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your correct there are far worst but they are being told that they suck no one is telling this dude that he sucks when they should be i see a big circle jerk on this forum with him and his friends in the last few pages and i just dont see the hype and i have never heard of him or his crew like you said factory its my opinion and i am entitled to it and i am pretty sure others share my opinion but wont say anything about it and like i said all of his internet graff buddy's will come to the rescue and all of them are basicly toys themselves more people need to tell toys about themselves or that they need to improve instead of just letting them think they are hot shit it will motivate them to keep working on there style motivate them to get up more instead of putting up there own pics online thinking they are some sort of style king when they clearly are not as for me posting my work you said it best i like my anonimity but ive seen various people on this forum if i am not mistaken you included put pictures of my work up on many occasions i am done with this conversation as i stated in the beginning if you are getting up and your stuff is fresh others will post your work you wont have to and that was one of my main points


I want to apologize if im being overbearing by continuing the conversation, but i feel like the discussion is productive if one could call anything said on this website productive. Im not trying to challenge you here, i just appreciate the exchange.


I agree with you one hundred percent that self promotion on the internet is wack. I think its lame when i see people in a crew im affiliated with doing it. The fun and satisfaction of seeing your stuff online is the implied props from other people seeing your work, and self promotion is a shortcut.


But we live in a different time. And not many people can say anymore that they're above promoting themselves online. and they shouldnt have too, it is what it is. in a day and age where kids no longer go outside to live their lives, scope spots, socialize with other writers, etc. the internet is one of the last outlets of communicating to the scene. its the modern day bench. And to me there is nothing wrong with using a tool that is available to us. I mean here you are too right?


that being said whats wrong with exchanging and sharing our personal collections of flicks that would otherwise not be seen? You didnt come at minus to make a point about integrity as a writer. You came at him to belittle him. If you're really concerned about improving the state of graffiti by motivating less skilled writers as opposed to just feeling big, then you could actually do that. Until then i think youre doing more damage to the game by just insulting one of the few cats that actually does what people complain younger writers dont do.

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