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Listen lil nikka, imma let ya little assinine comment pass, with just a little explanation... cuz maybe you on drugs or something.. TEM is my fam, straight up. So you even think about ever saying anything on the belittlement of him, you are going to have a big problem.


Second of all, since when does a nikka have to do graff.... to get some love and an RIP ? Start looking around homie, there is RIP murals, tags... pieces,, of alot of people who "aint even a writer"


And its not a piece, it was part of a stomper that I did, for 3 friends who passed away TEM WOE POKE ...... Fk the graf shit, wether they wrote or not..... who the fucks is you to state a claim on who can get an RIP done or not.


And for the record, TEM did do a little something here n there... but graf wasnt what he did. But doesnt mean anyone, nor i ... cant show him love thru the graff that I do.


ite you got a point. RIP RASK KED

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What's with all the God? Your not 5 percenter, allah born. Oh wait, you saying it çause you hear it in the Wu-Tang songs right? You sound immature, arguing with Space. Which one of you is toyer.


nah not at all god. i know my supreme mathmatics, you know yours? been(arm,leg,leg,arm,head) allah born there for im god just as you are. dont question my knowledge wisdom and understanding god. you should go pick up that problem book...:cool:

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