Belgian Ale in the coolroom....

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i would not consider myself an alcoholic.

a few years ago i wasn't so sure of that, but i've mellowed out and am okay not drinking. i'm just a binge drinker and it comes in phases, i don't like getting schwasted without a real reason to. i just like good beers and good drinks that pair with food.

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