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Hippies Scale Golden Gate Bridge to Post "Free Tibet" Banners


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some protester in france rushed a big crowd of cops to get to the torch and tried putting it out with a fire extinguisher. that takes some balls, knowing that he's going to get fucked up by the cops.


i think that these protests are working pretty well, they wanted to draw attention to the tibet crisis and thats exaxctly what they did, hopefully china will get fucked and recall all of their personnel from tibet.


and if nothing else, i fucking love watching the protesters getting dropped when they run into the cops.

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Since when has a movement moved anything? If I believed I could fly and jumped off a 10 story building cause I believed I could, would I get a commendation or would you call me a dumbass?


Martin Luther King Jr. was part of a movement and he changed the way black people were treated forever.

The Founding Fathers were part of a movement and started a new country that is the most powerful in the world today.

Abraham Lincoln was part of a movement and freed thousands of slaves.


You need to stop acting like a teenager thats pissed off at the world because his mom took away his xbox. If everyone in the world had an additude like yours the world would go to shit.

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It's always funny how people get pissed off about this stuff.

You see mad banners every day everywhere. You could basically have Coca Cola put banners all over your car and bedroom you'd all be "Oh, ok".

You get so many fucking banners shoved up your ass every day you don't even notice it anymore.

Unless it's some pretentious art student, trying to make you feel guilty.


Soccer dads criticize graffiti (and not advertisements), because you don't make a profit, or you havent paid for the billboards you paint.

If they can't understand it, it's not legit in their book.


I feel the traffic jam part.

And I hate when activists/organizations "make difference" by shoving all responsibility upon individual citizens

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I still support the olympics, and know people who will be in it this year.


the funny thing is, none of this news is being reported in China. I saw a piece on it while watching BBC, and they interviewed random ppl in China, none of them had any clue that there was any protests going on around the world

go figure

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hahahahaha yeah. basically. i didn't get it either. a ltta times she didn't rock it toomuch.... i guess she kinda has tits... but like... i dunno.... she's all loose and exheroin dirty... is this a bad time to ask for one of those green names?

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hahahahaha yeah. basically. i didn't get it either. a ltta times she didn't rock it toomuch.... i guess she kinda has tits... but like... i dunno.... she's all loose and exheroin dirty... is this a bad time to ask for one of those green names?


wow. i take back my offer to eat her ass.


mental note: no hippie poon evar again.

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yeah she was all funny like before we did it she made me run and get a condom and shit all sketch... and we talked about ita lot.... and she was like hinting that sh had no idea of her status it was pretty fucked up... but i was all jacked up and drunk and high.... damn.... it's weird to be sober.

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yeah she was all funny like before we did it she made me run and get a condom and shit all sketch... and we talked about ita lot.... and she was like hinting that sh had no idea of her status it was pretty fucked up... but i was all jacked up and drunk and high.... damn.... it's weird to be sober.



you should've asked her to get a razor.


hippie chicks are scared of them.

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