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whos hating?? why does the truth have to be "hating"??? man up and get your style right. all you kids always saying people are hating. this is a graff forum and best believe your shit will be critiqued so get that style up and then post your mess. and that whole canvas thing got so out of hand with you toys. all i see are horrible pieces and throwies on canvas. leave the canvas for bob ross



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1. i qouted who was it for so must be retarded

2. i could careless what u say cuz obviously your retarded

3. u goes by what everybody says on 12oz so makes u a jock

4. u dont even bomb u just stay on here and hate on people who does bomb




Yo my dude I'm not trying to get into your e-beef, but proof read before you click send cause you sound wild dumb and uneducated when you put things like this up. Granted you careless what people think of you on 12oz or listen to them? But sometimes when people say something enough times it's based on truth. You should stay off 12oz for a bit and get a Blackbook look at the elder model "graff" citizens from your boro and develop your style more. And stop posting pics of your own shit, if you putting in the proper work it will be notice and someone else will compliment it by posting the pic....... Just some advice (even though you don't listen to people on here, but I

sure you read it) just take it into consideration.

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what ya old school writers dont understand is that ya 2 busy talking so much shit in stead of bombing my fault old vino u must be the best graffiti writer in the world if u can quit for 10 years and still be known


no chubby wubby... what you dont understand is that just because your "bombing" (i wouldnt know because i honestly never seen you up in the street. not even tryna hate) doesnt make you nasty with it, or label you king, or in your case "the TALK of NY". there are plenty of newjacks putting in work with style and class. you can tell whos learning or progressing and whos jocking and regressing. your obviously horrible at graff because your style hasnt improved one bit. i have seen niggas improve on a daily basis and you my friend suck and your name isnt original at all. aside from the fact that you copied your name from another toy who been bombing for years and still sucks and has not even put a dent in the game. you can say im "hating" all you want but the truth is your whole life probably sucks and you portray that by the way you speak and force the 12oz viewers to see your toy shit until they ban or block you. you suck homie. thats all. your fat and your style shows how you roll. fat smelly and ugly. just like your room.

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no chubby wubby... what you dont understand is that just because your "bombing" (i wouldnt know because i honestly never seen you up in the street. not even tryna hate) doesnt make you nasty with it, or label you king, or in your case "the TALK of NY". there are plenty of newjacks putting in work with style and class. you can tell whos learning or progressing and whos jocking and regressing. your obviously horrible at graff because your style hasnt improved one bit. i have seen niggas improve on a daily basis and you my friend suck and your name isnt original at all. aside from the fact that you copied your name from another toy who been bombing for years and still sucks and has not even put a dent in the game. you can say im "hating" all you want but the truth is your whole life probably sucks and you portray that by the way you speak and force the 12oz viewers to see your toy shit until they ban or block you. you suck homie. thats all. your fat and your style shows how you roll. fat smelly and ugly. just like your room.


yes cuz im the fattest person in the world i cant climb shit my room stinks worst bums on train and i wear broken tees and i wear same jordans every day u no my whole life how bout u post some of ur work that way i can no how graffiti looks go ahead i got my notebook ready

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talk of ny. lol i cant get over that one. i mean ive seen it all. and sometimes the shit toys be writting in their fills amazes me. its like when a nigga writes- " IM BACK!!!" and he hasnt even been in the game 3 years. c'mon son


can u shut up and post some of ur pics of ur work im ready 2 take notes

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yes cuz im the fattest person in the world i cant climb shit my room stinks worst bums on train and i wear broken tees and i wear same jordans every day u no my whole life how bout u post some of ur work that way i can no how graffiti looks go ahead i got my notebook ready


there u go kid. admitting and recognizing one selfs flaws is one of the first steps to leaving the "toy" phase. :rolleyes:

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can u shut up and post some of ur pics of ur work im ready 2 take notes


lol and you said i was mad?? your steaming hot right now chubby. like my chemist cincinatti would say " regroup and come back harder" your looking extra hurt in the gut my spew. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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