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ommg R.I.P. to IDONTEVENWRITELIKETHAT he was struck by a taxi this afternoon on 6th ave and 14st. I was unfortunatly on the scene and witnissed him get hurt and later die under the yellow taxi. What a way to end the year off. You will be missed IDONTEVENWRITELIKETHAT. FUNERAL arrangements will be held in the BX at the marker making mop spot.[/color][/font][/size][/b]


LMAO fuckin clown..:lol:

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Yo i just seen some crazy shit my sherlock, mothafuckin ESS was just discovered by the five-oh on Houston taking back the shepard fairy/ghost tribute wall. my famalams was hitting up the spot with a red kryon and a 1/4 filled can of silver rusto, i was afraid he wasnt gonna make it to the last shadow but my little mosquito pulled threw with enuff paint and enuff balls to run from the paleece. unfortunatly he was approhended in front of his apartment after hitting on an undercover cop and offering ear sex. RIP ESS

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BEEF: Rank Vs. Vent 1


Rank: "Who caught a beatdown bitch"

Vent: "Lost all their shit in one day"


Western Queens Graff Madness. Rank (TRK) was a rooftop king, from around 88 to mid 90s TRK had every rooftop facing the N line locked down. Vent (BS) straight up bombed streets and highways all over queens. Both had retired awhile until Vent Rexo and sometimes Rid came back out mid 2000s. No idea the story behind this beef but when I saw this wordy madness I had to shoot it. Seems like some mad personal shit.


Circa 2005ish.

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