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Maybe its just me...


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but my school is fucking retarded... i cant stand this place...

i STILL cant believe i have to be escorted to EVERY SINGLE CLASS

by a fat ass balding ecko unltd wearing hall monitor..

what the fuck am i in elementary school or something??

and yet he has the nerve to bitch at me cause i went in the caf

to get breakfast and he didnt know i went..

well maybe you should've kept your eye on me then dumbass

if your suppose to be following me anyway...

and because of that, HE gave me another tardy and im up to 16 now so far...

it doesnt even feel like im in school anymore,

it feels more like a little busted ass prison or day care..

4 days out of the week when i was in the in school suspension room

there were kids in the rent a cops room getting arrested and escorted

out of of the school by the local authorities...

and yet my parents dont say anything about how they do things at this school..

they see it as, whatever they say goes, and they dont have no say so on anything...

yet if i let them know exacley how they do things here and treat students

i wouldnt be believed...

maybe i just have a problem with authority,

maybe im just really pissed and going on this random rant cause i dont want

to type out all the amendments and a paper on which amendments are good in my opinion...

or maybe i just need to smoke a blunt...

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by a fat ass balding ecko unltd wearing hall monitor..


Aren't you that kid who dresses in Ecko exclusively and bitched because your girlfriends parents wrote you off because of it?

Aren't you that kid who dresses up in Mark Ecko instead of the regular ecko for special occasions?


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I had a year's worth of detention for cutting class by the time I was a senior. So, I took my GED and said "HOLLA!"


I lived two blocks from school and my GF in high school lived a block away. It was pretty easy to cut class, and even easier to find reasons to do it.


If I went to your school, Tails, I'd be telling the faculty to suck my dick every time they said a word to me.

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I believe each year of high school I always seemed to fuck up right within the first few months and got to spend the remainder in "alternative school".


Which was 10x easier, no homework, and all the "bad" kids went there..meaning I was either tooted, or wasted the entire time.


Good times.

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I believe each year of high school I always seemed to fuck up right within the first few months and got to spend the remainder in "alternative school".


Which was 10x easier, no homework, and all the "bad" kids went there..meaning I was either tooted, or wasted the entire time.


Good times.


I had to go to continuation school to get my GED. That place was bananas. One of the security guards rolled up on my friend in the bathroom and grabbed him by the shoulder while he was taking a leak. I guess the narc thought he was smoking or something.


He got the tables turned on him when my friend spun around and decked him. Naturally, dude got expelled, but he said it was well worth it.


The art teacher used to smoke weed in his VW bus and hit on all the pregnant Mexican girls. Many bongs were made in that class. I got a A because I actually knew something about art.


It wasn't really high school, it was more like daycare...ridiculous shit happened on a regular basis. We emptied all the change out of the Coke machines so many times that they put a security camera in the cafeteria. We unplugged it and then they just got rid of the Coke machines.

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i went to a contiuation school for about 3 months before i left that spot too.


and its exactly how shai said it. its like free for all do what ever the fuck you want to. the teachers give you packets and you can just throw them in your backpack and just talk to chicks all day. leave the class whenever you want. (soda machine,bathroom,) anywhere. and you could subsitute any class of the day for P.E....art class was chill too. all the stoner dudes made wood pipes and shit. the teacher was an undercover stoner. one of the people where you can just tell.



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That was the part of high school I sort of miss...except for the rumbles that would happen.


Oh yeah, one of my best friends lived literally next door to my continuation school. That dude was easily one of the most scandalous, criminal-minded people I have ever met in my life. His lasting legacy was being a co-founder of one of the strongest graffiti crews in the Bay Area.


I wonder what happpened to that guy. He's probably locked up or married with kids now. Same difference.

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hahah i remember rumbles. i remeber one cracked off in the middle of an intersection in front of the school bus. and the bus stopped and blocked all the traffic. i loved rumbles. it was just random moments to get in and hit people. and i wasnt even a gangster. its so sad cause no one likes surenos at all where i was at. dude got beat hard. really hard.


i thought to myself, what where they thinking? ehh what ever . hahahaha

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Why the fuck is there a dude following you around? WTF???

That's the dudes job to follow you around???

Is that what goes on in schools these days???


yeah thats what he was assigned to do...

i doubt anyone cares... well i know no one really cares

but after today when he tried yelling at me i told him

dont talk to me like im your damn son just speak in a regular tone...

he didnt so i just walked away...

going to my last class i say hi to another hall monitor i know

and hes riiiight behind me nudging my shoulder saying

"comeon come on lets go come on you gotta get to class lets go"



so now im suspended for 10 days because of that....

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