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yo bxana what the fuk is wrong with you b .. who you mad at posting such bull shit .? are they your boys? whats the reason for such bull shit b .. for reals b


nope not my people but you the one that sound mad why you so atracted to shitty fills.....that saper and nemz shine harder then whatever that says

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man honestly ya slobbin big time.



fills over outlines anyday n ya know this.

and lord let me bump into one of ya niggas outie on a spot i want ima scoop that aswell.

something disrespectful would be catchin a tagg or trynna do a outline over his outlines or raggin a piece blah blah blah...no disrispect 2 tabe and tabe only cuz he threw ric and miss 17 up there but miss 17 and ric deffinetly got my respect regardless... miss17 still doing it big and ric got his history as we all know.


ya oldskool niggas gotta quit is 2010 beeeee stick 2 books and websites while da young niggas take care of the streets if you not cope2 and ya talkin wild crazy on 12oz when you pass 25yrs old with no type of reck rockin anymore you deffinetly in the wrong thread or even probly living the wrong life nahhh meannn? we not in the 80's no more my groovy fella's. mainly papo nigga is like 45 on 12oz doing his h.w on niggas this pedifire stalkin ass bracc head talkin about keep it 10 -_- ill be suprised if ya niggas havent gotten the neck from this homothug papola on this site.


and yes this is ok$ writin all this shit.but im off this bluhhh the streetz is callin me,ill have the lil goonz holdin 12oz for me and for the rest of ya so called bombers hoffa at me in the streets mannn im outheaa i fight too wassup.we could do this!!!lol




ok its spelled PEDOPHILE 1st off... is that what you were trying to type? get off that dell shit and grab a mac my queer-o-sexual... they got this f12 button.. ittl tell you how to spell ANYTHING in the english language...ANYTHING!!!poor kids only take time to learn how to spell they tag

&cant read! nigga prolly needed help filling out the census :lol:(if old enough to get one)

if the young niggas were takin care of the streets PROPERLY then theres no argument.. but THAT SHIT!?? common kid.. you know deep down in ya heart you wish you were better at this... no type of WRECK? my ham sammich, niggas had wreck when ya moms was buyin u hard bottom shoes for easter..


you fight too?? :lol: if tabe caught you on the streets it would be


"PLEA PLEA PLEA PLEA nah bro i respected ur shit from back in the days but fills over out...*punch*"


pajama pants wearin outside ass nuthings.... afterbirth... the goo from the golden age... whats left over.. bastard unwanted children with no sense of respect...a.k.a flash in the pan oner


i feel for your generation...u dont know what LIVING truly is.. or reading for that matter

but enjoy your 15mins...ittl be gone b4 u know it..

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1st off my nigga I didn't say that fillins can't go over outlines, but obviously you didn't hear or better yet understand what I was saying. The point is tabe is a old school NYC / Bronx bomber. And you being from that neighborhood should show that respect, not like respect like he punking you but respect like dam thts a older bomber nigga that paved uptown Bombing for you and everyone you looked up to. But I can see your knucklehead mental couldn't possible comprehend the point I was trying to toss in your direction without thinking I was being disrespectful. But clearly besides looking at that billboard I can tell your a fucking toy,and you gonna say about older niggas should stay on 12oz? Nigga your on this shit everyday posting your garbage cause yor a fucking toy, zero letter structure your fill/ throw-up style is horrible. I don't care how much you paint, shit counts for nothing If your garbage. Quality over quantity. I think that day mista hit you over the head with that shovel fucked your head up alil too much. Instead of shitting on these "old school niggas" you should grab a note pad and do some studying. Instead of riding around on that corney ass bike stupid, cant you see your what's wrong with graffiti in 2010? Your a modern day soulja boy talking shit to nas. Next time u on that roof fam, jump off.... Do us all that favor. Trust me, you won't be missed...







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