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shits really about to get real with this #occupywallstreet thing at 6am today, anyone going to check it out? prolly gonna be a riot n shit


this is the beginning of a new age all throughout the 2000's people slept and believed whatever they heard or saw on the media but now it seems that people are waking up and by 2012 things will change! viva la revolucion!

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Yo those hippies need to b shot if it wasn't for big business no one would have jobs Fucking dumbasses


the hippies complaining about the banks and what not hold some validity though, the whole fiat currency and what not


but other then that you can probably count the amount of people that actually know what there talking about on one hand. rest are doing it just for the sake of doing it so they can tell their third generation hipster grandchildren they were part of something back in the day

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