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Duck Butter

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yeah, i'm a year behind from a major change (as in, hours were taken, but went to waste), not cause i took time off. as long as you take 12 hours every semester, which i did, you're good.


don't post penises, fag.




Nigga stop LYING!!!

You're 23 and still in college because you FAILED!!!


























































































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I was thinking.... That OBEY GIANT shit is really cool. I used to think it was super gay, cause it's all stencil/wheatpaste and the dude that made it has a super gay name, too... "Fairey"... would've thought he'd gotten a name change or somethin, but I just realized that that shit is so hot... I thought that should belong here.

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Because I can take that argument and apply it to ADHD just as easily as you want to apply it to my so called "junkie loser friends." I don't do heroin...or speed...or Adderall, and I can focus and function just fine.


What's your excuse?


i do consider addiction a disease, actually, just like i consider ADHD one.

in fact, both run in my family, and i'm currently watching several old friends' minds deteriorate from rampant ecstasy, acid, alcohol & benzo abuse. this past fall i got to go to the funeral of a younger friend (18, a fuckin child) who hanged himself shortly after graduating from E & pharms to H.

according to his sister (14), he realized early on that he was already beyond hooked (or assumed at leas) and decided to end things before he caused his family any more grief.

i've also got an addictive personallity, which i think is why i ended up that circle of friends, and why i spent about a year (a pretty short span, fortunately) teetering on the edge of developing a serious habit right along with them.

thankfully, i was able to slow down considerably before "adult responsibilities" really became crucial, and i re-prioritized before it was too late.


sooo you jumped to conclusions about me, i did the same about you & your friends. blah blah whoopty woop. deal with it.

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i do consider addiction a disease, actually, just like i consider ADHD one.

in fact, both run in my family, and i'm currently watching several old friends' minds deteriorate from rampant ecstasy, acid, alcohol & benzo abuse. this past fall i got to go to the funeral of a younger friend (18, a fuckin child) who hanged himself shortly after graduating from E & pharms to H.

according to his sister (14), he realized early on that he was already beyond hooked (or assumed at leas) and decided to end things before he caused his family any more grief.

i've also got an addictive personallity, which i think is why i ended up that circle of friends, and why i spent about a year (a pretty short span, fortunately) teetering on the edge of developing a serious habit right along with them.

thankfully, i was able to slow down considerably before "adult responsibilities" really became crucial, and i re-prioritized before it was too late.


sooo you jumped to conclusions about me, i did the same about you & your friends. blah blah whoopty woop. deal with it.




Is anybody seriously still buying this guys stories? Cause my bullshit detector is going apeshit with every post this guy types.

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i do consider addiction a disease, actually, just like i consider ADHD one.

in fact, both run in my family, and i'm currently watching several old friends' minds deteriorate from rampant ecstasy, acid, alcohol & benzo abuse. this past fall i got to go to the funeral of a younger friend (18, a fuckin child) who hanged himself shortly after graduating from E & pharms to H.

according to his sister (14), he realized early on that he was already beyond hooked (or assumed at leas) and decided to end things before he caused his family any more grief.

i've also got an addictive personallity, which i think is why i ended up that circle of friends, and why i spent about a year (a pretty short span, fortunately) teetering on the edge of developing a serious habit right along with them.

thankfully, i was able to slow down considerably before "adult responsibilities" really became crucial, and i re-prioritized before it was too late.


sooo you jumped to conclusions about me, i did the same about you & your friends. blah blah whoopty woop. deal with it.


Fair deal. When your friends start dying (trust me, they will) and you come on here looking for a shoulder to cry on, I'll crack wise about you and them being junkie loser codependent faggots...then tell you to suck it up when you call me a big bad meanie.


You have no fucking tact, and you keep proving it over and over and over.

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I was thinking.... That OBEY GIANT shit is really cool. I used to think it was super gay, cause it's all stencil/wheatpaste and the dude that made it has a super gay name, too... "Fairey"... would've thought he'd gotten a name change or somethin, but I just realized that that shit is so hot... I thought that should belong here.



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on a lighter note,

you know the party's nearing an end

when you wake up on a tuesday to find roomie feeding Jabba her breakfast on the couch

before sending her home to tend to her children.



skinny baw onna fat guh do watcha do

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haha fucking lovely


*but yeah, adderall and its cousins suck shit, as do college boys who think they're the shit for taking them on their rich parents dollar. you in for a rude awakening son, any time now.




my parents don't pay for it.

it's free for them, free for me.

it's like, an added bonus if you will.

i don't know how many ways i have to explain it.

y'all are a lost cause in the reading comprehention department, for real.

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No, I think I got the gist of it.


You're a hype, and your plan to make yourself look good in comparison to everyone here fell flat on its face when you admitted you get free dope prescribed to you.


Then after getting your card pulled repeatedly, you say "everyone here is stupid and can't read" even though you made yourself look like the hypocrite.


As a parting shot, you posted a picture of your roommate where you drew all over it and made fun of her. That's real classy, I hope she sees that and slaps you one time for all of us.

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Proving once again that you can't shine shit, and that college does not make you smarter.


Legit or not, you do speed. Get over yourself. Just because my doctor used to prescribe me 180 Percocets a month doesn't mean taking that many was a good idea...even if it was totally legal, it was far from ethical of him to enable me to do so. In the end I got strung out.


EVERYONE I know that was prescribed Adderall (including a few people who had never done drugs in their life) got into heavier shit at some point. Maybe you think you're going to beat the odds...I hope you do, but I think that you're taking a huge risk.

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my parents don't pay for it.

it's free for them, free for me.

it's like, an added bonus if you will.

i don't know how many ways i have to explain it.

y'all are a lost cause in the reading comprehention department, for real.


You are on their insurance right?

That don't mean the shit is free.

It means that they work to get the insurance or they pay for it flat out.

Their work = your high.

Case closed.

Go do your speed and shut the fuck up.

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