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If she wasn't fat......


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Seriously though it has been estimated that having sex for a half hour burns approximately 150 to 200 calories and sometimes maybe as high as 350 calories if you are really active in bed. Now have sex 6-7 times a day and the pounds could start coming off.

Also she won't be sitting home alone on a friday night eating a bucket of chicken with a tub of bon bons getting more fat, instead she'll be banging Frate Raper.

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Seriously though it has been estimated that having sex for a half hour burns approximately 150 to 200 calories and sometimes maybe as high as 350 calories if you are really active in bed. Now have sex 6-7 times a day and the pounds could start coming off.

Also she won't be sitting home alone on a friday night eating a bucket of chicken with a tub of bon bons getting more fat, instead she'll be banging Frate Raper.



I don't know about you homie, but last time I even had the urge to bang 6 or 7 times a day was before i was legal drinking age.


If you still got that kind of drive and you're old enough to drink at a bar, then more power to you.

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screwing fat girls may have advantages.

for example......peeing in her butt. with her fat ass and already low self-esteem, this would be easy. she wouldn't say no. she'd be happy, because she is finally getting some dick.

go for it dude.

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If you like her and find her attractive despite her size, I say do it. You have to go for yours, fuck what some dousche bag says. I'd rather have a girl I actually like and can stand more than a week than a penis orniment to impress other people

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I aint fat push, i'll bench press your body weight and out run a cop right now son!



Naw shes just cool, but not whiz cool, its more of a business thing I think, we get along cause were on the same boat. I'm not into her just a passing moment of shes cool as fuck!

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there are plenty of cool girls that wont make your dick soft after their clothes come off, i'd suggest finding one.


plus, summer is coming and since you're in shape i'm going to assume you like to do outdoor activities. do you really want to be chillin at the lake with the fat girl that wears a t-shirt in the water? nope.

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there are plenty of cool girls that wont make your dick soft after their clothes come off, i'd suggest finding one.


plus, summer is coming and since you're in shape i'm going to assume you like to do outdoor activities. do you really want to be chillin at the lake with the fat girl that wears a t-shirt in the water? nope.


Ahhahahahahhahahaha!!! I must say that I agree. Then again, I am a vain asshole and I wouldn't want someone that hurt my eyes each time I looked at them.

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