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Addressing the problem, the NYPD's expected to announce plans at an MTA meeting Monday night to double the amount of undercover cops riding the subway. The New York Post explains, "The extra cops are wrapping up a five-day training program in which they have been taught how to behave like preferred targets -- passengers who are knock-down drunk or asleep."


That jake tom-foolery is old news...they been doing it forever. You clearly need to re-watch "Money Train".

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Also, why the fuck would they announce that they'll be pretending to "sleep" or "be drunk"......blowing up there own spot


At the end of the day I seen people get robbed who were alert/awake waiting for the train. :lol: I witnessed some dude on the E,D line on 7th avenue just snatch some Chinese woman's iphone right out her hand and book it.

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haha u dammmm rite.....at least he shoulda put a number after his shit....wtf





Yep that's right.... That's old school dek tpa.. That's fine growing up I didn't frequent bushwick so I didnt see his car pass thru and Im not from the train era so Growing up I thought I was the only one like a young rookie and toy. I've met several dudes whose part of the same crew, dudes that's painted with him and dudes that looked up to him. After thy I don't owe none of yah no convo or explaination. But seems like yah more like dick writers to me... So let's sart from the beginning what do you write? Or more e-thugs? Mom left for the day you can jump on the comp all day... That's cool. So state your name gangsta

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Niggas is straight buns... Sitting here at 2:20pm postin like 30 pics on the Internet... Nigga u don't got a job? School pussy to get? U sitting in front of a computer monitor posting pics? You fucking dirty ass booger bummy niggas still living at home ass niggas man... Go was your dishes and make up your bed before your step pops spank your broke ass.... Tired of yah bum niggas... No talented, no ups, no skills, just sit here criticing people shit but you got ZERO ups. And if you a has been then remain there yah bum ass nigga...

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It's amazing how many of us live in the same city this is happening in, yet so many people have no idea what's been going on.


On that iPod theft stuff, I didn't grow up with decepts or anything but I'm a native and I know how to ride the fucking train and not be food.


Put your shit away and keep the big bills in your sock. I've still got women in my family who ride the train with change in a stocking.

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Aka you a ok pussy nigga too scared to mention his name cause you got a couple scrappy things floating around and you don't want them dissed right? Or a young pussy whose a career blogger on 12oz... And stop name dropping unless its your name... Quit skinning niggas down ..... Pussy

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