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its all g fam.. at least ya got ralph lauren sneakers.. them shits been hot siiiiiiiiiiince...


o wait, i dont think you were out there when polo had decent lookin footwear


them shits look like skippies with a horse on em now :lol:


AND you scuffed em climbing a fence to flick bad graff..

whats the sq root of FAIL? :lol:


:scrambled: :lol: :lol: :eek: :scrambled: :lol:


That was quite funny.

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What's funnier then that is how fucked up the city is right now. I pause to laugh at the stations with the booths removed and see people actually pay money to get asked for change from some honda driving fake homeless lady, sit next to shitty smelling ladies that smell like 30 years of jewish cooking and see YEWS stickers half peeled off. Then to look up and see the posters about system improvements that are snow white and absorb permanent ink so well.

It's going to snow again lol this city is going to be a mess.



oh well.



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B, my periods and arrows on my tags are way better than half this thread................I could pull out a marker and burn you wit out even writing............That's why my shit is invisible, I don't even have to write to be noticed. One of my tags gets more attention then 15 of ya'll niggas throws.


Very true. I was watching money talks and you came off just to let you know.

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All these cats from the heights catching feelings. Ya niggas needa practice more then talkin shit and self promoting on here. If you spent half the time practicing ya throw up then talkin on here yall would be a little more decent. Then niggas would take you more serious.

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damn son you would think if nikkas was really somebody in the graff game or some one who was really nice and been doing it for 10 or 20 plus years they would wanna drop a jewel on a nikka bee its ashame that the state of graffiti is the way it is but its only like this because of old heads who have to big of an ego to bless nikkas with a few tricks of the trait here and there but instead they down play the youth of graff and hate instead of being proud the shit is still going

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its not about ego's its about learnin to get styles yourself. mommy aint gana hold ya hand forever. niggas gotta learn and practice on the dolo. any1 can just write on a wall but wat seperates writers from average joe's is talent my dux. you niggas needa spend more time practicin then sitting here self promoting hurt throws. graff wont eva be wat it used to b. mainly cause of websites like this and the internet in general but ya grab ya pens and pencils and practice god. just givin ya a piece of mind. 2011 is going to b 1 hell of a year

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