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Did I just get chumped by a bitch???


Did I seriously just get chumped by a bitch???  

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So a friend called me up to hang out at this bar. At first I told him I was broke and couldn't do it tonight.

Then I realized that this bar sells tallboys of a cheep beer that I can just buy a six pack and just smuggle that shit in in the pockets of my coat.

So I called him back and said it's on.

So I show up and hang out and play pool and shit. And some other homies are there and it is what it is.


So anyways, at the end of the night we all part ways and I'm in the car talking to one of my boys on the phone and this drunk couple are fighting and the bitch shoves the dude into my car all hard and shit and kinda fucks up my mirror.

So I tell dude on the phone "I'll call you right back" and get out like "what the fuck???"

bitch and her boyfriend imediately start talking shit so I pop dude in the face.

He backs off but his bitch comes at me like "what the fuck asshole!!!" and pops me in the face giving me a bloody lip.

I'm like "what the fuck bitch???" and swing over her shoulder popping her boyfriend in the face again.

Bitch swings again but this time I see it coming and just block the shit.

She keeps talking shit and swinging on me while her faggot ass boyfriend tries to tell her to chill so instead of hitting the bitch (like she had comming) I just spat in her face.

Bitch wilds out again trying to hit me again to no avail.


Then this Hummer or some shit pulls up with a fucking spotlight on it and bitch runs up to them spouting about how I hit her. Then these BIG ASS bouncers step out trying to fight me and shit swinging on me.

I'm just blocking the shit and telling them to ask her boyfriend what really happened and it's really only one of them comming at me though and he's like "fuck you, get the fuck outa here!!!" So I'm like whatever and go to grab my hat off the ground (that somehow found it's way on the ground while Thor was swinging on me) and dude just snatches the shit like "fuck you, this is my souvenir."

I'm like "your souvenir for what??? You aint earn shit. It was a bitch that gave me my bloody lip, you aint even land a punch!"

Then dude's big huge homeboy comes running up swinging and it was the same shit with me just blocking every punch, talking about "fuck you get the fuck outa here!"


So long story short I had to bounce minus my hat.

And the only person that even got in a hit on me was a fucking female.

But she was salty as shit after I spit blood in her face and tried to sic her goons on me and all's they came out with was my hat. They couldn't even land a punch.


So did I seriously just get chumped by a bitch?

Or did her boyfriend chump himself by not only not sticking up for her, but letting her fight his fight?

And more importantly, Are the big huge bouncers who couldn't even land a single shot on me more pussy than the female who actually did?


PS, my knuckles are stiff and bleeding from popping her boyfriend in the face.

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You got got, but atleast smashed on dude a couple times. Fuck it we all older cats no when to just chill out instead of supermanning that Ho, and wilding out and catching a Hot one while your not looking.


You handled it right. But you should have chilled and just busted out the Fail gif on there ass.


On a side note i loving spitting on drunk bitches.

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you win for sneaking tall cans into the bar.



Im betting 2 to 1 odds it was PBR


And I would say spitting blood in her face is a win, dude is more a chump than anyone and taking on 2 bouncers without getting hit is a win, even if they got a hat




the real question should be which is worse, getting chumped by a woman or getting chumped by legos

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Seems like you get into a lot of fights from what I can remember from previous posts.


Maybe I'm wrong though.



Either way...You got chumped. Not so much by the girl, but for leaving your hat.












I'd go back and kill everyone. That would learn 'em.

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a hats a hat. Your pride got hurt, and perhaps your lip. But imagine what that dirty bitch is gonna feel like in the morning when she rolls over and finds her man with a swelled up face looking like corky, and knowing that she isn't safe when she goes out with this little pussy who let her get spit on. She knows whats good. Besides, you can always just go to where these bouncers work and duff they asses out of the blue. Take their shoes while you're at it. That'd really teach 'em.

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Then I realized that this bar sells tallboys of a cheep beer that I can just buy a six pack and just smuggle that shit in in the pockets of my coat.




























































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Fuck that, get the ratchet out of the whip and rob your hat back. But thats it, nothing more.


Dudes hopped in the whip and drove off. I even went up to the window and said "why don't you come earn that shit. You didn't even land a punch".


In all reality though these dudes where each at least twice the size of gliks.

There're was nothing I could do. I guess I got chumped. Fuckit.

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a hats a hat. Your pride got hurt, and perhaps your lip. But imagine what that dirty bitch is gonna feel like in the morning when she rolls over and finds her man with a swelled up face looking like corky, and knowing that she isn't safe when she goes out with this little pussy who let her get spit on. She knows whats good. Besides, you can always just go to where these bouncers work and duff they asses out of the blue. Take their shoes while you're at it. That'd really teach 'em.


Word. I'll probably just leave them a message on their hummer.


"Here's your souvenir, bitch." in flat black sounds good.

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man i agree with bojangles


you seem to get into a lot of fights...


either way, you handled it a lot better than most of the people on her,

think about it, some dude hits your car, you hit him, his girl hits you,

you spit in girls face, dude stands there like a bitch, she gets bouncers,

you still walk away taking one punch from a girl


i'd chalk it up to an off night and get a new hat... maybe punch off hummer mans side view mirror as a souvenir if i see it around.

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Wow. How dumb are you? You dont make a poll and make the results QUESTIONS. Theyre supposed to be answers that we vote on. I couldnt vote. "YES YOU ARE A BITCH BECAUSE YOU GOT PUNCHED IN THE MOUTH BY A LITTLE GIRL AND THEN CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH WHEN SOME TOUGH GUYS STRONG ARMED YOU FOR YOUR HAT."


How the fuck are you going to let some faggot steal your hat? Stick up for your shit? You got fucking ROBBED by some roid heads.

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Rolled for the hat, but the rest of it sounds like you came out even to me.


Definitely time to throw some baloney on the roof and hood of the Hummer. It will take the paint right off if it bakes on during a hot day. Plus a potato in the tail pipe.


Oh, yeah. If it gets foggy or there's a light rain, take some radiator patch and put it along their wiper blades. It's really abrasive and it will scratch the shit out of their windshield.


Wear gloves.

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i dont know man, you got jacked for your hat. if it was a new era them shits cost a pretty penny now, like 30-40 a hat. its kinda like the bouncers pocketchecked you for 30 bucks.



its a double sided thing. you punked on the bitch and her man, but the bouncers kind of got the best of you.



like cluetwo says, thats when the heater comes out. 40 caliber mini glock in the holster.

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Wow. How dumb are you? You dont make a poll and make the results QUESTIONS. Theyre supposed to be answers that we vote on. I couldnt vote. "YES YOU ARE A BITCH BECAUSE YOU GOT PUNCHED IN THE MOUTH BY A LITTLE GIRL AND THEN CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH WHEN SOME TOUGH GUYS STRONG ARMED YOU FOR YOUR HAT."


How the fuck are you going to let some faggot steal your hat? Stick up for your shit? You got fucking ROBBED by some roid heads.



^LMAO! You still mad huh? :lol:









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