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asp was too the left of me..He went over kabo


kabo who used to do the k backwards right...damm he dont write nomore as far as im concern since i aint see him up in a while but its good to let niggas wit style rock most of all if ya had done that wall together...and 3ess throw up aint even that ill son..thats just my opinion. if niggas is gonna rag somethin thats been up for years..at least use style...

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kabo who used to do the k backwards right...damm he dont write nomore as far as im concern since i aint see him up in a while but its good to let niggas wit style rock most of all if ya had done that wall together...and 3ess throw up aint even that ill son..thats just my opinion. if niggas is gonna rag somethin thats been up for years..at least use style...




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Yea you right alot of dudes can't piece and that's them.... My argument is there are dudes that can't tag piece or do a proper fill-in. But be in the sticker or print up thing..... Look at it this way how you got people piecing and can't even do a tag? Or fill in? And my argument about dudes that don't piece.... My thing is progression. I'm not telling anyone what to do... But if you bomb and don't piece where is the progression? Evolution?


Yea we can name some greats that's just bomb.... But if you limit yourself to a neighborhood or just a boro and you got..... 9- 10 years in the game then what? I mean if you Bombing and your going cross country... International I can dig it.... But how many fills can you do in the bx and lower manhattan before you start making your letters connect and build some letter structure.... From the 70's- 80's there was a progression and from 90's to 2000'a also and so forth should continue. But just printing 1000 labels and ***jouksing a famous company logo is cool but for how long though? Alot of new cats ain't putting in that work...they need to work on them letter and there graffiti with spray paint. ***They flipping someone else logo and running with it... Yea it's creative but if that's what you doing it's more like signage and not graffiti in the aspect we grew up on. Get some spray paint. Go catch some tags, fills straight letters and start them connections. Real talk I'm sure everyone you can name as a great had progressed. We may not have a pic of a Ja piece but I bet when he was 25 he playing with letters, And if we wanna make a list of bombers I bet you all them bombers you gonna name is from the 90's and early 2000's..... So the new 2000's graffiti writers should be the ones to evolve the game even more... And not just go "fill-in bombing" thAts why I give niggas like sento for example respect... Dude went all city illegally piecing on lines where kids just do 2 color fills....... It's sad... There are some I'll young cats Doing it and progressing and I def tip my hat to them.... Whore story you was doing fills and what not tag bombing I seen the pics of connections and progression so I would def expect you to understand it. Doves for example we know is a ill piecer but he didn't get that way by just doing that... Study tags fills straights to become what he is now....... This is just general talk and conversation we having.... This isn't about a particular person..... Lemme know what you think Mr. story....


Well, as for the sticker thing etc. We didnt grow up in a big, computer savvy era. Nowadays people at a fairly young age are introduced to internet, and new technology on almost a daily basis. , I think thats why some of the newer writers / artists are more into the stickers / posters and stuff like that. Of course there are others, SMART MQ BNE (as sumone mentioned before), who put in work... and have evolved with the times of technology.

"A bomber with no piecing skills, wheres the progression ?" . . . . . hmmm, its to vague of a question. Because there are countless writers who have NEVER got any better. Unless you consider perfecting their throwup to look like a label, always clean, progression. It is... but the progression ceased there.

Same thing with numerous piecers, their pieces are the same OVER and OVER, except the color schemes changed and an arrow or two are changed up.

I understand what u mean about the young cats who are progressing, but we are OVERWHELMED with writers, who have the mind set of quanity nowadays, over quality. Ive learned that the 90s will never be again.... jus as the 80s will never re-occur. (unless total world war occurs)

As for Sento, great example, but, i guess its jus the times, and how things have changed, the seriousness of graff charges now. The fines, etc. And it regulates to much, on how graffiti can be done,

Then , you got the opposite side, a person who can piece, but never bombed, .. he goes thru the same i guess "hate" becase of hiis/her concentration on piecing, over bombing. Main point tho, i give props to any new innovation of graff, and usually say , dam wtfk didnt i think of that. Ive always had a hatred for legal graff, but have done a few legal pieces, and have come to terms that its part of the whole graff scene in general, as is toys, and the progressers, and the 20 year vets who never truly progressed..


Indeed an educated debate. At least some people can have em .. lol @invisible mann ... whats ur input youngstah,... lol

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