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to do lists


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i really like making lists.

especially the "to do" kind

what's yours?

maybe someone else's will inspire you.

come back and make a new one when the current one's done.

short- or long-term.


-see if i can find a replacement for a 1/8" guard i broke

-sort & burn the unbelievable nuber of music files i have

-pick a good weekend to go to houston

-register summer classes

-start applying elsewhere because i'm over this state

-hunt down some cool houseplants

-find my car, which has been missing (not stolen) for 1.5 weeks

-organize & put away this huge pile of laundry

-plan a thizz weekend with some old friends

-birthday shopping for family (their birthdays all come at once. it sucks.)

-finish this stupid canvas for a friend's new house

-plan a smallish summer vacation, which i need badly

-finish installing carpet in my apt.

-collect debt owed

-finish customizing some double identity kicks

-cook a few large meals to stock up teh freezar

-pay parking tickets

-shop for a new coffee maker

-research various doggies since kitty's getting very old and about to bite the dust i think

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cops 20 year episode is on re run right now

some crazy car crashes and stupid criminals


i just watched that.

keep your eyes peeled for the suicidal bitch wearing floral curtains who gets tackled by a cop, causing her to fall onto the huge butcher knife she's holding, thus gutting herself.



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To download

Forfeit '07 demo

25 ta life



No Redeeming Social Value


To do

Thin out that paint i racked 2 weeks ago

Get better at stealing cans

vivid blue am 90's

soc. midterm that was due last week

make more stickers

drop harder game on this bitch hannah

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i just watched that.

keep your eyes peeled for the suicidal bitch wearing floral curtains who gets tackled by a cop, causing her to fall onto the huge butcher knife she's holding, thus gutting herself.




i just saw a cop get punched in the face and his arm bitten and the next one showed a guy getting attacked by a k9 cop and he kicked a cop in the balls and used his partner as a shield against the k9 then the sheild busted his flashlight over his dome



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i just watched that.

keep your eyes peeled for the suicidal bitch wearing floral curtains who gets tackled by a cop, causing her to fall onto the huge butcher knife she's holding, thus gutting herself.





that bitch...blade all the way in...damn just damn

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my list for tonight..


-get picked up by some girls of mine.

-pick up a monster so i can stay awake.

-pick up some green.

-figure out if we're going to this club or not.

-follow plans through.

-come home.

-smoke a blunt.

-oontz it up.

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-find my car, which has been missing (not stolen) for 1.5 weeks






How does this happen man? Seriously.


goin to the bar? iwalked around with my boy lookin for his car on the side streets for hours before, literally hours

i didnt ride with him so i had no idea where it was


dude only had like two drinks and shit

the herbs did him in

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-find my car, which has been missing (not stolen) for 1.5 weeks






How does this happen man? Seriously.



long story short:

cops had it towed by a private company when i wasn't present.

(parked illegally)

cops are famously incompetent and shady here.

nobody seems to know where it is.

i'm left doing the detective work on my own.

the whole situation is unbelievably frustrating.

legal action on my part is in the works.

i politely decline to discuss it further,



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1.Study for these tests Monday and Tuesday

2.Pass said tests

3.Get a new job

4.Start exercising again

5.Keep living life in a more positive and drug free way.

6.Get some rims for the TL.

7.Get some vibration-dampening shit for the TL.

8.Find a bitch cus I could really use a girlfriend right now.

9.Start making music again.

10.Beat someone that deserves it the fuck up REAL bad. It has been too long. I need to relieve aggression and stress sometimes I think.

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