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damn man i use to respect the btc crew spek was a solid writer so were all the other dudes like mixer ways eno cek poster hektad jee since and so on ..but all those guys dont seem to be around anymore i see alot of toys taking over that crew.. and beating up 15 year olds come on guys atleast shoot the fair one its not looking good for the future

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1st off nigga you deff didn't trip or fell everyone saw u get the kane choke slam ... 2 I wanted the fair and I deff dididnt want btc 2 jump u 2 be honest it was me who picked u up from off the floor my tony danza... But wateva land you 15 ok?? Wtf u write graff right??? U rack right??? U was in the bar ?? Nigga my fist and anybodys fist got no age limit so really CMON SON!!!! All I got say is btc and wto holds it down and for that nigga talkin shit about btc how niggas shouldn't have done that lucky it wasn't u on the other end of it..... I didn't hear anyone last night say stop let alone say zexo or since or any of us just sayin other then that BUMP LAST NIGHT sHIT WAS WAVY

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