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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


there are some communities here, they're just generally small because 99% of this site consists of retards

who cares

guys who brag about how they fucked some girl from a bar that 30 other dudes have ran up in this year

thats how i get laid, so what.

and dudes who think acting tough over the internet is really cool.

thats gay. internet is gay

Go back into the young girls thread and post more pictures of 15 year old girls so the site gets shut down and you end up fucking over raven, like i wouldnt doubt is going to happen sometime soon if people don't stop being fucking idiots.

see i do feel bad for raven but you cant stop this shit so why sh--there was a young girls thread, holy shit

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


there are some communities here, they're just generally small because 99% of this site consists of retards, guys who brag about how they fucked some girl from a bar that 30 other dudes have ran up in this year, and dudes who think acting tough over the internet is really cool. Go back into the young girls thread and post more pictures of 15 year old girls so the site gets shut down and you end up fucking over raven, like i wouldnt doubt is going to happen sometime soon if people don't stop being fucking idiots.


If that faggotry was aimed at me, then do yourself a favor and show me one post where I posted flicks of 15 year old (or any age) bitches in the underage girls thread.

Because if that was aimed at me then you just made yourself look like an idiot by completely missing your mark.


If it wasn't aimed at me, then be more clear next time.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


it wasn't aimed at anyone particularly, and i definitely never said you were the one posting those pictures. i'm just saying, there are some girls who we all know are not 18 being posted on this forum, and raven is going to be the one catching the heat for it if it ever gets found out.


and to justintimberlake, quite frankly, i don't give a shit what you have to say. you can have fun fucking loose broads with herpes for all i care. And you were the one who brought up the community shit in the first place. I've met a lot of good people and made some great friends through this site. I'm over it, i'm not going to get heated over some guy who probably makes 20k a year and wants to shit talk me on the internet.


And lets be honest, if you've been here for awhile, you know this forum is worse than its ever been. sure, it usually has its ups and downs, but when great photo threads and shit disappear in one day with 15 replies and a thread about getting drunk and beating up your ex girlfriends boyfriends can go on for weeks, you know its hit the skids.


Its the internet, get heated. A lot of you are probably on some serious herb shit in real life, and wouln't dare talk shit to my face.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


oh oh.....best thread idea.....


write "CALIgula is the man" somewhere on your body and post flicks!



Tried to prop you but hav to spread theme around.


I loved deterrents shit spectrum idea, so original...:lol::lol:

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


And DAO are you sure you are a drunk and not on the meth?


Because seriously your arguing reminds me of classic methhead behaviours. Not calling you out or anything, but you seem to take this all too seriously.


Some of the ideas are classic, especially the brutal dildoes one. Is there really a contest about that shit?

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


it wasn't aimed at anyone particularly, and i definitely never said you were the one posting those pictures. i'm just saying, there are some girls who we all know are not 18 being posted on this forum, and raven is going to be the one catching the heat for it if it ever gets found out.


and to justintimberlake, quite frankly, i don't give a shit what you have to say. you can have fun fucking loose broads with herpes for all i care. And you were the one who brought up the community shit in the first place. I've met a lot of good people and made some great friends through this site. I'm over it, i'm not going to get heated over some guy who probably makes 20k a year and wants to shit talk me on the internet.


And lets be honest, if you've been here for awhile, you know this forum is worse than its ever been. sure, it usually has its ups and downs, but when great photo threads and shit disappear in one day with 15 replies and a thread about getting drunk and beating up your ex girlfriends boyfriends can go on for weeks, you know its hit the skids.


Its the internet, get heated. A lot of you are probably on some serious herb shit in real life, and wouln't dare talk shit to my face.



First off...




If there are actual real underage broads in that thread (which I doubt, but then I havn't been on there for a while) , then why you running your mouth about it? You're the one who's drawing attention.

You ever heard the term "dry snitch"?



And could you be any more obvious with your attempts to woo catface? LMAO! Good luck with that.


And no dawgs, YOU be honest. This forum isn't the worst it's ever been. I do see alot of dipshits (like you) growing old or something and bitching about the good old days though.

I've only been here since 03, but I've seen older threads get bumped and dawgs... there were some stupid ass threads back in the day.

So no, this isn't the lowest point in 12oz history.


LMAO @ your little disclaimer at the end though. I'm 90% sure that you probably are a fucking herb. And 100% sure that I would say whatever I say to anybody's face.

Whether on or off the internet.

That's just me.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


it's like DAO is on a crusade to make sure that all of 12oz understands that he is in fact an asshole, and the handle isn't a joke.



I am an asshole. I don't have to go on any kind of crusade to prove that.

But I'm only an asshole when it's called for and to whom it's called for.


But on some real shit though, "handle"?

Did you seriously just use the word handle?

The only times I've ever even heard that term was from cops trying to interogate me as to what I write. :lol:




Do you rock a mustache tomtom?

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


do they even have meth round that way?



I cant wait for them to be cooking the shit in hightower east coast projects... wait for a pressurized ether explosion coming to a hood near you

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


i've contriubted more good shit to this forum than the majority of the people on here. I'm over it though. do your thing in this thread and if you can convince some of the girls on the site to post up some vag shots, props to you. i'm not going to complain.


honestly, just close this shit though, its going nowhere fast. As far as dry snitching, theres threads on here about 20 year olds fucking 15 year olds. me pointing out the obvious isn't going to do anything other than possibly give raven the heads up that he wanted if there was any underaged shit being posted up.


I'm done in here. say what you will, but i'm not particularly phased by internet BS in my real life

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


And DAO are you sure you are a drunk and not on the meth?


Because seriously your arguing reminds me of classic methhead behaviours. Not calling you out or anything, but you seem to take this all too seriously.


Some of the ideas are classic, especially the brutal dildoes one. Is there really a contest about that shit?


Never even seen meth in my life. Wouldn't even know what it looks like.


But I have been known to argue that alcohol is as much of a stimulant as it is a depressant depending on the dosage.


And no, I'm not taking this serious. I'm just clowning niggas.

Not that I don't mean everything I say, just that I'm laughing while saying it.

Catface is the one who's getting butt-hurt and taking shit personal.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


i've contriubted more good shit to this forum than the majority of the people on here. I'm over it though. do your thing in this thread and if you can convince some of the girls on the site to post up some vag shots, props to you. i'm not going to complain.


honestly, just close this shit though, its going nowhere fast. As far as dry snitching, theres threads on here about 20 year olds fucking 15 year olds. me pointing out the obvious isn't going to do anything other than possibly give raven the heads up that he wanted if there was any underaged shit being posted up.


I'm done in here. say what you will, but i'm not particularly phased by internet BS in my real life


you are retarded. stop dropping ravens name like youre so high up on the 12oz ladder that you got him on speed dial. a pussy, and a retard. thats you.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


But I have been known to argue that alcohol is as much of a stimulant as it is a depressant depending on the dosage.


its a stimulant while your BAC levels are rising


a depressant while they are lowering



Thats one of the many gems I learned in some government drug/alcohol class

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DAO has moisturizer next to his bed.




Seriously buddy the first time you called me a faggot(a few pages back) and I blew it off.

Now you come at me again calling me fucking gay?

For what?

We all know that you sit in your single mom's double wide masterbating, claiming you're hitting the poon.

Honestly you're just filling tissues cause your pimply face can't get a real girl and its cheaper to beat off to online porn than to interact and actually go on a date.

Maybe when your long lost pops comes back after "buying those smokes" he can teach you a little thing about how to respect a lady cause obviously watching your mom come home drunk with a different guy every weekend isn't giving you any pointers. Its sad that this place has turned into a bunch of adolescent masterbaters begging and fiending for girls to show some vagina but seriously you sit back in that sticky chair with all your E-game and enlighten us. Tell us how you're going to attract all the decent ladies to the OZ and be sure to mention your motives are strictly to get some new beat off reference for yourself? I can't wait to see what the almighty DAO is going to lure for us to peep at.


I'll be up for a bit if you care to respond because I know you can't sleep on a count your mom is a loud lay and has a loose headboard.



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